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I am doing some fucking paperwork here in my office. Doing Alpha duties and such. I do love being an Alpha but paperwork is damn. I mean why use a paper if we have computer and advance technology gadgets we can use in work. Email exist ,so why do I still need to be stuck with paper. Argh this old man of mine.

"Alpha boy , your presence are needed in the dining" Esme suddenly appear

Another annoyance appeared.

This fucking vampire don't know about the basic rule, specially the 'Knock before you enter'.

"I'll be down in a minute" I said firmly.

I am the Alpha. I won't allow some fucking vampire to disrespect and command me as he pleased.

" As you can see , you need to go now." He raised his eyebrow

This annoying bloodsucker , always getting on my nerve.

"You fuck-" I was cut as my phone rings.

Another annoying bastard. Why can't I have some peace even just a day.

I need a rest for fucking sake!

" what the fuck you need?!" I ask using my Alpha voice.

"Woah! Chill dude ! Who pissed your bum?" He jokingly said which is not funny and still fucking annoying.

Why would they always love to bothers me when I am the one who had a lot of shit to do!?

" If you don't have any shit to say then don't bother me anymore . I'm busy." I said and was about to end the call.

"WAIT!!! I have something important to tell you." He hurriedly said

Argh, give me some rest!


"One of my students brought a pup in my class." He said

And what business do I have with his student who brought some puppy in their class. Do I look like I care?

Seriously ?! He called me for that shit?!

"Do not call me again" I was again about to end the call when he caught my intention.

"It's a pup ,not a puppy. A PUP! A baby shifter. A PUP" he shouted

A fucking human who have a Pup as a pet? Damn humans! What right do they have to make a pup their house pet?! It is not acceptable.

"Location and details" I spoked

I need to rescue the pup. They can't always think that animals is beyond their level. We are not a pet , We have a life and emotions. We should be treated right.

" He said he found the pup last night on his way home. The pup is injured in the front left paw. It is also small. I appointed my student in Sam's vet clinic to check the pup's condition in next day." He informed. And it shocked me.

That's the pup we lost last night! The pup must be taken by the human. I need to save the pup.

"Ok, thank you" I said and finally ended the call.

"I'll come with you" Esme me spoked


"Did I tell you to come with me?" I said

Why can't this vampire leave me alone?!

" Nope but I want to." He said and walk out the door.

Argh fuck this bloodsucker! May you rot in hell!

"Son , where are you?" My father mind linked me

I sighed! I arrange my paperworks before I walk out in my office. I headed down to the dining hall and immediately saw my parent's and the bastard vampire's parents. Do not get me wrong, I do care about his parents. It just their annoying son who always make me mad and pissed.

" My baby , come here and sit. Do not overwork your self with your duties." Mom cooed me.

Even if I want it or not, Mom will always treat her children as a baby. Wait till you see how he treat my younger sister , it is the most worst thing.

"Your Mom is right Zeev. Make time for rest." Aunt Cresilda agreed

She is Esme's mother. A very beautiful and loving vampire you'll ever met.

" Yeah how about you get some vacation to rest and also find your mate" Dad said.

My heart clenched at his words. I am now 25 and still no knowledge or sign about my mate.

are they happy now? Are they healthy? Maybe they are already married? or worst dead?

No! I would rather choose them being married than being dead. But still I hope they are still single and also waiting for me. Oh goddess please guide me to my mate. I need them now specially with this annoying bastards who keep pestering me. I need my mate!

"Ok dad I'll do it" I said. It is also good if I can have some time to find my mate.

I know they are there somewhere. I can feel a pull but sadly it is not strong enough to make me know where are they.

"Make Esme come with you too. That way he can also have some time to find his mate." Uncle Delux spoked.

Oh no! No way! I can't be with that fucking vampire. No way!

"No! Uncle you know how we hate each other! I can't be with that bastard in the same air!" I stand up and exclaimed.

No this is a bad idea. How could I rest with that fucking bloodsucker. No way in hell.!

" As if I want to be with a mutt" Esme scoffed.

That's it ! I'm really gonna kill him now.

"Chill your horses boys" Uncle Delux said also standing up.

" I think this will be a good idea and I don't want any buts coming from you the both of you" Dad commanded

" Fuck" The only thing I could say.

I may be the Alpha now but Dad will always be my Alpha. And once he said , there's nothing I could do to defy him. I really despised that bloodsucker bastard. He always get on my way and pester me. Always on my way to hurt me! I still remember what he fucking did to me. If it's not for our parents, I would never really want even a glimpse of his hair. I would use all my power to banish him in my life.

" You can have your vacation tomorrow so you could rest longer" My mom said

Oh no I still need to save the puppy!

" Fine" I said and stand up.I made my way to my office and finish what I could finish for today.

I just really hope I will find my mate. Please goddess guide me to my mate


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