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~ding dongg~

"Oh they must be here" mamá Criselda said.


But who's here?
Is someone coming?.

I looked at Esme with questioning eyes.

"They must be my Aunt's Family, they are my family's friend." He whispered to me.

So there's more that I need to meet?!

My nervousness came back in instant.

"Come on marsy my son brought his mate, you've got to meet him."

I could hear mamá Criselda as she welcome the new guests.

I looked towards the entrance and saw a couple, with the same demeanour with mamá Criselda and ermm Papá Delux.

My heart stopped for a moment.

I thought I saw Zeev.

I looked twice and found that he was not Zeev, he's older than Zeev and somehow similar. But they have lots of differences, specially his aura.

"Good evening, Hello I'm Rexidor Fargon, you can call me Rex and this is my wife, Mariella." The man introduced and his wife said hi after.

"Hi, I'm I I'm Zy-Zy-z you call me Zee."

Heck I couldn't even say my full name.

I thought papá Delux is scary but this man here is way more domineering, his aura screamed dominance.

"Well nice to meet you Zee and I apologize if my husband scared you. He's always like that but he doesn't bite he's a good boy" Mrs. Mariella said.

I almost laughed at what she said. I couldn't even picture out a scary man being a good boy.

"Let's have a seat and eat now." Mamá Criselda helped the helpers served the foods. No it's a buffet now.

"Oh marsy taste this one and this also, this is made by my Zee" mamá Criselda smugly showed off.

The night went on, and the dinner was good. It was fun actually. It's my first time to eat with more people. At first it was just my mama and then Zylak, then Esme came, and now I got more people to eat with. I couldn't still believe I would be like this now. That I could talk with people, that I could meet new people and eat with them. I never knew I could have a father, a good one. I couldn't still believe that I have a lover who's patient with me and loves me dearly.

The dinner ended and we bid our goodbyes. Aunt Mariella or should I say Aunt Marsy as she insisted. Already left with her husband. And me and Esme prepared to have our leave.

"Are sure you don't want to stay for a night? There's lots of room here and it's late already." Mamá crissy said.

"Mamá we would love to but we left our own baby at home. Zypher is already worried about him being alone." Esme explained.

" Then next time you should stay over, bring my grandson with you ok?" She insisted.

They already know about Zylak, Esme said he already explained to them, I don't know how he did but I'm happy that they also accepted him and even call him their grandson. It's a little funny if you think about how they call a puppy their grandson but I couldn't laugh because me and Esme treat zylak as our own son.

I bid goodbye to mamá again and hugged her tightly. She really made my heart warm the same as my mama. She made me think that mama is with me through her. But I know that mama is happy for how I grow now. I know she is.

"How about my hug?" Papa Delux said out of the blue.

I froze.

I could call him papá now without being uncomfortable, I could talk and eat with him and that's already a big step for me. Sometimes when I call him papá i could remember my own father, the bastard who made my life a living hell. And now the fear creep backs to my bones. I couldn't move. My heart dropped and I froze.

"My dear, calm down. It is alright. Breath. You Don't have to force your self too much. You already did great. Slow pace remember. Just calm down and breath." Esme rescued me. He hugged me tightly while comforting me .

"Oh my, is something wrong? Esme what happened?!" I heard Mamá crissy worriedly.

"Mamá, papá. Everything is alright now. Zypher must have remember something bad now. Can I tell them dear?" He explained to his parents first and then bowed his head and asked for my consent.

I nodded. I couldn't say it myself, but I don't want them to misunderstand me. I just continued to hug Esme.

"Zypher had a bad thing about his biological father. It is a very sensitive line for him. I want you to be considerate at him" Esme explained.

I'm grateful at him, I know that he knows I'm not ready to share the whole story yet.

I heard Mamá crissy gasped.

"Oh dear it's alright. We understand" she said.

"Zypher" I heard papá Delux

And I froze again.

I know that I shouldn't fear him but my body won't obey. Even my mind won't let me be calm.

"I apologize if I scared you. And I want to say thank you for accepting me and calling me papá. I know that must be a brave step you did and I am proud of you for that. I just hope that you give me and yourself a chance. You are my son's mate, and that makes you my child as well. I will treat you the same way as my own. You can run to me for what ever need and problem you have. You can have your home with us. This is not a one time thing, this need a long process. And I would be glad help you along the way. Like Esme said we can take a slow pace. Alright?" papá Delux comforted me and patted my head.

I thought I would collapsed at fear with his hand on my head, i thought it would be hurt, but all I felt was warm.

It gave me courage to look at his eyes. And I saw his small smile. It is not as cheerful as mamá Crissy, nor as wide as Esme but his smile contains sincerity.

I then whispered.

"Thank you"


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