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It's been weeks after me and Esme became official. I'm scared at first but now I'm not regretting anything at all. This past few days, my life is full of happy air. And a little bit of love I guess? But now all I can say is that I took the right step tho I know it's kinda early for that but nah let's not think about how long or how short it is. The important is that my heart now feels happy and contented.

"Dear, the food you cook is indeed heaven. It is the most delicious food I have ever tasted" Esme commented while pushing food to his mouth. He maybe forgot about his composure but I don't mind seeing his cute side. I even love it.

"If your mama knows about it, bet he won't cook for you again." I teased.

This days I am with him, I gradually knows who Esme is. From the little habits he had like drinking coffee with milk in the morning, sleeping with something to hugged on, to how he loves and cherish his family so much, and how he and his father respects and fear a little his mamá. I saw his cool side, his mature side, and his cute and childish side. His also kinda possessive and so understanding.

"Oh please, make this our little secret from mamá. She will smack me in the head if she ever know about what I just said." He so called begged.

I just chuckled at him.

"My dear? What are your thoughts on meeting my parents?" He asked looking straight in my eyes.

My heart skip a beat. Everytime he looks in my eyes my heart leaps like crazy. I almost forgot his question.

I put down the utensils in my hands and looked at him.

"To be honest, I don't know how I feel about it. And it never really cross my minds. But do you really want your parents to see me?" I honestly said.

But what if his parents wont like me right? What if they ask me to break up with Esme? Tho I don't think they're bad people but still Esme liking me is like once in a blue moon.

"Of course I do want my parents to know you. You are my mate and my partner in life. Do you not want to meet them?" He softly said.

I know he's not pressuring me into this, but I also know how important this is to him.

But to say that I'm not scared meeting his parents will be a lie. I'm happy that he wants me to meet his family at the same time scared of being rejected by them.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that it never really cross my mind. And I don't want them to not like me you know." I said.

His parents rejecting me will cause a major problem with our relationship.

"Why would they not like you? You are amazing Zephyr, and you are my mate. Did I not told you that mate is a sacred thing for us? Even my parents cannot hinder that. And I do not think they will because I know they will love you specially mamá. I know what is in your mind my dear, And I know you are scared. But you should not overthink everything, and let that heart of yours to have a rest. Trust me when I say no one , not even my family can hinder my love for you. i am not as good as you think my dear. I am not a hero who can sacrifice you for the greater good. I am a villain who will burn this world for you." His words are full of seriousness, you feel a single lie on it. His eyes, his aura everything on him screams seriousness.

He is indeed a villain.
Is this another side of him that I just knew? But I'm not scared. I feel warm.   I never like heroes but I never thought I would love a villain. But who makes him to burn this world for me? Who will love me like this if not him?

" Esme, I love you" I confessed.

Mom is right, if there is one thing who would love me like this it would be mate.

He seemed shocked with the words I blurted out. Who wouldn't be? Even me is shocked. And I know how patient he is waiting for me to accept and love him fully.

"I love you too my dear, and the matter about meeting can be pushed, just think of it slowly and ready yourself. No matter how long or what you decide, I will respect it." He kissed me in my forehead.

Now that I think about it, we never kiss in lips again. Tho he kisses me in head or cheeks but still, where in a relationship now, shouldn't we kiss on lips too?

"Esme, you can kiss me on lips you know." I told him.

He seemed a little shocked with my words. And cleared his throat.

"Oh, ahm I know but I just think my self control is not as good as my composure. I am afraid to jump at you the moment I tasted your lips again." He said.

I'm confused.

"Why would you jump if you kiss me?" I asks.

I don't really get him. Will he be that happy to kiss me that he will jump around? But he didn't hop around when we first kissed.

Esme looked as lost as me. But I dont really get him.

"Ahm jump you know because ahh you are my mate and ahm ahhh how about we not talk about it for now?" He said

"Ok?" The only thing I could answer.

But would he really jump if we kiss on lips?

I'm kinda curious.

Should I try it?

I look at him eating. He seemed to avoid my eyes.

I stand up and reached out to him, I hold my hands to his chin and kissed his lips.

His eyes grow wide.

As I ended the kiss, I felt a little disappointment.

He didn't jump.

But he said he would.

I walk to the room and about to left him in the table alone.

"Wait Zephyr, where are you going?" He holds my wrist to stop me.

But I didn't answer.

"My dear what's wrong?" He made me face and look at him.

"You didn't jump" I said.

He said he would but he didn't.

"Oh, OH! I didn't jump ahm well sorry. I was shocked and forgot to jump ok? Don't be mad ok? You're so cute my dear. You're innocence will kill me" he laugh midway.

I don't really get him now. Is Esme too old? Well maybe our generation just didn't match that why.

He kissed me again and again. And he seemed happy and I feel happy too.

I guess that's what all matter.

But I'm still looking forward to see him jumping when I kiss him tho.


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