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"Esme dear , can you please fetch Zeev in his room it's been a week since I saw him go out. Can you please check what happened to him?" Auntie Desirie said from the kitchen

I replied an okay before I march towards the mutt's room holding a plate with my food.

I also wonder what happened to that mutt. He just came home looking lost and distressed and after that, he never step outside his room again. I haven't saw his face for a week.

"Alpha boy you dead?" I shouted here outside his room

I hope he is not tho. Can't imagine life without that mutt. No I am not worrying about that dog , I hated him with all of my nerves .

" I'm fine" he said almost in whisper

Oh well I guess he is dying. That's good! kidding.

" Oh What happened? you got rejected? " I laughed at him. ofcourse as much as I hate him I won't stoop down that level. I won't ever wish someone to be rejected that is just unfair. I only said it as a joke.

" I guess you'll be celebrating now" he said

Is he crying?

Oh fuck! I guess he got rejected. Well that's his fault. He can't calm himself down and was always careless. Look at how he act, that damn mutt always blame me for something I didn't do. Always accusing me if he fail at something.

I put the plate down to the floor of his door and left his room and went to the dining area and sat at one of the chairs. Mom started to put foods on my plate. She always do that , It is like wanting me to get fat by her food. Well I don't really mind her doing that but I'm surely annoyed by how many food she putted in my plate. And hey she expected me to finish it all! How will I do that?!

" Where's my baby?" Auntie Desirie asked refering to his one and only son.

"dying in his room" I bluntly said.

Well that's the truth,so why lie right?

" Esme don't be like that!" mom scolded me

I just rolled my eyes and start to eat that mountain of food in my plate.

" I don't really know what's happening on him. He is locking himself in his room for a week. I don't even know if he ate anything in that week." Auntie worriedly said

well if I was rejected I would also do the same ,probably do worst than that.

"That's how he cope up on being rejected, so can't blame him" I said before I scooped the food using this damn spoon.

" WHAT?! REJECTED? " They all shouted at the same time.

Geez that hurts my ears.

" That's what I understand in his mumbling earlier " I replied

" Oh my god , who would reject my baby? James! Do something " my panicking auntie said while grabbing his husband's collar.

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