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Being liked by your mate is happiness to me already. How much more if he say that he love me , it would be euphoric.

I am sincere when I said that we'll take our own pace. I surprisingly understand him without any hidden doubt inside me. I did not feel hurt when he said he like me but do not want to have a relationship yet. I like his honesty, it makes me fall for him even more.

I'm still at my euphoric state when my phone dings. An email was just sent to me.

'sire you are needed here in our coven, a war was present in the moonridge pack'

says from the email that was sent by one of my attendants.

I do not like the idea of leaving my mate here alone. Specially in this situation but he will be safe here.

But how will I tell him?


"yes is there something you need?" I replied after I heard the voice of my mate.

"oh nothing, I just wanna know what you want for dinner? I just wanna cook for you, well if you let me use your kitchen?" He explained obvious with his nervousness.

I smiled.

"anything is ok, and I would be over the moon if you cook for me, and please let me remind you that you do not need my permission for using anything in this house, this is yours for now so please feel comfortable here, you can use anything in this house if you needed it." I told him.

He always ask for permission whenever he use the bedroom, the television, to wash the dishes and even to use a bathroom. I know he's only being polite and avoiding to be rude, but it will not settle me if my mate ask permission for something like those. Besides I already given him the permission to this house including all the material things in here.

" Thank you but I don't want to be rude and it's my first to be in someone's house so I don't really know what line I should not cross" he says playing with his fingers.

how adorable he can be?
How can I leave my mate now?

his is torture!

I sighed, I have not still thought of thing to explain to him, and to ready my self to be away with him even for just a short time.

"are you ok?" he ask immediately

see? he's making me stay .

I calmed myself. I need to tell him now or else I won't be able to go.

"I know that I told you that I will accompany you but there is .... something came up and I was needed to uhm go there." It is not actually a lie, but I still haven't told him the truth.

lying and not saying the truth may be different but still it does not sit me well knowing that I am keeping things to my mate.

"Oh! don't worry about me, I'll be fine here and you need to go to your work, it seem important " He assures.

" thank you for understanding." I smiled

how blessed am I with him.

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