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"Alpha don't you want to see him?"

Quesz asked me. Earlier this morning, he delivered a message that shook my heart. He said he ran as fast as he can the moment my mate saw him. My mate asked him to meet me.

"Goddess knows how much I want to see his face, to hear his voice and feel his presence. But I am not ready to be formally rejected by him. I won't be able to bear it. I'd rather bow my head and beheaded by our enemy pack than be rejected by my mate. He was my life. I don't know how will I live after the rejections. I can't even see how tomorrow looks like."I said.

He didn't specified the reason for out meet up. But what could it be other than accepting me or rejecting me?

And based on his attitude towards me, I would certainly be rejected formally this time.

He already have someone he loves. Someone he lives with, he formed a relationship with, he eats with, he hug, he kisses, someone he wants to spend his life with. Someone who isn't me.

And how would I want to see him when I know I'll lose him?!

I can't.

Why do this have to happen?

All I dreamed was to have a mate, form my own family, lead my pack well, and die with the memories if my love ones?

How would I create my own family without my mate?! How would I lead my pack when I couldn't even get my mate to accept me? Would I just die without having to experience be loved by my mate?

Why fate is si cruel?

Goddess did I do something out if your interest? Did I do something do deserve this pain?

Don't I even deserve to feel my mate's love?

"But Zeev, it's almost sunset. You wouldn't know if you'll be accepted or rejected by him if you didn't meet him. You wouldn't answer all the questions running through your head right now if you don't talk to him. I know it's hard. And it's painful fir me seeing my only son hurting. But you need to know and face the truth. Maybe goddess have something more wonderful for you, and all you need is to face and get through this hardship. We never know if we never tried." My mom, with tears in her eyes, said.

She's right. And I know it.

I just couldn't bear going there, knowing this may be the end for us.

I just don't understand why he can't accept me.

And why he accepted somebody else instead.

"I'm going now." I said as I stood up.

"We are going with you" my mom said.

I wast about to refuse but my mom never gave me the chance.

"No buts! We won't be near, just around the place. At least we'll be there for you whatever happens" my mom sternly said.

My mom was stubborn, and I don't have the energy to fight with her, so I just let them do what they want.

I drove my way there, hoping i wouldn't get there early. Atleast I could still call him my mate longer.

But of course, no matter what I do I still have to face this. To face my rejection.

I got out my car and strode towards the meeting place.

On the most corner of the park I saw a boy sitting on a bench, with a quilt around him, and umbrella above him.

He must've waited so long for me.

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