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Zeev's pov

"Secure the left perimeter and put more warriors there. Then tell Keith to evacuate all pups and women who can't fight to the packhouse , there they could go to the safe room faster if something happens. Also tell Sam to report to me" I told my beta.

They're right. I can't just cry and waste my time doing nothing while my pack is in danger. I need to get my grip in the game and protect my family.

Though I still miss mate. Why did he reject me? Does he can't accept a wolf shifter as a mate or a partner? Does he see me as monster?

Or it's my fault? Did I came fast paced to him? Did I force him into something? Should I have approach the mate thing to him slowly? Maybe he's just shocked, that why he rejected me without much thinking. Yes, yes it must be.

"Mutt! You fuckin' get your ass here and eat! " shouted by the one and only bloodsucker piece of shit vampire.

He's annoying me always, bossing me around and trashtalked me. Tho he get me out of my messy mind because of that so I'm still thankful for it.

"Shut up bloodsucker, I know how to go down to eat by myself without your shouting! " I shouted back

I made my way to the dining room where the bloodsucker is. I saw him setting up the food containers in the table.

Fuck it smells amazing. Bet this is his "someone special's" food.

"Woah that's a lot of food!" I exclaimed.

And it fucking smells great!!

"Come on, let us eat." He said.

I sat beside him and the bloodsuker start putting foods on my plate and his.

"Esme dear? Why are you bringing food again? And Zeev don't eat someone else's food" mom appeared out of nowhere.

"No aunt , it is fine. This food is specially cooked for me and this mutt. Do you want some aunt?" Esme replied.

Woah his mate cooked this food for me?. But why?

"But why would it be for me? Did you ask them to cook for me?" I don't understand why would this bloodsucker let his mate to cook for me.

I mean he's an asshole ok? And no one would want their mate to cook for someone else.

Though he didn't say it was his mate. But everyone know that it must be his mate. That bloodsucker bastard won't let anyone near him if it wasn't his mate, much more cook him food. That bastard never flirts.

"Why would I ask someone to cook for you? If I could , I will not even let you taste this delicious food even if you are dying, but I was asked to give you these to make you feel better. So eat up , it has also desserts. Eat up! Eat up! And be better already so I could stop being your delivery boy!" He said.

I'm still confused as to why, but I didn't questioned him further. I mean this is free food, and one of the best food I've tasted so why ask questions .

"This really taste great, I don't mind eating these everyday!" I said while bringing food to my mouth!

I wonder if Zephyr can cooks. If he did, it must taste better than this.

"Hey, who said you'll be eating this everyday? Don't dream. If you are fine already then there is no need for the food! You mutt!" He replied

"Then I'll be " not fine" everyday so I could still taste this food" I replied back.

Tho, I won't be really fine if I won't be with my mate.

But no need to tell him that.

"Damn you mutt, as if I'd let you!" He bickered.

We are still eating the food with mom. And even her enjoys the food!

"Oi oi! Stop bickering in front the food! And what are you eating" Esme's mother suddenly said as she enters the dining room with her husband.

"Good morning mama, papa come and join us" Esme greeted

I also greeted them and made them sit.

"Oh bestie you should try this foods brought by your son. It taste great!" Mom said to aunt

"You brought a food again Esme?" Aunt asked her son.

Esme look up to her mother with a spoon still on his mouth. He looks cute doing that.

ait no not cute.

No, I didn't said that. I said he looks hilarious not cute.

"Oh I was asked to mama, I shared that the food was liked by a certain mutt and they we're happy so to hear about it and made more for this certain mutt so he could be alright again!" Esme glared at me.

I want to laugh. I mean it's really clear that he doesn't want to share share the food but he was asked by his mate to and he couldn't disobey it.

"But I'm not fine yet so I might need this food tomorrow again." I said with a fake weak voice.

I can already see the smoke out of the bloodsucker's nose. He's fuming already!

"You fucking mutt I will— " he was cut by his phone ringing.

He cleared his throat and excuse himself.

"Yes hello. How are you? Is everything alright?" He speak to the other line

We can clearly hear what he said but not what was on the other line.

"I did share the food, I swear! I even shared it with my parents and aunt. They even said that they wouldn't mind tasting your food again" Esme said

Well looks like he's talking to his mate.

Me,mom and Esme's parents are looking at eachother. I want to laugh so badly. Earlier he was like a feral beast ready to pounce me and in a second he became a puppy who is wagging his tail and saying he is being a good boy.

"Ok yes bye." Esme hang up the phone and sit again.

"I guess I'll be expecting another food again, maybe tomorrow?" I muttered enough for Esme to hear.

"You imbecile! Do not listen to other people's conversation!" He said

He's mad again. Bravo!!

"Not my fault if I have a great hearing!" I replied

He was about to speak again but aunt butted in

"Let us continue eating shall we?"

We all nodded and ate again.

"What do you want for tomorrow?" He asked out of the blue

I smiled.

"Anything will be fine"


To whoever reads this story, I just want to say sorry for not updating. I broke my phone last time and I just got a new one now so here I am again . And thank you btw to those who continue to vote and read this story. It warms my heart and made my day happy 💛

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