Cheat: George X Reader

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Your information-

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Happens: During and After Hogwarts/ No war AU

Warnings: Fighting, Sadness, Cheating

Posted on: 05/15/2022

I walk through the hallways of Hogwarts happily with my fellow Slytherin friends. Draco, Pancy, Blaise, and I have been friends since they arrived at Hogwarts a few years after I did. I was assigned to show them and two other Slytherin students who go by Crabbe and Goyle around. Why do they go by their last names no one knows. Crabbe and Goyle didn't attach to me like the other three did and that's okay. These three kids are like my children and I will protect them at all costs. I'm soon brought out of my thoughts by a glint shining into my eyes. "Stop," I say and all three of them stop like routine work. I walk up ahead and check for traps. Although they may be in my year and my age I know a certain pair of twins who happen to love to pull pranks. Especially on Slytherins and especially on Draco and his friends in his grade. I use my wand to reveal any magic wire and sure enough, there is a tripwire. I shake my head and tell the three to step far away. They nod and I use my magic to trip it once I join them. Suddenly a bunch of feathers, mud, and gunk from the black lake fell from the ceiling. I stare at the mess shocked and look at the three fifth-year students next to me. "Go around to the east hall and get to class I'll wait here," I say and they nod leaving to class. I soon see them on the other side of the mess, they wave and rush to class. I lean against the wall slightly mad that the twins would do this to anyone, let alone my children. I soon hear the voices of the golden trio and the twins and I hide behind a pillar. "Hey, it got triggered!" I hear Fred say. "Do you think it got them?" Harry asks excitedly. "I'm sure it did Harry my brothers have never failed a prank" Ron responds. "I still think this was a bad idea," Hermione says. I hold in a bitter laugh and listen for a specific person. "Oh please Y/n isn't with them today, her schedule said so. Therefore no harm done" Fred says. "Only you're wrong because my schedule changed Freddy," I say coming out from behind the pillar. All their faces go shocked then confused. "By the way Hermione you were correct this was a very bad idea because now I'm royally pissed off. I had a hope, just this sliver of hope that it wasn't anyone I knew that targeted them. I was wrong apparently," I say looking at Fred specifically. "Next time don't use silver buckets that glint in the sunlight, or a magic revealing tripwire. Then maybe I wouldn't catch it and trigger it from afar. then again I'm happy I caught it and no one got drenched in that disgusting mixture you call a prank." I say slightly yelling. "Now where is Goerge?" I ask and they all look scared. "He had nothing to do with this" Harry says. "He didn't even know we were planning this" Ron responds. "Please don't be mad at him," Fred says and I look at Hermione. "He's in the library," she says and I nod. "Thank you, also I know he had nothing to do with this, or else he'd be here," I say walking away. "Good luck cleaning that up!" I yell before I'm out of earshot. 

I walk to the library frustration evident on my face. I walk in and start to look up and down the many bookcase aisles. I was almost beginning to think Hermione lied or I missed him when I see Angelina Johnson Facing a wall. Finding that weird I get a different angle only to wish I didn't. There I see George Weasley and Angelina Johnson with their tongues down each other's thoughts. Now anyone would find this gross but I find it especially gross as George is my boyfriend or supposedly is. I get even more agitated as tears of frustration well up in my eyes. Before I lash out I turn on my heels and walk away. On my way out not too far from the new love birds, I bump into Lee Jordan. "Hey, Y/n have you seen George?" He asks. I look at him bitterly and nod "In the back corner over there with his tongue down Johnson's throat" I say in a very monotone voice. "But aren't you two," He says and I nod then walk away fully out of the library. 

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