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It's a tiring day for me. I just finished my last class and now I'm about to head home.

Walking through the hallway like this is still new to me.

Nobody bothers me again. No drama with innocent devil, the teacher unfair police, the blind and deaf principal judge, and no fake witnesses. (Refers to chapter 3)

Just peace.

So far after the incident in the mall last time, no one bothers me like how it was back then, rather they look at me weirdly and was somewhat scared of me. I don't know what happened but this is good. I'm left alone finally.

At first, it was somewhat weird, but now I'm enjoying it. No bullies, no drama, no issue! Just tiring school works but peaceful day.

I'm guessing that this happened because they saw me coolly flashing out the card. Damn they must still be shocked or gossiped it throughout the school that they thought I was some big time person, or perhaps I have someone on my back who's a big boss.

Well technically, I do have someone on my back now. A rich, sophisticated, handsome but gentle big boss.

A funny thing to call Esme on that way.

But it was somewhat true. And ever since he came into my life, he's got my back at everything. He cares, protect and even made me grow on the betterment of myself.

And now, I'm gonna enjoy this peaceful days until I can. We never know when those devils come back.

But if they do maybe I could still flash the card unto their face till they be shocked and stop bothering me again.

I laughed so hard with the thoughts that running in my head right now.

As I'm walking through the hallway, I heard my phone rings.

It's a message from Esme.

"Dear, done with your class?"

I immediately smiled as I've read his message. Up till kow, I couldn't believe that I deserved someone like Esme. He's practically perfect , he cares and was very good to me, too much good actually.

I replied with a yes, and was about to put my phone back to my pocket when, it rings.

A reply from him.

"Would it be alright to you to ride with me home?"

I replied again with a yes, and a location where I would wait for him.

Who would have thought that a scary looking, strict faced and men in black inspired outfit would this be cute, caring , gentlemen and adorable guy?

And yes he doesn't like drinking black coffee and he likes sweets. A walking definition of 'Don't judge the book by its cover"

And He's perfect timing, I'm quite sleepy right now. And one thing I want to do is to take a nap.

As I was waiting for Esme, someone approached me.

"Zephyr, could you wait for a minute?" Someone called me

It was Mr. Quesz. Okay now it was weird.

Why do we always bump into each other? Why do he have to always call me out ?

"Do you have anything to do with me sir?" I asked.

I just don't wanna hear him question me again about some personal stuff. That was just too weird.

"Could you give me a minute, my friend, the one who examines the pup, wants to meet you regarding Zylak." He said.

I just have an uneasy feeling about this. Like Something will happen if I agree.

But still he is weird for me.

"Sorry sir, but I am waiting for my ride, and any minute by now he would probably be here already. And Zylak is fine now sir. I'm still grateful for the free check up you gave to us last time. But now, rest assured, Zylak is properly gone through check ups and vaccinations that is proper for him. And as for the money now, it is not a problem right now and someone is already helping me with it. I'm really sorry" I replied.

It's true, I'm not just saying alibi just to ditch him or refuse him. Esme always go with Zylak to check ups and he even bought vitamins for our little guy. He took cares not just on me but also to Zylak, and treat like his own child. One thing that I am most grateful is that Esme accepted, loved, cared Zylak so much. His family too. They accepted us as their family. Now our little guy spend most of his time either on Esme's workplace or and his grandparents house.

So there is no need for him to do that now, and I don't wanna owe them that much.

"Zephyr, you don't understand but there is something important about this." He insisted.

Now this suspicious. Too suspicious.

"Sorry sir, but you are making me uncomfortable now. I' gotta go. Sorry." I said and without giving him time to respond, I immediately run away.

That was just not normal.

He was being a pushover and it was making me scared.

He was being a creep!

Why would he do that?
Why is he doing this to me? Is there something he wants from me? I just don't understand why is my instructor in school, doing this sort of things to his student!

Well luckily he didn't chase me.

I wouldn't know what to do if he did.

As I've run, I didn't carefully watch where I'm running that I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump—"

I was shocked.

it was him.

The one I've been missing for.

The one that lingers on my mind.

My allegedly other mate.

Mr. Zeev.


Hello everyone, I'm so sorry for the late updates but I have a lot on my plate right now with everything that is happening to me, and I got a little struggling with adjusting with the changes. And just got a little rest with the holidays right now so I'm taking this time to update. Thank you to those who voted my stories and to those who commented. I love reading your comments. So thank you and love you guys.

By the way, does any of you can teach me how to edit a book cover? I kinda want to change the cover since it's supposedly temporary HAHAHAHA well thank you in advance. Be safe everyone and keep smiling. (^3^)√

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