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Zephyr P. O. V.

"So how's the freak? I heard you got sick? Did your ass get banged that hard?"

I am now back at school, surprisingly I indeed got a sick leave or I must say excused for being sick. I don't know how Esme did it, even me myself can't get to be excused in class for getting sick. And of course now that I'm back, James is giving a welcome back celebration with his annoying  stupid bastardness.

"I don't have time for those James so can you leave me alone?" I begged. Tho I would never kneel and kiss his toe to beg him. Errr never. No way.

I would rather kiss either Esme's or Zeev's toe. I wouldn't mind kis—

Wait what am I thinking?!

Arrghhhh!!! Why can't my thoughts shup up?!

"How can I leave you alone? When you are wearing a brand new clothes and they look expensive. Tell me did you get a sugar mommy? Or is it a sugar daddy? Hmmm?" He bullied me again.

They all laughed and mock at me. The students nearby, who is basically being nosy and listening to what is happening to me right now, starts to gossip and whisper in their ear. The hushed rumor is now spreading like a virus.

I mean what's wrong with me wearing new clothes?! Isn't it normal? And how did he even get the idea of me gold digging some old man?

"Is this the first time you saw someone wearing new clothes? And why are you asking whether I got a sugar daddy? Why do you want one? I didn't knew you like those." I remarked.

Me and my mouth as always. I don't know why I can't just go away and never bother to listen to them. That way I can avoid consequences with the biased-unfair-blind-deaf-leaders.

But no, my mouth always have something to say back. I always have sarcastic comeback that always get me to trouble.

"What did you just said you whore?" James is fuming, the invisible smoke is coming out  his ears.

He did look really pissed.

My bad.

"What I mean is
that please leave me alone. Like what you just said earlier, I just came back from a sick leave. SICK LEAVE. So if you can please do leave me alone. I would really appreciate it." I replied.

I'm so tired just from him. I wanna go home and hang out with Zylak and Esme.

I start walking away not minding James. I pulled out my phone to text Esme.

I feel tired. And the classes haven't started yet. I wanna go home...

After I sent it, I heard James's voice.

"A branded new clothes and an expensive cellphone. You did really catch a big time old sugar daddy?" He laughed.

I don't know if I should be upset or laugh. I mean he is basically calling Esme a 'big time old sugar daddy' which is clearly an opposite of it. He may be old but he's still too young to be an old hag.

"Oh, I just hope you know what you are saying" I replied when my phone dings.

An incoming call ...

From Esme.....

"Hello?" I replied as I pick up the phone.

I just now realize why the heck is the time really slow now? I mean the bell have yet to ring, why so?

"Are you alright? Why do you feel tirednees? Do you feel ill? Did something happen?" He immediately questioned me.

This guy is really cute when he is being a worrywart. It just makes my heart warm and mushy.

I don't know what is he doing with me right now. Him and this feeling I feel for him.

"I good just being lazy and—" I am replying to him when this rude stupid idiot cutted me off

"Oh is your old hag calling? He must missed his little slut" he mocked

And that's it! I snapped.

"What is your problem? I just told you to leave me alone, why can't you understand that? Is that hard to put that in your head?! Oh if you have a storage in your head." I backed

"Who is that? Tell me what is happening there Zephyr?" Esme's cold voice stops me from moving.

Damn! I forgot I was on the phone with him..

"Nothing to worry about" I lied.

Heck I'm feeling guilty!!

If this idiot just learn to leave me alone, everything would be fine. But he can't just! Why can't he?! Now I have to lie to the only person who cared for me.

"If you do not like me driving my way to you right now then start stating that person's name or  I will make him do it himself." My knees almost give out from hearing his cold voice.

I would lie if I say I'm not scared. My body almost tremble from his voice. And from his voice , I can say that he was beyond pissed.

"J-James Catergord" I stuttered.

I don't want this to become a big deal but, I can't also defy Esme when he is this mad.

"Go to your class and let me handle this. Take care alright. Have a good day." Esme then ended the call.

I looked at James and found out he's also looking at me. His eyes were wide and full of shock.

"Who who was that?" He asked

I should laughed at him now, but I can't. I can't still believed what Esme did and also scared of what he will do.

I was about to answer him when the bell rang, at the same time James phone chimes.

"Yes mom?... To your office?..... But I have class..... Why?.... Ok" James answered to the other line. From what I heard it was his mom.

I turn my way to the class. I guess I should just listen to Esme. I trust him and I guess this is for the best. Beside it's been so long since James started bullying me. Perhaps this is the time to put an end to it.

I'm sure the news and rumors about what happened today will spread later or tomorrow. And I will be the subject of their topic this time again.


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