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"Esme, I gotta go now"

"Ok, coming dear."

Esme hurriedly kiss Zylak's head and closed the door.

"We didn't forgot Zylak's food right?" I asked as we went our way tp my school.

"No dear, you already double checked" he said.

I nodded as a reply. Every morning is like this since I've been living with Esme. I now had someone sleeping beside with, someone who I could greet good morning with, someone who will eat with me and someone who I could call family.

Life had been good so far. I got a home now, and I have parents too. Though papá Delux still gives me a little fear, but little by little I grow more comfortable with him.

"Dear, I just thought that perhaps I could bring Zylak with me at work. I am not comfortable living him alone everyday." Esme said.

I looked at him with raised eyebrow.
This is also a good thing. Esme treats Zylak way better than I did. And he was so worried everytime we left Zylak at home.

"Won't your boss scold you if you did that? And I never heard that pets are allowed at work" I replied.

Don't get me wrong, I'm also not okay at leaving Zylak alone. But what choice do we have? And I don't think Esme is thinking straight right now. He could get fired or something!

"Who dares to scold me? And besides I already made my office comfortable enough for Zylak, I got bed and toys there. They already expected the arrival of Zylak" he reasoned.

This man really.

"Well if you insist so, but I would take him home with me after school." I decided.

He was excited with the idea of bringing Zylak to work that he turned the car back and took Zylak with us.

And zylak, who was sitting on my lap, wag his tail and barked happily.

"Are you happy little guy, that you could come with us and send mama to school and go with papa to work?" Esme asked Zylak.

And of course Zylak as always who had like mind of a human, replied with bark.

"Ok this is my stop. Mama schools here baby, so mama has to bid goodbye already. You go with papa now so you should be good and behave alright? Listen to papa well and don't mess around. I love you my little guy" I bid good bye and kissed his head.

If Zylak would be as lucky as those werewolves that they could shift into a human, it would be wonderful. Though I already treat him as my own son, but having him as a child would be fantastic. Sadly, I could only imagine.

I walk to my classroom for my first subject, when I bumped into my teacher. The one who helped me with Zylak and gave us a free check up at the vet!

"Mr, Quesz , Good morning!" I greeted as a respect.

The teacher eyes lit upped as he saw me.

"Oh good that I saw you now, I have been looking for you. But I got a seminar this past weeks" he said

I looked at him confused.
"May I know why are you looking for me?". I asked.

I didn't do anything wrong, nor had a problem with my subjects. What could it be?

"Oh! Ahmm it's for ..oh Zylak! Yes, I want asks you about the pup! You haven't brought him back to the vet yet. And i didn't saw you at your residence. Where did you go?" He stammered.

"Zylak's good already teacher thank you for everything. And I already moved out so I'm not staying with my old residence anymore " I replied.

"Moved out?! Where?" He asked.

Why do the teacher asks this questions? Is it really necessary to say it?


"Well I moved in to my boyfriend's apartment. He let me stays there when I got troubles in my rent " I explained.

I saw that he was about to ask another question, so I reasoned about my class to avoid it.

"Well sir, I'll be late for my class. Goodbye". I immediately bid goodbye.

It's so weird when he keeps asking about my personal info. I'm even thinking that if I hadn't left he would asks who is my boyfriend is.

Though I never intended to keep my relationship with Esme in the closet.  But I don't want people to ask personal questions like doing an interview. For me to introduce someone like a boyfriend it should be the family, friend or someone close to yourself. I don't need to keep explaining myself to those who are a stranger in my story, to unnecessary people, to those who only want to see my jokes and my failures. These fear I have to those strangers. I rather be judge without them knowing my story than be judge without understanding my story. I saw that there is no point and it hurts more when you explain it, you tell people people about it but they never understand it, they never really know how it feels about it, they don't realized how hurt I am about it.

I'm tired at pleasing everybody. Because everytime I do, I fail, I make mistakes, I disappoint them, then I lose my self.

I don't want that feeling anymore. If there is someone I want to please it was Esme, the person who was not disappointed with my mistake, who comfort me when I fail, and the person who accepted my flaws.

I walk through the hallway still feeling weird with how my teacher asked me questions. Why asked me for those information? Why do I feel like I'm neglecting something important? I'm feeling very weird right now. Did I forgot something?

Speaking of forgotten. I wonder how Zeev now. I haven't seen him again after that incident. Did I hurt him? I hope not. I don't want to think about me hurting him, it clenches my heart.

And I'm still confused with us being mates. I just don't think it's possible. Even when Esme said it could be possible. But how could I have two right?! That's crazy.

But I still miss Zeev though.

I sighed.

Why is my life so complicated?


Hey guys, I just want to apologize for this very late update. It's been a hectic month for me since I stepped into University. I had a hard time adjusting. So yeah, so here's a few chapters for you guys. Keep smiling everyone 🖤

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