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Zephyr P. O. V.

"Are you sure about this Esme?" I asked again for the nth time.

He looks at me and smiled.

"I would love to do this Zee, I have been waiting for this moment." He answered.

I blushed at his answer look at my side. Am I really gonna do this? Am I ready. But what if i got hurt because of this? Why am I even hesitating? I mean, this is pretty normal because he likes me and I kinda like him too. But we aren't on a relationship yet. Are we being fast?

"Are you ready now?" He asked

I take a deep breath and nodded.

He hold my hand and assist me in getting out of his car.

I'm still panicking inside. Of course I'll be nervous because this is our first date! Who wouldn't be nervous right?

Tho he said this is not a formal date yet. But we are having breakfast date. So it still counts as a date right.

"If you are not comfortable we could just buy the food and eat it in the car or you can eat it in your school. You do not have to force yourself Zephyr. As I said, lets take your pace. As long as you are comfortable I will be fine" he hold my hand while he said that.

I sighed, I cannot just take my pace forever. I also need need to take a step forward.

"Sorry I'm just nervous, its my first date , I'm sorry , let's go" I said

We head to the cafe and ordered. We sit at the vacant table, at first we are on the awkward conversation, but as time goes it became better.

"So what's your favorite color? Mine is white" he asked

The nervousness earlier is gone, everything is comfortable now.

"Mine is black" I answered

"Black? Why so? I do not mean to judge you just curious as to why you like black" he said

I guess what I also like in him is that he make me understand what he mean. Or explained it to me.

"Because in darkness you can see who is truly light ,who is going to give you light and who is going to make you light." I explained.

That's what I have learn with mama and that's how I learn to love darkness instead of hating it. In there you'll see who is true and not, who will help and who will left you behind. Who will shut you down or give you brightness to fight. Sometimes you need to have nothing in order to see who will give you something. Sometimes you need to be nothing to see who will help you to be something.

"Ooh, that is great. I have not heard that before. You are truly a wonderful person." He looked at me in the eye and put my hair behind my ear.

"Is it because I'm a full of wonder?" I joked

He laughed and I did as well. I feel good right now. Everything feels so right, is this how it feels to like someone? Or this is.... Love? No , no it's not love. It's not right? It's to early for love. No I don't love. It must be infatuation. Or is it? But what about Zeev? What about what I feel about him? I'm confused!

"A penny for your thoughts?" I flinched at his voice.

I look at him and hesitate. Should I told him? What if he thinks I'm weird.

"I pleaded you to never hesitate at me, I would listen to all your thoughts and wonders, to your rants and whine, to your news , cry and laugh. As long as comfortableness is with you, I can lend my ear for listening, my shoulders for your head, my arms for comforting and everything I have for you" he said.

I chuckled. I still can't share , not yet..

"Do you know that sometimes you speak like you're an old man from a long time ago." I chuckled once again.

He scratched the back of his head and blushed. He looks so cute being embarrassed.

"Sorry a little habit of mine, does it bother you?" He asked

"No, no , no. It doesn't bother me, tho I found it cute. So you shall not feel embarrassment to your self you peasant." I teased.

He laughed and kissed my forehead. I already let him kiss me in my forehead but not yet on lips. I'm still not sure about it.

"Oh it is time your highness, the time for dine has ended. We shall go to other kingdom, where you shall seek for knowledge to raise our empire!" He vibe with me.

Is this love? Is this what mama said? Am I ready for this? Am I ready to embrace this?

"Shall we?" Esme give his hands to me..

I smiled and accepted it.

"Let's go"

I guess I am kinda ready...


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