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I waiting here for my mate in my car. I didn't go with him inside his house because I know he want some space and privacy for himself . And also I do not want him thinking that I am being a creep. That would be bad.

I am humming some song to pass the time when I heard a knock on my window.

"Ahm hey you really waited for me" Zephyr said.

Of course I would. I do not break a promise , and never turn back from what I have said.

" Of course, why would you think I would not?" I opened the door and help him with his baggage.

" Well I'm still doubting that you're serious about this" He sound conscious.

Is it really a great idea? Or am I being a pushover?

" Don't you like this idea? Am I being a pushover?" I asked honestly.

I want him to know that he has a choice. And he can choose his own choices. As much as I want to shield him and lock him in my arms, I wouldn't do that. Because I will not choose my mate to be caged. He should be free to fly high and reach the sky above, not in a cage who will keep him from flapping his beautiful wings.

"Ahm going with you isn't really a good idea but you actually have a point. I can't take care well of Zylak while I'm resting and I don't have a work for now so I don't know where would I get money for our food. And here you are. You offer those kind of things to me for free , so that would be good for us. It was just ahm I don't really know you that much and I'm still doubting your motives to me. I mean who would be in a right mind to ask another person to live with you for a while with free foods and rent?  No one without a motive right?" He blabbered

He look so cute when he is blabbering , specially when he looks so confused and conflicted. I wonder how adorable he is when he is annoyed.

And I'm relieved that he won't trust people thant much or he will be eaten

" Well I guess I am not in a right mind, but I assure you that I don't have an ill motive towards you. Maybe a good motive though."

And someone who deeply care for you.

I put his thing on the backseat since he only packed a little things. When I looked at him again, I just noticed the pup hiding to his feet.

To say that I was shocked is Understated. It was an actual pup. A pup. A wolf-shifter pup.
Why do he have a pup? Fuck this is messed up.

"Ahm is that your pup?" I asked him.

The pup is still looking at me with scared eyes. Oh he is scared with vampires.

"Oh yes! This is Zylak. The one that I've told you. Hey little guy don't be scared, come out now." He is speaking to him the way how people speak to their infants.

"I guess he was just shy with me. Should we go now?" I changed the topic.

I know I have to report this with Zeev but it appeared to me that my mate cares deeply for that pup. And I am A thousand sure that sending the pup to the pack will be really difficult.

"Oh ok" He replied then carry the pup in his arms.

I opened the door for him, and closed it after he sit down. I head towards the driver seat and immediately started the car. Since I putted his baggage at the backseat, he was sitting besides me.

I look at him for a second and saw him kissing the pup's head .

Am I jealous? surely not.
Am I happy? I am. I can already imagine how would he treat our child and it is a very wonderful sight.

"Uh as I have remember, you found that pup in the sidewalk in your way home. Am I right?" I asked

I just want to have a conversation with him.

"Oh yes. I found him with an injury in his little paw and was alone and hungry. I brought him back with me and take care of him since then. I didn't even believe that he will change some of perspective in life." He admitted

Woah , he really does care that much . This pup is indeed lucky.

"Can I ask what did he change?" I asked softly. I don't wanna sound nosy nor rude.

"Honestly , I have been living alone for so long. No parents, no friends, and no someone to have any kind of relationship. That was actually one of the reasons I am doubting in coming with you. I don't need friends or anyone. I am fine with my own. I am actually fine being alone. I really do believed that I don't need anyone in my life. Until I have Zylak. I talk to him, Eat with him, bath with him, walk with him, and interact with him. He made me realize that having someone is also good." He opened up for me.

From what I understand in his story , it was hard to have any relationship with him, not even a friend. Imagine a lone person opening up with you, it would be your pleasure right? And I exactly felt a little proud of my self for making him open up for me.

"Oh fuck why am I saying this to you? There's really wrong with me." He mumbled though I heard it perfectly.

"Thank you, for telling me your story. There is nothing wrong with you , in fact you are perfectly fine. Nothing is wrong with choosing to be alone. We all have our own decisions and choices. " I said

He just looked at me with a little tear in his eyes. He immediately turn away , I guess it was because he does not want me to see his tears.

I am actually happy with our progress. I am over the moon knowing that I made him open up for me. I know a little part of it is because of us being mates. The mating bond help him to recognized and feel my presence. It will make us attracted to each other. But making him fall in love to me is up to me.

I will do everything I can to make my mate open his heart for me and let me in. Even if I have do the long way.


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