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I open my eyes and started to blink them to adjust. I got a pretty good sleep last night. The feeling of warm of someone sleeping beside me , make my sleep last night the one of the best sleep I had.

I saw the puppy beside me as he was curled and lightly snoring. I giggled with what I saw.

"What a cute puppy" I voiced my thought.

I poked him in his sides an he moved a little but still continue to sleep.

"Time to wake up little guy" I said in a cheerful and loud voice

My action results of successfully waking up the little puppy. The puppy yelp the second he saw me.

"Good morning too little guy"  i said and kiss his head.

He lick my cheek and wag his tail. It seems that he do really likes me now even tho I only pick him up last night.

I cooked two Sunnyside up eggs and put it in two plates.

"Do you eat eggs?" I ask the puppy. He wags his tail in response.

Well I guess that's a yes. I sit in the floor and put the plate beside me while the other plate is still in my hands. The puppy look at me and then look at the plate. I chuckles.

"Go on eat, it's for you" I say

He slowly crawl towards me. He look up at me at slowly eat the egg. As I saw that the little guy is already eating, I also eat my breakfast beside the puppy. I do really miss this kind of company, specially in eating. The last time I eat with someone is when my Mama is still I alive. It's already 5 years.

"Is it good?" I ask him

and he yelp in response.

After we finish our breakfast. I take him to bath and make sure that the puppy doesn't stink and bath myself. I wear my uniform and grab my school bag. After I finish everything i should do, I look at the puppy.

"Hey little guy, I know that it is not good to left you here alone, but I can't bring you to school nor in my job. So please wait here. I will left some food and water you can eat for lunch, if you won't eat it as soon as I left, but I assume that you can survive with it through out the day. So behave ok? Wait for Mama ok?" I said while stroking gently his fur

I kiss his head and head out to the door. As I shut it, I hear the whimpers of the puppy behind the door. And damn it makes my heart clenched. I can't leave him! What am I gonna do? I cannot leave if he whimper like that

"I- I need to leave little guy, uhm I'll be back promise" I said but the puppy is still whimpering.

Oh god this will be the death of me.

"Ugh whatever!"

I open the door and immediately saw the sad puppy face of this little guy. Gosh how can I leave him?

" You really know when to use that face to me. Stay still for a while" I said and go to the cabinet to grab a towel. I also pack his food and some water. I put those thing in my bag which is thank god a little bigger.

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