Hello Love: Fred X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: After Hogwarts

Warnings: Mentions of death and implications of depression

Posted on: 07/15/2021

I walk into my apartment and set my keys down sighing. The same thing over again. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat. It's so mundane and boring a drastic difference from my time at Hogwarts. I still remember my last time stepping foot on those school grounds to fight in the war, side by side with my best friends.

"Ready boys?" I ask the twins glancing at them slightly scared but hiding my motions with a determined look. "Ready Y/n," They say in unison and we walk up to join the others.

The battle is ragging on and many people have been lost already. I'm running down a corridor when I see red hair fighting off a death eater. Knowing it's a Weasley I run over and join the fight to see it is, Fred, I smile and we fight off the villain and hug. "We did it!" he exclaims and I smile. "we did but there is plenty more where that came from," I say as we go our separate ways.

I walk into the room where everyone is and see the Weasleys all standing around a body. I start to panic and run over when suddenly George grabs me and holds me back. I look at him and he shakes his head as if to say I don't want to see who it is. I automatically know and I fall to my knees. "Is-is he de-dead?" I ask and George looks at me and simply says. "Almost" I start to cry harder and then I get up and walk off ignoring the calls of my name from George. 

I come back to reality to realize I'm crying again. "Damned memories, ruining my appetite," I say looking down at the food that I made and pushing it away. It's been a few months since the war and I haven't seen the Weasleys or anyone really since I walked out of Hogwarts the day Fred died. I loved him with all my heart and George knew this. That's why he held me back, He didn't want my last memory of him to be his pale dead body. I knew this and accepted it a few weeks later. It hurts losing the love of your life especially when they didn't know you loved them. I go to my room and lay down hoping to get some sleep for once. 

I wake up from a decent sleep and look around to see it's 7 am. "Decent time to wake up," I say to myself and Get out of bed and go to my closet. "I don't work today so I could go out," I say to myself then nod my head thinking getting out could do me some good. I get my clothes and head to the shower and soon I'm ready for the day. I decide to head to Diagon Alley and look around the shops, as it's school time soon, and seeing all the happy families and kids could brighten my spirits.

I walk into Diagon Alley and walk into a few stores. Browsing and buying a few things until I soon spot a familiar orange shop. "I should go say hi if he's got it open," I say to myself and walk towards the shop. I get closer and see the 'GRAND REOPENING' sign and smile. 'Wow I got lucky' I think as I walk in and fireworks shoot off outside to signal someone walked in. I smile as I hear a "Welcome in" From in front of me. I look up and see George. I smile and walk over to him standing to the side as he's showing a kid with one of his many products. "I'll be right with you Ma'am," He says glancing over to me. I stifle a laugh and nod. He soon finishes explaining how the product works and turns to me looking at me. "How can I help- Y/n?" He says shocked. "Hi Georgie," I say smiling. "Oh my gosh, it's great to see you! I have so much to tell you! I have so much to show you!" He says happily. "Well go on, spill," I say and he smiles showing me new products and gadgets and telling me all about him and Angelina. I remember when he and Fred tried to switch places with each other at the yule ball because George was too scared to ask her and she instantly knew it was him. "You could've asked me yourself silly" were her exact words. Fred and I went together that year and I couldn't have been happier. "Earth to Y/n Hello," George says and I snap back to reality. "Sorry was thinking back to the Yule Ball," I say and then the realization hits his face and a smile spreads across his face. "Hey, why don't you come up for tea, after I close the shop," He says and I nod. "Id love to George," I say. "Great,"  he says and I hang around the shop until he closes and we go up to the flat and he puts the kettle on. "Make yourself at home Y/n," He says and I nod sitting on the couch and looking around. I see a sweater that could almost be George's if it didn't have a giant F on it. I smile sadly at it and shake my head. George soon brings the tea over and we sit and talk for a bit until Angelina comes in and smiles. "Y/n! Hey, how are you?" She asks and I smile. "I'm good slowly getting better," I say smiling. She looks at George and gives him a look as if to ask him something then nods her head. "Everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah would you like to come to dinner with us to the Burrow? They'd love to see you again." Angelina says and I think for a second. "Sure," I say taking a deep breath and we then leave apparating to the burrow. We get there and walk-in. Nerves start to get the better of me and I start to fidget with my bracelet. Molly is the first to see me and she smiles her warm smile. "Y/n dear good to see you," SHe says warmly and hugs me. "Good to see you too Mrs. Weasley," I say smiling. She smiles at me and everyone else greets me too. We all hang out until I need some fresh air and step out back. I sit on the wall like I use to as a kid with Fred and stare at the stars. I hear the door open and close probably 10 minutes later and a jacket gets placed on me. I look at it and see ist Fred's jacket. Confusion clouds my mind as I stand up and turn around. I look at the person behind me and see Fred Weasley standing before me. I blink a couple of times to make sure he's not a figment of my imagination and he chuckles. "Hello love," Fred says "I- But- How?" I stutter out looking at the guy before me. "It's a long story for another time, for now, can you come here?" He says holding his arms out for a hug. I walk into them and wrap my arms around him expecting them to go right through him but they don't. I finally let the tears fall. I feel my knees give out but instead of falling I'm lifted and I wrap my legs around him. "Shh love I'm here, I'm safe," He says as I bury my face in his neck. After I calm down Fred puts me down and I look at him and he looks back at me. "I missed you," he says and I smile, "Not as much as I missed you," I say. Fred gets closer to me and my breath hitches. He's centimeters away from my lips and then suddenly he kisses me I kiss back instantly. The guy I've loved since I was 11, one of my best friends, the love of my life, is finally kissing me. We pull apart and he smiles. "Be mine?" He asks and I nod not being able to form words. He smiles and kisses me once again. The guy I thought was dead for months now is mine, finally mine. 

Extra: I found out when I walked out that day, the reason George called after me was that Fred had woken up and was alive. If I had just stayed non of the heartbreak would've happened.


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