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"M-mom?" A boy who named James knocked the door of the principal's office.

"Come in" an angry voice of a woman replied.

James gulped and feel the nervousness overcoming his body. He slowly enter the room, thinking what he did wrong to make his mother this angry.

"J- James? How could you this to me?! Huh? Why did you have to make trouble with those kind of persons? Do you want our family living in the street?! What did you do?!" The principal shouted that almost her veins popped out.

"Mom, I don't- I don't understand. What did I do?" James asked.

The fear is evident in his face. He thought the whatever he did must be big to make his mother mad like this.

"That's what I what to know! The biggest shareholders of the school called to me and complain about my son bullying someone! How could you do wrong with those kind of person who have high status?! Much higher than ours?!" His mother face is red already from shouting.

James was shocked.

He didn't bully anyone who is important nor who have high status. He always make sure to befriend them. He didn't bully anyone.

Anyone aside from the nerds in the school...

Anyone aside from Zephyr.

"Zyphyr" he blurted

The principal looked at him confused.

"What about him?" His mother asked.

James look at his mother with uncertainty.

"Zyphyr, he was back this earlier from his sick leave. He was wearing branded clothes, his shoes, and his cellphone, All new and expensive. I was shocked where he got those" James said.

Something clicked in her mother's mind. She connected the dots.

" and you bully him again this morning didn't you?! The one who called me earlier is the same person who asked a sick leave for him! Now why would you bully Zephyr!! What did you do?!" The principal seems frustrated and her son looks scared.

"How would I know he got connections with big shot people?! I got curious where he got those expensive things, and asked him if he got those from his sugar daddy that's all." He explained.

His mother looks very frustrated. She didn't know what she did wrong that her son make such mistakes.

"But how did those person knew about it? Did Zephyr tell them?" She asked her son.

The son is uncertain about telling her what happened. But he can't lie. So he gulped his own saliva and stuttered.

"I I think that person heard" he replied looooking everywhere but his mom.

"How?! How did he hear you?" Her brows alined as she looks at her son.

"He was on phone with Zephyr that time,a-and I think he heard us talking, and then, then he asked my name and you called me here, I didn't know who it was I swear, if I knew I- I wouldn't do it" he explained with panic.


The son did not answer with his head low and looking at the ground.

"This is the end of us. And it's because of you! Now if you don't want to be a beggar and sleeping at the street , you go beg for sorry to Zephyr and make sure he forgives you." She commanded.

Without this big person, they will surely be out in the street.
That's what the principal believed.

"But mom?! Me begging to Zephyr? You know about what happened to us!" James argued.

He swears with all his life that he will never beg to Zephyr to whatever he did. Not until he apologized first.

"No buts! You do it or I'm going to have to expel you to this school." His mom threatened.

James' eyes go wide, shock and fear is evident in his face. His blood seems gone due to paleness.

"Go now" his mother commanded.

He bowed his head as he exits the office. He cursed Zephyr in head for a hundreds of times already.

He headed to his first class which already have been going for an hour.

As he sit in his seat , he thinks of a way how to get to Zephyr's sugar daddy without begging for sorry.


So hi, sorry for super late updates. I wrote this story by how I feel and experience or simply my thoughts with a hint of imaginations. This past few days/ months, my life goes up and down. I don't know what to think, what to feel, I don't even know what to do to feel alive. I lost all the inspiration and desire I have that I don't know what to write anymore and that everytime I read my own story I almost gag. I feel like this is garbage that I almost delete it. Then I broke my old phone that give another reason not to write anymore. I have to work a part time job , I actually babysit with a little salary per day (13 hours) my two months salary could only buy secondhand ones. But it's a good phone tho and I have one that I could use now. Sorry if I already rant in this chapter, I just can't help it explaining to you guys. Earlier I read the comments and it almost made cry, I'm so happy now , and I'll probably get a good night sleep so thank you. And thank you to these lovely people @thatgirlfinallyreads @NashiDragneel520 @henna_sam and specially to @BAnyrahills , his/her comments and votes are all over my notifications and also read his/her stories. And to those who read and voted this thank you very much.

Thank you so much guys and I'm sorry again for the late updates, I'll do my best next time. 🖤

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