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"Esme, let's meet your parents."

I coughed. I was choked by his words. I drink the water next to my plate and look at him. He just smiled at me like he did not blurted a serious thing at all.

"Dear? Are you sure about it? Did you think it through?" I told him.

Did I pressured him that much?

"Yes I already thought about it, and I feel good about it, like something good will happen?" He smiled.

His smile is so sweet. It's my favorite thing in the world.

"If you insist then off we go?"

He laughed.

"Silly let's go later , like for dinner. You're excited " he still laughed.

If I said his smile is my favorite then I am wrong. His laugh is my favorite at all.

"Do I need to bring something for them Esme? Like maybe gifts?" He asked.

He is really indeed going to meet my family. All is good. Thank goddess.

"No need for that dear, mamá is not a materialistic woman. But if you want to gift her anything would do and I know she will love it so as my papá. Or you could cook for them perhaps? Mamá will love it to the bones ." I said.

Well my mamá actually do that. She would bring food that she cook everytime we visits the moonridge pack or her friends house. She said it is a good attitude to bring food in a gathering, specially family gathering.

"If you said so. But will they like my food? I'm only a mediocre cook. I'm not that amazing as you think. What if  it will be too salty? Or too sweet. Oh do they have allergy ? Can't give them something they can't eat right? That would be horrible. What should I cook? Do they have any preference or perhaps—"  I kissed him to cut off his panicking moment.

He's just too cute. And my desire cannot be kept on leash anymore.

"My dear, just cook the usual. Or the foods you cook for me. Remember when I brought food from you? Everytime I brought your amazing food I would have to hide from them or I would have to fight them. That just show how good you cook. So do not doubt yourself, because I never doubted you specially your food. Stop that mind of yours from overthinking. You are good, You are the best, and you are worth it." I kissed him in the forehead and hugged him tightly.

This dear of mine is so precious. He cares so much about everything that he sometimes forget to care for himself. Well I am here to care for him and to remind him.

"It's still morning , should we have a date? We could go to the mall and buy ingredients for later, and stroll around too" I proposed.

He looked at me with a smile, and his eyes is wet.

"Ok let's go. And thank you by the way" he hugged me again and whispered.

As we arrive in the mall, I know he is still a little nervous. We kept dating and eating outside when we got the time. And I know he is slowly taking a step. It is slow but who said to rush? Relationship cannot be hurried, so as love. You shall develop it little by little and form it slowly and carefully. Rushing can only cause more mistakes, no fight can be win without a plan.

We hold hands as we stroll around the mall. We would casually buy an items that we can use at our home and a toy for our pup Zylak.

"Oh a bakery!" He exclaimed.

I looked at where his fingers pointed at and saw a dessert shop not a bakery actually.

"Let's see what's inside?" I urge him

We saw lots of kind. Zephyr seemed so faccinated with what he saw. But I saw his eyes twinkling at a certain kind.

Custard pudding.

"Miss could you give me a custard pudding and this chocolate overload cupcake." I ordered.

The chocolate overload is a chocolate cupcake with lots of chocolate. It says that it has a chocolate cupcake, chocolate filling,  chocolate cream and chocolate chips on top.

"Woah that cupcake must be sweet and delicious!" Zephyr exclaimed again.

He seemed to be in high spirits, and full of smiles today. I guess nothing could  really go wrong.

"My dear,could you wait for our order? I just need to call somebody"

I got to the corner of the shop and called my mamá

"Yes Esme dear?" My mother on the other line.

"Mamá, can you baked something good for dinner tonight? I will eat there tonight" I said.

"Oh good, it been so long since you have eaten with me, I am starting to think you do not like my cooking no more." She joked.

How could I not like her cooking? I grow up with her delicious creation. No other cook could beat my mamá's food! Well other than my mate of course.

"Mamá that's impossible"

"Glad to know Esme, and oh I will invite your aunt Jade's family. It will be a good thing for Zeev as well, so he could have a rest" she said.

Well nothing's wrong with it anyway. Though I am quite hesitant to Zeev coming but I cannot stop my mom anyway so I guess it is fine.

"Ok mamá, I will see you later"

I hanged up the phone and got back to my mate. We left the store with our desserts and headed to the movie theater.

I will just take this time to make her forget about his panics. I do not want seeing him being stressed about something he can actually easily do. Seeing his smile and hearing him laugh is instead what I want to.

Let us look forward for tonight dinner.

I hope everything is well.


Author have something to say:

Hey guys, since it's my birthday today then I'll give you these 3 chapters as my gift with kisses and hugs. Keep smiling everyone.🖤

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