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"Any updates about him?" I asked Jaze on the phone.

I've been calling him for weeks asking update about my mate. And I haven't got anything from him for weeks also.

Is he hiding from me? Did he really rejected me?!

"Alpha I saw and talked to him earlier but I have bad news" he nervously said.

My heart beats faster than it ever did. I don't wanna heart it. He can't just reject me. No no way, it can't be. I don't wanna hear it!

"What it is?" I replied.

I don't wanna hear it. But I want to know.

"He said he moved out from his old house, he's doing great now so is the pup but..." He explained

Why did it had to have a but?

"What?!" I growled

I'm seconds from snapping out in my reasons.

I don't think I can accept what he will said next.

"He said he moved in with his boyfriend, sorry alpha" he continued.

My world sank.



Goddess why?!

He's my mate.

He's mine.

But why is he with somebody else? Am I not worth enough? Am I really not attractive enough to him? Am I really not likable that my own mate can't accept me? Goddess please don't joke with me. Please don't let me meet mate and then let me see him be with somebody else. Please don't do this to me. I can't.

"Where is he?!" I coldly ask.

My instincts screamed wild. My whole body screamed blood.

"Alpha you need to calm down, you can't scare him." Jaze reasoned to me.

But unfortunately for him my reasoning is already forgotten.it was eaten by my ego , my grief and my madness.

It was long gone.

"WHERE. IS . HE?!!" I shouted.

"He's at school right now. His class will end in 4 hours." He said and I hange up.

I can't just wait and let mate be taken by somebody else. That's my mate. He was mine!

I stormed out my room and heading outside. I was walking angrily until my mom blocked my way.

"You can't see him like this! Be rational!" Mom said.



I'll shred that piece of shit into pieces. No one take my mate away from me!

No one!

"THEN GO! GO AND SCARE YOUR MATE AWAY FROM YOURSELF. LET HIM SEE YOU THAT WAY! LET YOURSELF LOSE HIM THAT WAY! YOU CAN'T BLAME HIM FOR CHOOSING SOMEBODY ELSE INSTEAD OF YOU, LOOK AT YOURSELF. LOOK AT YOU NOW! YOU LOOK LIKE A SERIAL KILLER WHO NEEDS TO BURN SOMEONE ALIVE TO LIVE! YOU LOOK LIKE A MONSTER YOU SAID YOU AREN'T! if you want him to give you a chance then calm your shit down and take deep breaths your madness won't do you any good. It always ends up with the opposite. SO IF YOU WANT YOUR MATE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SIDE THEN SHOW HIM IT is worth listening for!" Mom said and stomped away from me.

She's right.

"Mom wait" I shouted.

I breathe and sighed.

"Mom, what should I do?" And I cried.

Mom hugged me tightly, comforting me with all her warm.

"You can't force him sweetie. But you can ask for a chance. Ask him to listen to your side and maybe he will consider it. But honey, we can't force anyone, not even our mates. He's a human, not a were-shifters like us. " She said.

"BUT MOM HE'S MY MATE!" I reasoned.

"Hush now, baby I know." She comforted me.

"No mom, how can this be so unfair? I've waited for him all my life and then he run away! I looked for him everywhere and now I found him I also found out that he got himself a boyfriend?! I thought he said he is not ready for any relationship? Then why do he moved in with his boyfriend?! I'm here! I can love him endlessly! But why do he have to have somebody else instead?! Can't it be just me?! Why do this happen to me?! Why?!!" I breakdown to my mom's arms again.

"Sweetie.We can't just forced him to accept all of this things to him. What you'll do is to make him understand and let him decided. But you need to that with a calm and clear mind. In any relationship, communication is the key but you need to communicate in calm way. Anger will bring the relationship to crumble. It won't do any good. So if you want to talk to him, you gotta need to ask him. If he is willing then slowly explain it but if he's not ready to listen then you can't force him. We all had our own limitations. So is he. But I know goddess has a reason just believe on her" she whispered in my ear while still holding me in her arms.

She's right.

I can't really just force my mate with this supernatural things. And maybe that was the reason.

I just can't help be in pain. It hurts.
It's like my life is meaningless. It's like I'm torn apart in two and never be complete. Never be healed again. Questions run through my mind. My thoughts are jumbled. I can't think straight anymore. I'm just hurt and dead right now.

Hut she's right. If my mate saw me like this then I won't have even a 1% chance to him. I'll just scare him again like what I did last time.

Mothers really knows best. She know how to help me and comfort me in times like this.

This is all I need.

"Mom I'll try to talk to him. May goddess bless me" I said and kiss her cheek and bid goodbye.

If mom wasn't here, I don't know what would I do. I'll probably head to my mate with madness and I won't even had a chance to ask him to listen to me because I already scared him away. I probably messed up again. I'm glad goddess gave me a mother who always comfort me and teach me still even if I already am grown enough.

"James, I need you to look out on our pack for some time. I need to do something. Wish me luck" I called my beta .

Dad is here and I trusted my beta. They're my family so I know they'll help me.

"Ok alpha. You can do it!" He replied.

I hope so.

I really hope so.

Because if I lost him. It's no worth living anymore.


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