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Zephyr P.O.V.

There is something strange about that guy. The first time I talked to him feels so right. I am actually comfortable talking to him. The way he speak and specially his smile. I was actually shocked with the smile he give because he looks like someone who doesn't smile so often, like someone who always wore a poker face everyday. And the way he dress is really cool too he look so hot in a 3 piece suit. And when he scratched his head when he's embarrassed It was just so adorable! Wait of course I am not attracted to him. That was impossible. No it cannot be.

Yes I am comfortable talking to him. His presence bring contentment and comfort in me. He is funny and adorable but that's all. I don't like him. of course I don't.

I entered my room and was greeted with my baby. My little guy!

"hey there little guy! How's your day? well mine is good actually.  I wasn't bullied in school and met someone in the cafe . Oh and also I-" I stopped talking because I saw him sniffing me. He keep sniffing him and look at me with scared and doubtful eyes. Do I smell like shit?

"What wrong little guy? Do I smell something bad?" I asked

I don't know what is wrong , he keep sniffing me and looking at me weirdly after. Did he smell something in me? Maybe a Cologne from the customers in cafe?  Maybe it was.

" Ok I'll shower first and let's talk ok?" I kissed his forhead and went to clean myself.

after the bath ,I dressed in a comfortable pajama and sit in my bed. Zylak immediately sit on my lap. I guess he really smell something weird in me earlier.

"Well little guy, did you behave while I'm gone? I know you did. Zylak you know I met someone in the cafe earlier. His presence brings comfort and contentment in me. I was actually comfortable while talking to him. My anxiety is almost nonexistent that time. There is something about him that I need to know. Something like I felt with Mr.Zeev , what do you think?" I asked the puppy in my lap.

He yelp and wag his tail. I guess he was happy about it? But I feel conflicted about what's happening to me. First it was Zeev and now Esme. I don't know what to feel. I wanna go with "NO LOVE " But also wanna know more about them. Am I too lonely? Do I need to socialize now? No! I don't think so. Why would I be lonely? I have Zylak with me and besides I don't need people in my life. I am fine living how I am now. I survive with my self and I will still.

" Let's not talk about them and just sleep ok? I love you my little guy. Good night" I kissed his forehead .

I closed my eyes and readied my self to sleep but I can't. My body and mind is awake.

Why am I thinking about him? Why I want to see Esme again? Why am I regretting about not going with him? Why am I missing Zeev? Why does my chest hurts when I think of him? What did they do to me? Am I that lonely? But I did survived just with myself and happy with it? What is happening to me? Why am I feeling this? What should I do?

I sighed , I am just over thinking thing. Maybe I just want Someone to talk to just like back then. But I'll get over this I am sure with that.

Everything will be back to normal.


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