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Zyphyr P.O.V.

No , everything is not normal! It's been weeks when I met Esme in the cafe and It's also been week that he become a regular here at the cafe. And he even requested ME to serve HIM every time. And It is also been a week of me being sleep deprived because of them.

If I am not thinking about Esme , I am missing Zeev instead. I mean why would I think about them? Why would I be missing them? What is happening?

"Here are your order Sir" I politely said before putting the coffee in the table.

"Thank you Mr. Zephyr" Esme replied.

At first I thought he is the kind of guy who drinks black coffee without or with less sugar. But no. He like his coffee sweet and with milk or creamer. He even likes to eat sweet desserts . I mean he is the perfect proof of "Do not judge the book by it's cover" With his intimidating and scary aura, and he does look like a serious and cold person but he is actually a cuddly sweet tooth and soft big bear. He and Zeev are really different. While he is a big soft bear , Zeev is an outgoing and careless person with a serious mind. You couldn't joke with him but they are both kind and decent person tho.Like when we are—


Why am I thinking a about them again? Damn! This is getting out of hand!!

"are you ok Zyphyr?" Esme asked that made me snap in my thoughts.

"Ah yeah I'm fine don't worry" I replied immediately.

I want to say 'no I'm not' but I can't tell him that, can I? I mean how could I tell him that I spaced out because I keep thinking about him and Zeev?

"Are you sure? How about you take a break for a little while? You look pale and tired."

Do I?

"No I still have a shift and I already have a break earlier" I explained . Also I need this money for me and Zylak so there's no room for laziness.

"No tell your manager, you look like you will faint in a  second" he insist.

" No I am really fine , don't worry about me and enjoy your coffee sir." I said and turn away to him to do my work.

Suddenly my head felt dizzy. And my sight is getting blurred. Why do I feel like the world is turning? What is happening? Why is it getting dark?


that's the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me.


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