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"Do I look ok? Or is it too casual? Should we go back and change?" I asked Esme again.

"My dear, you look amazing. Just calm down and not stress yourself. Mamá and Papá will love you. Just relax" Esme holds my hands and made me calm down.

I know I kept asking him again and again with dumb questions, but. I can't help be nervous. We're now currently in the car on our way to his home. I'm going to meet his parents very soon. Who wouldn't be nervous?!.

Like what if they won't like me and told me to stay away from their son. That's not impossible right. Look at me. I'm just a nobody and nothing's special in me.

I felt Esme tightening his hold on my hand.  And it made me relax a little bit .

"We are here my dear. Remember that you are amazing so being worried is useless. My parents will love you I am sure at that. Deep breath alright? You are fine." Esme said.

I looked around and saw a huge house. No a mansion.

Maybe because I'm too nervous to realized my surroundings and didn't saw that there were houses already and it looks like a kinda village or something. But the most amazing thing is this mansion here.

"I - is that your house? " I turned to Esme with bulging eyes.

"HOW COME YOU DIDN'T LIVE HERE?!" I exclaimed as I saw him nod.

Who the heck lives at a small apartment rather than living in a big mansion?! At I Know for sure that Esme is close with his family and didn't have a family issues. He told me that!

He looked at me like he read what's on my mind.

"Yes this is my home, my family's house. This is where I was born and the place I grow up with. I still live here and the apartment was only used when I'm busy with the family business, but I still came home here. Well that was before I met you. The apartment now is our little home. My home with you my dear. And yes I would choose to live in our lovely little home than in a big mansion. But I am hoping that someday, you would live here with me and be part of my family. And no, you do not need to think about it for now. That is for the future. One step at a time my dear. For now come with me and meet my parents" He kissed my forehead and held my hand as we walked to thier door.

"Ma, I am home!" He knocked

My heart beats slowly. I could hear it with my heavy breathing as door opens.

"My son is home!" A woman greeted as he hugged Esme. This must be Esme's mother.

I almost exploded with my nervousness. I didn't even dare to make a sound.

"Oh you brought someone! MY SON BROUGHT SOMEONE!!" I was shocked as she exclaimed and shut the door.

I turned to Esme as he scratched his head in embarrassment. We could still hear his mom squealing inside. And my man's face is flushed in red.

He's cute!

The door opened again and I saw a man who looked a lot like Esme , well except for the eyes because Esme got it from his mother. This must be his papá.

"Apologies for my wife's attitude, I hope she did not give you a scare. Come on in and welcome to our casa. I am Delux Samién mién Vountré. May I know who you are?" His father asked politely.

Now I know where Esme got he's talking style.

"Ah I- I'm Ze-Zephyr nice to meet you hehe"

To say I'm not awkward, embarrassed and nervous is a lie. I even stuttered!!
My hands are even sweaty when we shaked our hands.

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