Secrets: Remus X Reader

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Your information-

House: Gryffindor

Blood status: Halfblood

Happens: During and After Hogwarts

Warnings: None I can think of to be honest 

Posted on: 03/13/2022

I'm walking along the courtyard to meet with my boyfriend under our tree. We always meet under the big tree in the middle of the courtyard after dinner every night and we go to the astronomy tower together. I arrive and at first, I don't see him and think he's stood me up for the first time. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and I squeal as I'm lifted off the ground and spun around. "Ahh! Remus! Put me down!" I scream as he continues to spin and laugh at my dismay. I laugh along and soon he puts me down. "Hello pup," He says and I smile, "Hello love," I say happily. We make our way to the tower and eventually things get heated.

It's my last day at Hogwarts, graduation is today and I can't wait to tell Remus my news. 'I hope he's happy, I love him so much. I know he loves me so I'm sure he'll be astatic,' I think as graduation happens and everyone makes their way out of the Great hall. I go to our spot to see Remus passing back and forth. "Love are you okay?" I ask as I walk up and he smiles sadly at me. "I'm fine, it's just... Y/n now that we are graduated I feel we should go our separate ways. I love you dearly don't get me wrong but I feel all I'll do is hold you back and I can't do that." He says and I look at him stunned. I glance down at the ground and nod in understanding. "I understand, I guess it was the right person wrong time," I say and he nods. "I love you Remus Lupin," I say and he smiles hugging me. "I love you too Y/n L/n," He says as he walks away. I didn't even get to tell him my news that day. I was pregnant with his child. 

Many months later I give birth to a beautiful baby girl who I name Luna Lowella which means moon wolf a nod to her father in a way. Not that it was needed. The only thing she got from me was my eyes and nose the rest is purely her father. She has his hair and face shape, and especially his calm personality. I gave her my last name since her father has no idea she exists.

-Many years later-

-Luna's POV-

The sorting is about to begin but first Dumbledore introduces a new DADA teacher Professor Lupin. I look at him and shrug and go back to paying attention to the sorting. After the sorting, my two best friends Fred and George come running up to me. "Hello, boys," I say smiling. "Luna! Did you see the new teacher?" George asks and I nod confused. "He looks JUST like you!" Fred says and I look at them like they are crazy. "You two are insane. My mom says my father was a very mysterious man and besides I look nothing like the new professor" I say and they look at me stunned. "Babe you two have the same face and hair color, I bet your personalities are the same even!" Fred says and I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say, my love," I say laughing. We then make our way to the Gryffindor common room. 

-Remus' POV-

I'm getting ready to teach my 5th-year Gryffindor students, I just finished setting up when they all start to file in. I smile at everyone as they walk in. Then a group of three walk-in two twin boys and a girl. They sit one of the boys separating to sit with another girl who walked in earlier and the other two sitting together. I look at the, and my eyes land on the girl. Her eyes remind me of Y/n which is weird. "Hello everyone! Welcome to Defence against the Dark Arts I am Professor Lupin and I would like to get to know you all first so let's go around the room and introduce ourselves yeah?" I say calmly and everyone nods. We go around the room and soon we land on the first twin who is sitting beside Angelina Johnson. "Hello I am George Weasley," He says smiling and I smile back. "And I am Fred Weasley," The other twin says at the other table next to him. The girl next to Fred laughs. "And you?" I ask simply. "Oh right, I'm Luna Lowella L/n," She says and I keep my composure and nod. 'L/n? could she be Y/n's kid? If so she had to of had her around our time after or during Hogwarts. Could she be mine?' I quickly snap out of my thoughts and start to teach a quick lesson. 

I'm walking along the corridors when suddenly I see miss L/n sitting on a bench looking sad. "Miss L/n are you okay?" I ask walking over to her. "Huh? Oh hello, professor yes I'm fine just missed the carriages to Hogsmeade so I don't get to go this time around." She says and I nod. "Say why don't you take a walk with me? Get your mind off it?" I suggest and she nods. We walk and talk when she starts to talk about her life. "What are your parents like?" I ask and she smiles. "Mom is the best! She provides the most she can for me being a single mom and it's hard sometimes but she's got her friends and other family members who help out sometimes," She says and I nod. "Yeah ma had me a couple of months after graduating from here in 1978, she says I was the best graduation gift ever!" Luna says and I smile more. "What's your mom's name? Maybe I knew her I graduated the same year" I say and she smiles. "Y/n, Y/n L/n," She says and I nod keeping my composure. "What about your father?" I ask and she sighs. "I don't know much about him to be honest, Just that he left mom before she had a chance to tell her about me and his initials are R.L. I only know that because of the necklace mom wears all the time. It's a ring on a chain with the inscription of 'To my pup- R.L.' she said he called her his pup when I asked about it one day" Luna says and I nod again and then the students start to trickle in and soon I see the twins. "There are your friends, You should go see them, It was nice talking to you Luna, Thank you," I say and she nods and runs off to the twins tackling Fred in a hug. 

It's the end of the school year and I'm packing up my things when I hear someone running down the halls. "Come on mom you have to meet my favorite teacher!" I hear Luna say and I freeze. 'Luna is always calling me her favorite teacher, am I ready to see Y/n again? Will she recognize me? Will she hate me?' I'm suddenly brought out of my thoughts by a knock at my door. "The Defence against the dark arts teacher is your favorite? Now I have to meet them, they made my daughter love my best subject" I hear a voice I thought I'd never hear again. Another knock. "Come in," I say as I take a deep breath. "This will be interesting" 

-Y/n POV-

"Come in" I hear a voice from a male on the other side it almost sounds like Remus but that can't be him, right? I shrug off the feeling and let my daughter open the door to her favorite teacher's classroom. We walk in and I look around the classroom. "Professor I'd like you to meet my mom! Mom this is Professor Lupin" Luna says. I shoot my head over to where my daughter is once she says the teacher's name. I stare at him for a few seconds then I look at my daughter. "Luna dear can I talk to your teacher alone. Why don't you go find Fred and George" I say "But-" She goes to protest. "Luna Lowella Rose L/n please," I say and she nods walking out of the classroom. I look at Remus and I can tell he has a million questions. "Yes she is yours, I was going to tell you the day you broke it off with me but never got the chance because you walked away, No she's never heard anything bad or ill-willed about you, and lastly if you'd like yes you could be in her life if shes up for it," I say and he nods but looks like he still has another question. "What's the last one?" I ask and he looks at me confused. "Remus it may have been 15 years but I can still read you like a book you still have a question to ask what is it?" I say and he sighs. "Why do you still wear it after all these years and after I broke it off the way I did?" He asks and I look at him puzzled. He walks over and lifts the necklace with the promise ring on it. "Oh that," I say sighing and turning around. "It's dumb, I guess I was secretly holding onto hope that we'd end up running into one another one day and still have feelings for each other and end up together again," I say as tears prick my eyes. "Here ill take it off," I say as I reach to take it off my hands are stopped and Remus brings them down and wraps his arms around me like he use to. "R-Remus what are you doing? I ask and he chuckles into my ear. "Who says that can't happen," He says placing his hands on my hips and turning me around. I look at him in the eyes and take a shaky breath. Remus brings his hand up and wipes a tear I didn't know I let fall. "I love you still Y/n I never should've broken up with you, I should've been there for you and our moon wolf," He says and I sigh and bring my hands up to his face cupping his cheeks not being able to talk I let my actions speak. I collide our lips and he kisses back instantly. We pull apart and I smile. "I love you too," I say smiling. We hug and as we pull apart Luna, Fred and George all come out of hiding. "We told you he looked like you!" George says and Luna waves her hand at him. "I don't care what you said anymore I have two parents now!" She squeals and Remus and I laugh. "Luna dear, Come sit I have a story to tell you"


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