Badass: James X Reader

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Your information-

House: Ravenclaw

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: During Mauraders Era At Hogwarts

Warnings: Bullying, Food

Posted on: 06/21/2021

I run down the hall as fast as my feet can take me. Dodging the blasts from the three Slytherins I managed to piss them off. "Get back here L/n" I hear one of them scream out as I see the staircase move right as I'm about to get to it. "Now you're ours" I hear another say" I calculate my chances and leap yelling "Watch out!" to the boys on the stairs as they look up as I come crashing down on them. "Sorry about that, boys just had to escape some nasty SNAKES" I scream the last part getting up and turning around waving at the Slytherins who are looking at me like I'm insane. They look at each other then down at the long drop then at me. "You are insane L/n," the third and final Slytherin says and I smile. "Thank you!" I say bowing. They turn around and walk away forgetting all about what I did to them. "What just happened?" The boy with glasses that I landed on asks. "Oh sorry I'm Y/n L/n your local Ravenclaw prankster and enemy of Slytherins, you happen to witness my daring escape from three victims that caught me and you happen to be right where I needed to land. So I'm sorry I jumped on you" I say laughing a little. "Wait YOUR Y/n?" The boy with long black hair asks and I nod. "Were the Marauders" he says and I smile. "It's awesome to finally meet you all! I've heard nothing but great things" I say and they smile. "Same here," the black-haired kid says. "So who is who?" I ask and they smile. "I'm Sirius," The black-haired kid says. "I'm Peter," a kid with chubby cheeks says and I smile at him. "I'm Remus" the guy with scars introduces himself. "And that leaves you being James," I say looking at the kid in glasses who nods. "Oh yeah, that's me," He says and I smile. "Well I best be going but we really must stay in contact," I say before running off down the stairs. 

Ever since I fell into the Marauder's arms we've been inseparable. Pulling pranks and jokes on so many people. Currently, we are hiding from a group of Slytherins because we just pranked them. What group you may ask? Well, Lucius Malfoy, his minions, and his girlfriend Narcissa. I hear running and one of Lucius' minions says "where did those horrid Mauraders go?" I smile. "And that Ravenclaw Mudblood?" Lucius says and then I get mad. I go to exit our hiding spot when I'm pulled back by someone. I see James shake his head and I look at him with fire in my eyes. 'no one calls me that ever' I think. He lets go and I quickly exit our hiding spot seeing their backs to me. "Hey, idiots you want the muggle-born well here she is," I say pissed off. They turn around and smirk. "Where are your new friends L/n? They ditch you to take the beating yourself?" Lucius asks and I shake my head. "I told them to leave there's a difference," I say simply. "No one calls me a mudblood and gets away with it. so let's play only the muggle way" I say smirking. They look at me like I'm crazy. "No magic just old-fashioned fists, Here I'll go first," I say before walking up to Lucius and socking him in the face making his nose bleed. I look at the minions and Narcissa. I lung forward and they all run screaming "You're crazy" I smirk and yell back "Thank you" before turning around and seeing the boys coming out from the hiding spot. "What did you do?" Peter asks and I smile. "I socked him in the face. No magic required" I say shrugging. "You are badass," James says and I smile. "Thanks by the way I can probably help you get with Lily Evans the probability of you two getting together is high," I say and he shakes his head earning a look from all of us since Lily Evans is the girl he's been going after since our first year. "It's okay I have my eyes on someone new now and to be honest I think me and her are a better match," He says and I cock my head to the side in a questioning manner. "Who?" I ask and James just shrugs. "I don't think you know her," he says and I bring my head straight up and nod. "Gotcha well, come on guys let's go before we are late for dinner," I say smiling. The boys follow as I skip to dinner ignoring the pain in my heart that James likes a new girl. 'I mean it was different when it was Lily because it was before he met me but now it's someone after he's met me and it's not me,' I'm brought out of my thoughts by Remus. "Hey come on let's eat," He says and I nod walking over to the Ravenclaw table and sitting at the end of the table alone like normal. "Hey, Y/n how are you?" Lucia Juneberry asks sitting next to me. "I'm good. How are you" I ask being nice but skeptical? "I'm great, Listen I've seen you hanging around James and the others and was wondering if you could introduce me to them?" Lucia asks and I look at her. "Like some sort of match-making service? I don't think so" I say going back to eating. "Oh come on us Ravens gotta stick together right?" she says and I look at her. "Right like how you stuck by me when you told the whole dorm it was me who put glitter in everyone's robes when it wasn't," I say and she looks at me stunned. "I don't forget things Juneberry," I say simply and she huffs before getting up muttering 'some people,' and leaving. "Some people" I mock her tone under my breath and start to push my food around with my fork not hungry anymore. 

It's been a week, and I've gotten so many people asking me to ask the boys if they fancy them or if they want to be friends, especially for James and I've turned every one of them down. "I'm not an owl!" I yell at someone who asks me to do something and they huff and stomp away. "You okay," James asks and I nod. "I just keep getting people asking me to ask you guys questions and it's getting on my nerves," I say and he nods. "Hey, would you like to go to Hogsmeade to get your mind off it?" He asks and I smile. "Sure," I say smiling. "Great let's go," He says, and off we went. We went to so many stores and got so many things. Eventually, it became dusk and we started to walk back on the way there our hands brushed against each other sending sparks through me. 'I would do anything to hold his hand' I think and suddenly I feel him take my hand as we enter the gates of Hogwarts. "James people are going to think we are dating" I whisper and he just shrugs. "That wouldn't bother me," he says and I think for a second. "James Potter, did you just say you like me?" I ask stopping in my tracks. "Yes, and I'm sorry if this makes things awkward or you don't like me back but I had to say something. I've liked you ever since you fell into my arms that day" he says and I look at him stunned. He stands there for a few seconds before going to let my hand go but I hold it tighter and pull him closer. "Kiss me," I say. "What?" he asks. "Kiss me, Godric knows I can't make the first move," I say elaborating more and the second I finish speaking I feel a pair of lips on mine. I wrap my hands around his neck entangling my fingers into his hair. He moves his hands from my face onto my waist. We pull apart and James looks at me "Y/n L/n will you fall into my arms and be my girlfriend?" James asks and I laugh. "I would love that James Potter," I say smiling and kissing his lips once again. "Yay," We hear from the other boys as they come out from a hiding spot, and James and I just look at each other and smile. "Congrats," They say. "Thanks, you guys," We say happily. 


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