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You are my mate" I blurted out after I kissed him.

Fuck I know I'm screwing this but I don't know how to tell him about us. About him being my mate.

"I am your mate?" He ask confused.

Of course he is confused he don't have any knowledge about shifters other than we are a myth.

" Yes , like lovemate? what did you call it? ahh soulmate. We are soulmates , you and I. " I explained nervously.

Fuck me for being like this! Where are the Alpha in me? Fuck Fuck Fuck!!

"We are?" He ask again

Damn what should I do to make this right? What if he thinks I'm crazy or lunatic? Or he wont like me?  Or worst he will reject me! No No No please moon goddess help me. Please don't let my mate reject me. I can't take it.

"I -I know this sound crazy but I'm telling you the truth. Please let me explain first before rejecting me. I will do my best to make you understand. So please listen to me first." I immediately responded

I can't lose him when I already found him. This is also new to me but I am waiting for him for so long. I've been waiting for my mate to come and make my life good. I am waiting for my mate so I could protect, love , and make him happy.

" Can we do this overthere? I need to make this private so no one could hear what I'm going to say to you" I said pointing at the forest near us.

Am i too suspicious? Do I sound like a bad guy? Oh no . Fucking damn myself.

" Ok " He responded calmly

Did he say ok right? did he? he did right?

As we are safe from human eyes and ears, I started my explanation that I hope will make my mate accept me. This is the part of having a human mate.

" It may sound ridiculous but it is true, and I hope this will be secret you can keep from others. I am a shifter , something like human call half-wolf half-human I guess? We shifter have a mate. our one and only mate. A-And you are mine. Of course I am yours too. And uhh what else? Ahmm   I can change into a wolf?" I speaks nervously and unsurely.

Damn What to say anymore . Is it fine? Did I forgot something? Did he understand? Oh damn oh fuck.

" Are you saying that you want to have a relationship with me?" He ask and I can't read his emotions. He's giving me a blank face fuck!

"Ahmm yes?" I respond.

He look at me for a bit and carry the pup from the ground.  He look at me for a bit again and run after he mumbled 'I dont want any relationship with anyone'

He didn't reject me didn't he?


Zephyr POV

I run with Zylak in my arms.

He wanted a relationship with me when all I want is to not have it with anyone even him. I don't want him to be my friend nor boyfriend, not even a companion. And I am not gay! I can't have another reason to be bullied in school.
I don't want to have someone again who will leave when I am not convenient anymore
to be kept around. I don't want someone who I will care about but will leave me alone again with pain and tears. I don't want someone to love to but won't love me back. I don't want to have anything about love again! Not anymore. I can't.

I arrived at my room with tears falling from my eyes. Why am I crying? I shouldn't be crying.

But why? Why me? I don't want it!

I hear a whimper and I saw the sad face of Zylak. He lick my tears and snuggle to my neck.

"Sorry little guy we have to leave , but we have to. I know you want your walk but we can continue it tommorow ok?" I said and kiss his head.

I head to my bed and fall myself to it.

I will never fall to love . Not again.


I continue my my usual life in the morning. I eat breakfast with Zylak, walk with him to school, Listen to the teacher, go to work and sleep. Fortunately Zeev haven't bother me yet.

But there is another thing that's bothering me. Not seeing him is making my chest clenched. It's like shattering my heart in pieces. It's like I'm missing him. And that is what bothering my mind. Why do I feel this? Is this because I'm his
mate as what he said? but what is a mate?

~ Marriage is a bond that connect two people into one,
but sharing a soul is being together as a one.

Mated is different than married.

it is not to have a role as husband or wife,
but being together to be happy and alive.

It is not to connect two people as one,
it is to be together to your connected one.

It shall not hurt you,
nor make you miserable.
Mate heals you,
and make your life bearable.~

I remember again what mom told me . My mom believes in mythical things. Like witches, or half-animal half-human, superpowers, nymphs, fae, fairies , vampires and of course her infamous 'MATES' . My mom used to tell me everything she knew, and how she was adopted by a werelock or also known as witches. I do also believed her back then but not after I grow up and realized what is reality .

My mom used to say, That being mated is euphoric. It is the greatest thing to have. But it was different from what I saw . It is a whole different from what dad treat her. How she cried at night and be in pain because of him. And that's when I realized that maybe everything she told me is just a bed time stories. That love will only bring you tears and pain. I am not even sure if I still believe in those myths and mates.

But I'm sure...

I don't believe in love.


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