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He kissed me.

It only last for a second but he still kissed me.

Did he accept me now?

Is this the right time to tell him my secrets?

Goddess please help me.

"You kissed me! Can I call you my dear now?" I ask pushing my luck.

I wiped his tears and he nodded.

My smile turns bigger. But I know I have to tell him now.

I sighed.

"Zephyr? Can I have my turn to confess now?" I hold his hands.

He seemed to realized that I'm being serious.

"This is a big thing for me, Just know that I love you not because of this. I love you because that is how I feel. And please try not to be shocked too much. I just hope this will not mess things up between us" I started

He looks somehow nervous but I still continued

"Do you remember asking me about mates? Well the truth is that I believe in those because we are mates. It may sound ridiculous to you but it is the truth. Normal humans consider us as myths or imaginations. But I am a true vampire. Before you said anything, I don't eat and humans. We do drink blood but not all the time. It is a little complicated but it is true. There is also shifters, fairies, and elves. But we are all civilized, we do not hurt humans nor eats them. We coexist with you guys. This is true even if I sound ridiculous at this point." I explained with a fierce beating of my heart. The fear I am feeling is crawling in my veins, it was like a life and death situation to me.

He looked at me with shocked but fortunately without fear.

He seems to believe me.

"I believed you" he said

He said he believed me, he just said he did. Is this really happening?

"Bu- but how, why?" I stuttered

My compose was gone. Now I am the one whose shocked. This things cannot be processed overnight. Specially not for a second.

"I know you guys exist. Tho I don't believe it at first but I have proof now. My mother was once adopted by a werelock. And I grow up listening to her stories about your world and about mates"

What the heck is happening?!
But I regain my senses. Maybe goddess really heard my prayers.
Did I saved the whole universe in my past life? Why am I so blessed?

But I had no time to seek for answers in this questions, I need to compose my self and push my luck to the limits of it.

"So do you accept me as your mate?" I did not stutter but I am scared as shit right now. This feels like a dependence of my life to his answer. As ridiculous as it sounds, it is a fact that I cannot lie about.

He looked at me in my eyes, and I can see fear with excitement and hope int it.

"Can you promise not to leave me?" I almost didn't heard him.

I smiled.

"I do promise you that. I will do my very best to keep you happy, I will never do you harm or bring you pains. If I did I will change and correct mistakes. I won't be perfect but I will strive to be the best mate you have." This is the promise I will wrote in my heart. A promise I shall never break, cause this promise holds my life and my happiness.

"But I'm confused." He asks

To what? To me being a vampire? To us mates? To my promises?

"Remember what I told you about someone who confessed to me back then? He also told me I'm his mate and he's a shifter. But aren't I your mate?" He said

Wait. That man is also his mate? How did that happen? I'm sure Zephyr is my mate but how did this happened?
No sane person will lie about this very serious and sacred things.

"I am confused as well. But I am sure we are mates, there is no doubt in that maybe he is lying, but why would he lie about mates? Let me ask someone" I immediately call my dad

"Papá, is it possible having more than one mate? Did it happened before? Is it accurate?" I immediately asked my father the second he answered the phone. This matter cannot wait for any seconds.

"What are you saying son, did something happened?" He asks instead

Fuck I can't calm down

"Dad just answer me!" I almost shouted. This feelings is like burning me from inside.I cannot lose my mate. I would never give my mate to anyone.

"Esme calm down, I'm not doubting you" Zephyr caresses my back as he made me calm my nerves down.

It did the trick of course.

"It is possible, it happened a long time ago. There was a legend about it, and it started a war between two races. Between the shifters and the vampires" I heard dad said on the other line

Fuck. If it's true then the other is also his mate? Damn.

I thanked and ended the call with my father. I then explained to Zephyr what papá said.

"Then what should I do?" Zephyr trembled with fear.

I sighed and comforted my mate. We just established our relationship and now we already faced a problem.

I am calm now, and my reasoning is back. I cannot let this problem get between me and my mate.

Well this won't hinder my love for him. He is still MY mate

I cleared my mind and comforted my mate. Nothing is more important now other than him.

"Let's not think that for now my dear. That man is not here now, and if he did then will consider everything with him. Weather you accept him or be mates with both of us. I'll understand you my love. And i will support you to anything. But let's not stressed our selves with a problem that have not happened yet. " I said.

Let's wait for that man to come to our door before we stress about it. For now my dear and our relationship is priority.

"Is it alright with you Esme? Me having another mate?" He teared up again.

I can't see my mate stressing about this things, heck if my mate would be happy with it then it is what it is. I still believe that goddess have a purpose for this.

"Everything happens for a reason dear, so don't stress your self fot that matter atleast not now ok? How about we talked about our progress?" I changed the subject.

"Will you be my lover dear?"  I smiled at him.

Yes, goddess has a reason for everything.



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