Lost: George X Reader

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Your information-

House: N/A

Blood status: N/A

Happens: In a nonmagical world/ Everyone is alive

Warnings: Cursing, Fighting, Sadness

Posted on: 03/05/2022

Y/n Black is a girl who was loved by her dad and family. Y/n dad Regulus loved her with all his heart and couldn't have been happier when she was born. So when Y/n's mom Melanie Disappeared with Y/n one night Regulus was distraught. His girl was lost and he couldn't do anything about it. He knew Melanie didn't like him or the way he raised their daughter to be independent and strong. Melanie wanted Y/n to be the perfect housewife like she was brought up to be. Regulus filed a police report imminently and waited. Surrounded by family and friends he waited for his daughter, his princess, and his world to return to him. She may only be 8 but he hopes when she returns she'll remember him and remember everything he did for her. He hopes she's not lost for too long.

-10 years later-

-Y/n POV-

"God you are crazy I'm out of here!" I yell at my mom as I pack my backpack and head to the door. "To hell you are! You aren't going anywhere young lady!" she yells back. "I'm 18 I can do as I please and I'm not living in this hell hole anymore!" I yell as I open the apartment door and slam it behind me. I head out and go straight to the place I know I'll be safe. I hop on the bus like I've done a million times. "Hey Jase," I say to the bus driver. "Hey Y/n fight with your mom again?" He asks and I nod. "I'm done this time, Finally 18 so I'm headed to the twin's place," I say and he nods. "Get comfy then," He says and I nod sitting and pulling out my earbuds and plugging them in. I listen to the song that randomly shuffles. Eventually, we make it to the shop downtown and I smile thanking Jase and hopping off the bus paying for my ride with my card. I walk into the shop and am greeted with kids running around and parents chasing after them. I smile and walk further into the shop looking for my two best friends. I spot them and walk over. "Hey boys I see business is booming like always," I say and they look up and smile. "Y/n hey! Yeah business has been booming especially since school is starting soon" Fred says and I smile. "Get in a fight with your mom again?" George asks motioning to my bag. "Yeah, I was hoping I could crash on your couch until I found a place?" I ask and they nod. "You can move in that's always been an option," Fred says. "I might take you up on that, to be honest, Oh and I could help out here as rent!" I say excitedly. "It's a deal," The twin boys say in unison. I smile and go up the stairs that lead to the apartment upstairs. 

Later that night I'm unpacking my bag when my scrapbook falls out. A sad smile falls onto my face and I pick it up. I sit on my bed looking through it. I see my parents happy together then it turns into photos of just mom and me after we left, mom always said it was for the better but never told me why. Then it turns into photos of just me. "I miss him," I say sadly to myself. "Who?" I hear from the door and I look up to see George standing in the doorway. "Hey Georgie, my dad, I miss him. I haven't seen him in oh ten years starting tomorrow." I say as he walks over. He sits and hugs me. "What happened? You don't talk about him much" George says and I frown. "Well, my mom woke me up one night and said we were going on a girl's trip, I was 8 so I thought nothing of it at the time. We got in the car and drove away from the house and I never saw my dad again. To this day I have zero clue why my mom took me that day, dad was an amazing father. He was a poet and writer he wouldn't hurt a fly. He took a fly and brought it outside when I was scared of it at 4." I say laughing a little. "Can I see him?" George asks and I nod going back into the scrapbook and showing him the last photo of my dad and me. "This was taken 2 hours before mom took me," I say. I look at George and he looks like he's seen a ghost. "Georgie? You okay?" I ask and he nods the color coming back to his face. "What's your last name again?" he asks and I laugh. "Black," I say a bit confused. "What was your dad's name?" He asks and I look at him confused. "Regulus" I respond and he nods in understanding. "Okay, hey you should get some sleep it's getting late." He says clearing his throat. "Okay," I say disregarding the weird feeling I got. 

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