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I'm walking down the alley in the middle of the night. I just got off from my part-time job.
My hell of a day is finally going to end, I just can't wait to lay down in my bed and sleep.

Earlier, I was almost fired in my part-time job because of being late again. Damn detention, always making me late.

I wonder how worst will this day goes? robbery? trouble with gangster? drunkards in the alley? dark alley with no flashlight? dogs in the way?

Fuck did I just hear someone's whimper?

I hear a dog's whimper again. Dogs!

Oh no how unlucky am I?

As the curious I am , I follow the sound. I can hear the whimpering near in the woods.

Damn. Why do I have to live in the edge of the town near the forest?

"God I hope this is just a normal dog not a wild animal" I say out loud

And I hear the bushes move. What is it? A wild animal? A bear? Oh my gosh I'm going to die! It's dark in here and No one will bury me if I die , I don't have any relatives! And I haven't finished  in highschool? Mama's money will be a waste if I didn't even finish it. No.

"Who is it?" I silently ask as I hear another shuffling in the bushes.

I don't know why I'm even asking the animal ,but damn I wanna leave but at the same time I want to know what it is.


tiptoeing towards the bushes gently ,I hear another whimper again. Oh now I'm sure it was a dog.

"I'm just gonna see what it was and I'm gonna leave" I whisper to myself.

I peak under the bushes and saw a little puppy. I know it is dark in here but not dark enough to keep me from seeing the cute puppy.

It whimper again, I guess something was wrong?

"What's wrong little guy?" I asked in a baby tone.

I may be scared in big dogs but I always found the puppies adorable.

I tried to grab the puppy but it growls. And I found it cute . Damn The puppy growls!

"Oh no don't bite me, I'm gonna help you. Come here! Come to Mama" I said softly

I don't know if it was my imagination or hallucinations but I think I saw it's eyes become a little wide. I guess it's kinda shock him because of what I said. I mean who wouldn't? I call my self a 'Mama' when I am a boy. Well you can't blame me. That's the first I thing that came into my mind, and besides most baby animals is with their Mama till they are old enough to survive with alone.

"Well I guess your kinda shock of what I said." I scratch the back of my head.

The puppy slowly crawls in to my lap, since I am currently sitting in the soil. I can see him limping towards me . He smell me first and look at me. I just smile at him and letting him take his time.

What a cute little guy!

"Oh my heart" I squeal when the puppy put its head in my lap and slightly licking me hand.

I picked him up and decided to take him home.

Damn Zephyr! Where is the ' I'll only see what it was and leave' ?

well nevermind, I got my self a companion anyways.

As we arrived at my room. I put him down my bed and get the Bandages I also grab an ice. From what I have seen earlier , the little baby is limping its front left paw , so I guess the puppy got sprained? How would I know?I'm not a veterinarian.

"I'll treat your pain baby ok?" I ask the puppy and it nods. IT NODS!!!!

Damn does puppies usually nod? can they really do that? whatever it is still very cute!!

Oh my! My heart! the puppy is attacking my heart with its adorableness..

I put the ice in its limping paw and I wrap it with bandages after. I grab some milk which is my last  and only milk I have, and pour it in a small bowl.

"Here drink baby ok?"

it drinks the milk I gave while continuously looking at me from time to time.

"You done?" I ask softly again and put away the bowl.

I pick him up and I gently lay down in my bed with him. He lick my nose and nuzzles in my neck.

"Good night little guy" I whisper and sleep peacefully .

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