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It was him.

Mr. Zeev

I froze, couldn't move and couldn't utter a single word.

I don't know what to feel.

I'm happy to see him again but also panicked.

Panicked as why the world let us meet again, now that I am ok with Esme.

What about the mate-thing with Zeev? Is that even true?

I don't know anymore.

"We need to talk" he said.

What if he take Zylak away from me?

"NO! Please don't take Zylak from me."

I shouted.

He can't take my baby.

"I'm not doing that, but we need to talk about us " he explained.

About us

Being mates?!

But I already have Esme as my mate?

I don't want to cheat Esme.


"No, no , no Sorry I have to go"

I run.

My heart broke in pieces.

It shouted at my body to stop running but my mind said to run away.

"Wait, please Zephyr let's talk. Stop running please" he shouted as he chased me. And caught me.

"We need to talk" he said, holding my arms.

"No please let me go. I can't" I cried

"Why can't you? We're mates we need to talk this out. Please don't reject me. I won't be able to take it. Come on please." He pleaded.

I want to hug him, tell him I won't hurt him again. Tell him that I'll never reject him.

But I can't, I already have Esme with me. He was good to me. Too good honestly. I can't just cheat Esme . I love him. Though Mr. Zeev holds a place in my heart, but I can't have both. I don't deserve even Esme alone, not especially them both.

"I can't please let me go. I don't wanna hurt any of you more as much I have already did . Please I wanna go home now. I don't know anymore. Please, stop. I can't. I don't know. Please." I just cried.

"Give me a chance please, let's talk about this" he pleaded again.

He was crying.

I am hurting him.

And it broke my heart seeing his tears falling from his eyes.

What's happening? Why is this happening to me? I don't know anymore.

I want to comfort him, hug him into my arms and say sorry for what I did. I want to wipe his tears away and see his smile again.

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