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I was really happy of what Mr. Zeev did for me yesterday. He give the responsibility of the puppy to me! He won't take Zylak away from me.

" Do you want water?" I offered Mr.Zeev

He visits me and Zylak today. Well yesterday, he said he'll see if I am worthy of taking care of Zylak. So i guess it comes with visiting me , and here is he now in my rented room.

"Ok" He smiled

I give him a water and sit on the bed beside him.
I don't have classes today so I'm not really that bothered by him being here.

" Ahmm why do you have a mini dispenser, A mini kitchen here? and where's the sink?" He asked.

Oh is he interrogating me? Is this some test if I'm really worthy of having Zylak? If yes, then I'll be doomed! I'm poor and I'm the only one supporting my self!

"Ahm.. I'm only renting a room so that's why my I have a mini kitchen here and making sapce for my other necessity. As for the sink, I'm doing any kind of washing in my bathroom, from washing dishes to washing clothes and taking a bath. I'm just a part-timer in my job so I can't afford an apartment and this room is really cheap and just enough for my budget" I lowered my head in shame.

I know I'm being delusional at wanting to take care of Zylak but I really do need that little guy with me. The puppy made me love again despite me hating love so much..

"Oh ok, Where are your job?" He asked again

I'm really convinced now that he is interrogating me.

"In the cafe nearby." I replied again

If he is taking away Zylak from me, I just hope that he'll let me see or visit him sometimes.

"how about your hobbies?" He asked again.

How is my hobbies related to being worthy of Zylak?
Well maybe he's afraid that my hobbies can affect my time with Zylak.

Oh , so it's really a big responsibility if you take an animal under your care. I do understand it now. We can't just let them be. They need to be taken care of properly . Just feeding them is not enough.

"I like sleeping if that can be called a hobby" I shyly replied.

That's the only thing I want to do everyday! To rest and sleep. Of course I also want to be with Zylak and play with him.

He laughed. Is it weird tocall him handsome if he's laughing?

I guess it is.

"Anything aside from that?" He is still laughing.

He really found funny my sleeping as a hobby.

"hmm singing alone? or listening to music." I said.

I really start to to like Zeev's company.

No. I don't want nor need s friend! Zylak is enough!

"Oh can you show me?" He asked

No way in hell I'll be singing in front of him . No! Never!!

I shook my head to show him my reluctance. I'm not gonna sing in front of him!

"Oh come on please" He pleaded again and I just shake my head left and right to tell him no.

I turn my gaze away from him o I couldn't meet his dazzling eyes. Did I say dazzling? Well His eyes is dazzling !

"Ok , dont worry I'm not gonna force you." He said with his deep but soft voice.

Oh no, I'm getting weird.

"Ahmm let's talk about something yeah? Can I ask you a question?" He changed the subject.

which is I'm glad he did because the atmosphere is getting weird.

"ok" I mumbled

" Why are you alone? Don't get me wrong! I am not forcing you to answer this if you aren't comfortable but I just want to know why are you living alone." He said

Why is he asking about my personal life? Is this still part of the interrogation to see if I'm worth it to have Zylak?

"My mother is dead and I don't have any relatives. I have a job and my tuition fee is already paid so my money is enough to my necessity like food" I explained.

Of course I lied little. The pay I received in my part-time job is not enough but I can find another one so I could have enough money for me and Zylak.

"Oh, So no distant relatives? cousins? Friends? or even guardian?" He inquire again

Of course I have those but I don't know them and I know they won't care about me. I have a father or I must say sperm donor but he is out of the question . Of course I have cousins but I only knew the one in my father's side , so still no. So I guess none right?

I shook my head for answer.

" But you are only 17! A legal guardian is needed." He said.

" Well I don't have one but people assumed I have so that's fine. And I can live with myself." I explained

He could pitied me or laugh at me for being ambitious enough to think I could survive alone with nothing but I don't care this my life now and I can't do anything to change it.

//. , .//

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