Strangers: Sirius X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: Muggle World AU

Warnings: Food, Cursing, 

Posted on: 08/14/2021

We drive up to the town and park. "Okay, Y/n you can explore but don't leave the town, and please keep your phone on you at all times," My mom says and I nod. "Here is some money in case you find something you like or get hungry," my dad says handing me some cash and they walk off. I smile walking in the opposite direction of them. My hair getting into my face as I walk due to the wind. I move it out of the way and walk up to a hot dog stand. I get a hotdog with ketchup and sit on a bench eating it. Just as I take a bite some ketchup slips off just missing my pants. "Shit," I say jumping up. "No use in crying over spilled condiments" I hear a voice from beside me. I look over to see a boy around my age standing there with a hotdog like mine. "Hi," I say laughing a little. "Hello I'm Sirius you must be a tourist," he says and I nod. "I'm Y/n and yes I am how'd you know?" I ask and he smiles. "Everyone knows everyone here, you are a new face," he says and I nod again. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Sirius, that's an interesting name by the way," I say and he smiles. "Thanks, yours is nice too," Sirius says and I smile. I down on the curb and Sirius joins me. We talk and eat for a bit. Then Sirius suggests we go looking at the shops. "Sure why not," I say in response and he smiles. We walk around the shops until I see the sunglasses on his head. I snatch them and put them on. "I think these look great on me," I say and Sirius smiles. "Yes they do, You can have them. As a memento of remembrance,"  He says and I look at him stunned. "Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. "Thank you," I say hugging him smiling. He hugs back and just as we separate my phone goes off. I look at it to see a text from my mom saying to meet in the car. "I have to go but I'll see you again someday Sirius okay," I say and he nods. "Sirius Black by the way," He says. "Y/n L/n," I say before running off and going to find my parents.

-Many Years Later-

I drive into the town I'm to work at now and sigh. Memories of visiting here as a kid and that boy flood back. "Sirius Black," I say to myself, "I wonder if he's still here. Doubtful," I say to myself before parking in front of the house I purchased. I smile and get out, walking up to the front door and unlocking it. My stuff is already here. I quickly change and go exploring as I did as a kid. I walk into town and the first thing I do is walk into the vet clinic I'll be working at. "Ah Y/n you made it," Sandra says and I smile. "Yes I did, It's great to be here," I say smiling. "It's great to have you, I cant wait for you to start on Monday," SHe says and I nod in agreement. "I just wanted to come to say hello," I say before exiting. I place my sunglasses on my face and walk down the street. "Shit" I hear someone say and look over to see a gentleman with a hotdog that ketchup just slipped off. "No use in crying over spilled condiments," I say looking at him with a smile. He looks at me funny then shakes his head. "You're right," he says and I smile looking at his face for the first time. 'He reminds me of Sirius, That boy stuck in my head from the day I met him,' I think as I smile at the guy. "Have a good day sir" I say smiling before walking away. "Yo Sirius, who was she?" I hear from behind me. "Have no clue James, tourist maybe?" I hear the guy say and I glance back seeing the guy talking to another guy. "Sirius..." I say smiling and walking into a store. I look around the store and then see Sirius and two other guys walk in. "Hey, Remus what's up?" They all say in unison to the guy in the front of the store. "Hey guys nothing much just a slow day," He says and they all start to talk. I look at the shirts until I find a My Chemical Romance one and decide to buy it. I grab it even if it's a few sizes too big. I go to the register and put my sunglasses on top of my head. Most of the boys have spread out all but Sirius, he's sitting by the register in a chair. "This all?" The guy Remus asks and I nod. "Hey, cool shades they vintage?" He asks. "Yeah actually," I say and he smiles. "Mind if I take a look?" He asks and I shake my head taking the shades off my head and handing them to him. He examines them. "SB" Those your initials?" He asks and I laugh a little. "No actually I got the shades from a boy when I first visited this town as a teen, He was a sweetheart, they're his initials," I say as he hands me the shades back. "Awe that's sweet," He says and I nod. "Yeah I hope to find him again but the chances are slim," I say. "Do you remember his name? My friends and I know everyone from here maybe we can help" He says and I smile. "I do but it's not coming to me right now, maybe if I remember it later I'll stop by again," I say and he nods. "Yeah oh that'll be $12.49 by the way," He says and I nod paying and making my way to the door. Once at the door I speak. "Oh I remember his name, It was Sirius, Sirius Black," I say before walking out. I make my way down the sidewalk. Suddenly I feel someone grab my shoulder and spin me around. "Okay do I know you?" I hear as I look and see Sirius standing before me. "I don't know do you?" I say looking him in the eyes. "Oh my god, You weren't kidding when you said you'd see me again where you?" He says and I smile shaking my head. "I don't break promises," I simply say. He then hugs me and I hug back. "Hello Sirius," I say happily. "Hello Y/n," He says. 


I just got off work and am waiting for my boyfriend Sirius to pick me up. It's been two years since I moved and a year since we started dating. To say I loved this man would be an understatement. Finally, the car appears and I get in to see Remus instead of Sirius. "Moony what the heck wheres my boyfriend?" I ask and he smiles. "You'll see come on," He says and I get in. We pull up to the house to see Electric candles lining the walkway and rose petals all over the ground on a trail. "What in the world?" I say and Moony says nothing just ushers me out of the car and to the path. I walk down the path and into the house following the trail to the backyard. To reveal my loving boyfriend in a button-up and slacks. I walk up to him with a smile. "Love what is all this?" I ask. Sirius smiles and takes my hands. "Y/n M/n L/n I love you with all my heart and I knew when you came back into my life it was fate telling me we were meant to be together. With that said" He then gets down on one knee and I gasp. "Will you marry me?" He asks and I nod my head bending down and kissing him. He stands up as we separate. "Yes, 100% yes!" I say and he puts the ring on my finger. "I love you," I say and he smiles. "I love you too" 


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