I Understand: Remus X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During Mauraders Era At Hogwarts

Warnings: None

Posted on: 06/19/2021

I look between the three Slytherins in front of me. Lucius, Severus, and Avery. Wands all Pointed to me. "Give it up L/n you're outnumbered and cornered," Lucius says and I look at him and think fast. I quickly grab his wand and collide my fist with his face catching all three of them off guard. He lets go of his wand and I toss it to the side and look at Severus next. I raise my eyebrow and he quickly lowers his wand along with Avery. "Okay, okay, we'll leave you alone you savage dog," Avery says and I smile. "Ruff," I say lunging forward and scaring them making all three of them run away. Lucius grabbed his wand and stumbled away with a bruised cheek. I snicker and turn around to see four boys staring at me in awe. "Careful you might catch flies," I say walking past them. I hear a group of feet join me from behind so I turn and walk backward. "Can I help you, boys?" I ask stone-faced. "Who are you?" the kid with Glasses asks and I smile stopping. "Y/n L/n nice to meet ya," I say happily. "That was badass," the kid with black hair says. "Thanks, I try," I say smiling more. "It was amazing," the chubby-cheeked kid says. "I know I'm amazing," I say flipping my hair. I look at the kid next to him and he's being silent. "You good? I didn't upset you by punching those snakes did I?" I ask looking at him. He shakes his head and I smile. "Good, so what are your names?" I ask "I'm James Potter," The boy with Glasses says. "I'm Sirius Black," The Black-haired kid says. "I'm Peter Pettigrew," the chubby-cheeked kid says. "I'm Remus Lupin," The last boy says and I look at him this time examining him and seeing the scars on his face. 'werewolf scars' I think as we walk. I don't question the scars as it's not my place but I know those all too well. I glance at my arm and back at the boy. I make a mental note to talk to him another time alone. "Say Y/n want to be our friend? You seem cool" Sirius asks and I think for a second. "Why not what do I have to lose," I think as I look at them. "Awesome!" The other boys except Remus say. "You okay with it?" I ask and he looks at me shocked. "Oh yeah, it's fine," he says and goes back to being silent. I smile as we go into the common room. We all sit in front of the fireplace and talk to get to know each other. A few hours pass and I get warm talking my robe off exposing my scratched-up arms. "Oh my gosh! Y/n what happened?" Peter asks as soon as he sees the old scars. "Oh, these old things? nothing you need to worry about. you wouldn't get it, trust me" I say simply going back to talking to Sirius. "Y/n can I talk to you alone?" Remus suddenly says and I look at him and smile. "Of course," I say looking at Sirius he nods and I get up following Remus to another room. "Are those from a werewolf?" Remus asks as soon as the door shuts behind us. "I'm turning the questions on you, are yours from one?" I ask and he looks at me. "I asked first. "Yes they are from my father, well were," I say looking down. "Yes," Remus says and I look at him confused. "Yes they are from a werewolf, me to be exact," he says and I gasp. "How long have you been one?" I ask and he sighs. "Since I was a child. I'm a monster I know" he says and I shake my head. "No, no you are not!" I scold him and he jumps back surprised. "You can't help who you are Remus, I don't usually do this but," I say before I hug him. He hugs back tightly. "I think you are wonderful Remus," I say and he smiles. "Thank you Y/n," he says. "Do the boys know?" I ask and he nods. I nod and smile. "Let's go back before they think we're dead or something," I say and he nods.

It's been a week since I showed my arms and almost a week until the full moon. Ever since learning Remus was a werewolf I couldn't help but ask my mom for some wolfsbane for him. I remember writing the letter asking for it. "Hey, mom I met a new friend whos just like dad! I was wondering if I could get some of that potion dad drank that kept him sane during his transformations? It'll help him and his friends a lot Love you ~Y/n" She happily sent it to me and I pulled Remus aside and gave it to him. He hugged me so tightly and looked at me as if he could kiss me which I wouldn't have minded but that's beside the point. Now it's a full moon and I sit in the shrieking shack waiting for the Marauders to come to see their reaction when Remus transforms and doesn't go haywire. I hide in the corner buried but able to see when I see the boys walk in as Animagi. 'that's nice to know  I think as Remus starts to transform and instead of going crazy he sleeps. The animals look at each other and then suddenly transform into boys. "What the?" Sirius asks going to touch Remus. "I wouldn't do that," I say popping up and making the boys jump. "How did," James says. "When did,"  Sirius says. "What did," Petter says. "Remus, earlier, and Wolfsbane," I say smiling. "How did you get wolfbane?" They ask and I smile. "My ma she a master potioneer she made it for papa all the time,"  I say shrugging. "How'd you know he needed it?" James asks. "He told me the day I showed these," I say rolling my sleeves up exposing my arms. "My papa accidentally gave them to me before ma found the potion. I didn't think you'd understand but I stand corrected" I say simply. They all smile at me and I smile too. Soon the transformation was over and Remus was back to his human form. He wakes up stretching and sees me first. "Did it work?" he asks groggily and I nod. "You slept through the whole thing just like papa did," I say smiling. He smiles wide and engulfs me in a hug. "Thank you so much Y/n!" He says before he kisses my lips. Once he realizes what he did he freezes. "Uh sorry I just got excited I-" I cut him off by kissing him again thankful the other Mauraders are asleep. He kisses back and soon the kiss becomes a full makeout session. Suddenly we hear a "Get it Moony" And we pull apart fast a blush on both our faces. Remus glares at Sirius who I presume was the one to say something. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and I nod. "I'd love that," I say. 


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