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- Zephyr -

I woke up panting heavily. Why would I dream that? Why would my dream to be about love? Love is amazing? Bullshit! I always found it funny when I remember the times Mama says how amazing love is and how I clearly remember that love isn't that amazing. Mama herself can prove that on how my bastard of a father treat her, how he cheats on her and how he left us alone. I also remember the beating , bruises and pain we got from him. I do clearly remember how he fucking almost sell me just because we don't have any money anymore and because his lazy ass just sitting in beerhouse just drinking and fucking whores instead of working hard to earn

I don't know why till the last breath of Mama she still believes in love and still reminding me to believe in my so called destiny, when all our lives we live in pain cause by love.

why would I love if all it brings is pain, trauma and darkness? It makes people do the things they don't want to just because of that bullshit called love. It makes people crazy and stupid. Make them believe into happy ever after , true love kiss and soulmates, and that love make our life at ease and make us feel true happiness and contentment. And all of that shits is clearly a lie! LIE.

"Zy! COME OUT AND PAY YOUR RENT ! " the shouting and banging of my door made me out of my thoughts.

Damn , Mrs. Shirley is already here and I still don't have any money to pay her now. Damn the fucking life I have. DAMN ME!

"ZYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" she shouted again. Damn this old woman.

I hurriedly run the bathroom to do all my business and change into my uniform. Surely the door is out of order now because of Mrs. Shirley, so I open my window and jump out of it. Gladly my room is on the first floor or I will face my death sooner. I can still hear the old woman's loud voice so I run my way to school.

As I arrived , I slowly walk my way to my first class. As usual, I saw various of students walking to their own classes. Some still gossiping, some are flirting, some are laughing with their peers and every usual students do.

Well I guess I'm not part of that usual students. I'm quite a loner aren't I?

Well I don't give a fuck. It's better to be a loner. Why spend your  teenage life with a bunch of fake friends? Why would you make a effort about your friendship that wont last? true friend don't exist. They will only use you, down you, hurt you and leave you at the end.

I rather be alone than be betrayed.

"Oh Zy are you alone again?"

speaking of betrayal, here comes the traitor bastard and his annoying question again, mocking me with those dumb questions made by his stupid brain.

"If you see someone with me that is probably a ghost or a bastard who ask a dumb questions" I replied

"What did you say you freak?!" He said clearly pissed

"Oh! he's not just a bastard, he's also a deaf" I say again.

and he punched me.

damn my jaw hurts.

This is what I got with my mouth.

"Hey what's with this ruckus ?" a teacher said

Here comes the police.
And He will bring the culprit to the judge again ,of course the victim always win. Justice is here!

I almost huff with my silly thoughts.

"Sir. I'm sorry I punched him because I got carried with my anger." The best actor as always

I just bowed down my head and never utter a word.

"Who started this?" The  professor ask again , currently acting as a 'police'

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