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"Are you alright now?" Esme asked for  how many times already.

I feel his concern to me. I know how much worried he is. And I still never knew what I did to deserve someone like him. It's like the light goddess gave to me after those darkness I've experienced.

"I think I'm ready now, I should be. I can't keep running away from my problems. This time I mist face it." I said with a little bit of courage.

I am aware at how bad the impact is when I ran away. I never resulted with good things, instead it hurts me more and the people around me. It just make me more coward than I am.

" Call me if you need anything okay? If you think you are not yet ready, just breath. Do not force yourself too much. Yet I do know that you can do it. You are brave and strong. Just remember to be calm and never down yourself. What you feel also matter. Alright?" He held my face at looked at me in the eye while he saying it.

How precious and good man he is to deserve me? But maybe this is the answer to my hearts prayer. A blessing given by my mom to me in order to be happy.

And I would do my best to treasure it. I won't be eaten by my cowardice again. I'll face and solve this problem once and for all.

I kissed his lips and whispered a thank you before I got out the car.

He even give my heart sign and a thumbs up before I entered the school.

He looks cute. It gives me more strength.

I walked straight to Mr. Quesz's office. I guess he have some connections with Mr. Zeev . Maybe I could contact him through him.

I knocked and enter the door when he answered.

As I entered, I saw how froze he is. He may be shocked seeing me today. My guts is telling me I'm right about how he was somehow connected to Zeev.

"Ze- Zephyr what are you doing-" he couldn't even utter whole sentence.

"Do you know Mr. Zeev? Do you have a way to contact him for me?" I said straight to the point.

I can't back away anymore.

I need to do this.

I must do this.

" Contact Zeev? Oh yes, yes, yes I do. Do you want me to call him now? Or should I ask him to come here? Or I could give his number to you?" He was panicking while saying this.

I'm right then. He really do know Mr. Zeev.

"Can you just asked him if he could spare a time to meet me. I just want to talk to him." I said.

"Yes I would. But please don't reject our him, he really needs you. I know I shouldn't involved with you personal things but please consider and think about it too. He really needs you" he said.

I couldn't answer him. Because I know I don't have the answer for that yet. I am still not sure about what I do. But like Esme said, this is already a big step.

"Thank you so much for conveying my message to him. Please tell him that if he still want to talked to me about it, I will wait for him later at this place. Until the sun sets." I handed him a piece of paper where the place is written.

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