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" Zylak come on, let's take a bath or we'll be late in our appointment " I pleaded .

I've been pleading this little guy here to take a bath. But he is really stubborn. Now is day for our appointment in the clinic. I'm really thankful to Mr. Quesz for giving us this free check up. That's why I'll make sure that we won't waste this just because some little stubborn guy here don't want a bath.

" Come on now , or I'll be really mad at you." I said with a fake mad expression.

He seem to take the bait because he immediately limp towards me.

Ugh this little puppy is making my heart burst.

"What a good little boy!" I cooed.

I bathed him and dry him. I immediately grab my bag and lift Zylak and we headed to the clinic.

As we arrived , I really got nervous. What if this appointment is just a prank? It would be embarrassing if that really happens. But I can't back out now, specially if it's for Zylak.

"Welcome to Moonridge clinic, Do you have an appointment sir?" Ask the lady who seems to be the receptionist.

The clinic is spacious and cute. They have pictures of cute animals. and toys for the pets. Its just the name that seems weird. But who am I to judge , right?

"I- I'm Zephyr Greenus" I shyly spoked.

Gosh I'm nervous. I don't really like talking with people I don't know and also I'm not really sure if the appointment is not a prank.

"Oh yes sir. You are just in time. Please sign this form and go straight ahead sir, doctor Sam is waiting for you"

A sigh of relief past me. Gosh I really have to thank Mr. Quesz for this.

I head to the doctor excitedly. Another good day!



" Alpha, the human came here earlier and I already emailed you his information . Also the puppy is fine" she informed me.

" Thank you Sam" I said and ended the call.

I opened the file she sent me and read his information.

hmmm.. Zephyr Greenus is the name, living near the edge of the town, pretty near huh. Age is 17, too young. Orphan, working part-time in a cafe.

Well nothing's suspicious , and I can easily get the pup in his hand.

"Byze, ready my car. Im taking back the pup in the humans' hand" I mind-linked my beta.

"Do you need a companion Alpha?" he asked

this well just be a piece of cake. And I need him to look out the pack while I'm gone.

"No need" I replied

I gonna use the car so I won't be suspicious. I'll just tell the boy that the pup is mine and I need to take him back. He can't say no because I'm sure he can't probably feed his own mouth , so as the pup if it's in his care.

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