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Zephyr P. O. V.

As the bell rang, signalling for the end of the classes. I heard my phone dings. I open it and smile as I saw a message from Esme and the wallpaper background. I remember when the time Esme gifted me the phone. I took a picture of us and made it as my wallpaper. I also remember when he asked me how did I put my picture in as my wallpaper. Heck I never laughed so bad but that time. Then now we both have our first picture together as our wallpaper.

I called Esme's phone as the message said "please do call me when your classes is done"

"Hello Esme?" I said as he answered the phone.

"Hello Zephyr, good afternoon. I would just ask if you have the time to buy some groceries? But it is alright if you are not free, I could just do it later or ask for someone to do it instead. No pressure." He answered.

I could already hear from his sentences the 'doesn't mean you are living with me is that you have to pay me back or do house chores.' which I always hear from him since the first day I lived with him.

"Sure I'm free anyway" of course I'll do it. This is actually the first time he's asking me for something. He must be really busy.

"Are you sure it is alright? Zephyr you know you don't need to pay me back. I love helping and giving you things. And you do not owe me." He remind me again.

See? I could memories that words like the back of my hand. And I already learn that I can't and shouldn't pay him back. He doesn't like that.

"It's fine. It's fine. I'm heading home anyways and I don't have anything to do for today."

"If it is really alright then. Oh you have your card with you right?" He asks.

"You mean your card?" I sassed jokingly.

The card he mentioned is the card debit card he gave me, which I bet have thousands and thousands of money. He even almost named it to me which we argued that time. But in the end I accepted the card with the condition that it wont be named to me.

So in conclusion it's still his card and I'm just holding it. For Esme's sake.

"Zephyr if you did just agreed to name it to you, it would be truly yours. Because it is really for you" here we go again.

We may argue like this but it didn't really feel like we are fighting. Maybe because this is just simply explaining our different sides while respecting each others feeling and thoughts.

"And you know I don't want it to be named to me right?" I reminded him while chuckling

"Alright, alright I won't argue with you anymore. But still that card is yours so you could buy things you want even if I am not around. Alright?" He said.

I don't know why but every time we talked, in person or through the phone, his voice is really gentle, it's soothing and making me calm and giddy. I don't even know anymore.

It feels weird. A good weird.

Am I really falling in love?

Is this what falling in love ?

Is this love?

"I know, thank you. Take care and good luck with your work. Bye." I said slightly blushing.

He also replied it with a bye and words that makes the insides of my stomach fly.

My phone dings as I received a message from him.

'Just buy whatever we need in our house , I will leave it you. And buy anything you want for yourself or for Zylak. I remembered that his treat bag is empty. Take care'.

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