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My mated fainted after he turn away. I knew he was feeling ill. Shit! what should I do?

"Zephyr? Zephyr? Come on mate wake up! Zephyr" I called him

"What happened sir?" the manager asked me and check on

"He fainted. And he looks a little pale" I explained.

Oh goddess what should I do to help my mate?

" Let's call an ambulance" the manager stand up and was about to call but I stopped him.

"No I'll bring him to the hospital, My car is faster" I said and was about to carry my mate when she stopped me this time.

"No, we don't know you and your motives! I don't recognize you as a relative of Zee" She asked.

I am pissed as hell for being stopped. This is my Mate why would I do Ill things to him? But I understand her. She is just being a good employer and thinking for her employees' sake.

"Ma'am, he is a friend of Zee , I always saw them talk, and he is a regular here." Some crew said

Oh thanks goddess!

The manager looks uncertain but We don't have time for chitchats I need to take my mate in a clinic.

"Ok but you should leave some documents and information about you , so that if anything happens we could find you" She said

I immediately pull out my wallet and give her my business card , I also give him the spare key to my apartment let her take a picture of me. She was a little shock after he read my name and the company I belong or I must say the company I own.

"Is that enough? We need to hurry" I said and carry my mate.

"Ok just please keep him safe" She plead

"I will don't worry" I immediately ran towards my car and drive to my apartment.

while driving I called a doctor. She is a human doctor back then but was mated to a vampire and became a vampire herself. And she is a part of my coven so I know I can trust her.

as we arrived to my apartment I carried him again towards my room to lay him in my bed. Not so long after Beatrice the doctor arrived and didn't waste a time to check on him.

"Sire, this human is fine,it was just fatigue. I did give him fluids to give him some nutrients while he is still asleep. He will be fine if he eat and rest more" She explained.

Why is he fatigue? Does he have a problem or something?

"Ok thank you, you are dismissed" I said

When he woke up, I'll make him eat and sleep a lot. He will be spoiled a lot by me.

"Sire? Can I ask a question?" Beatrice ask out of the blue

I thought she left already.

"What is it?"

"Not being nosy but who is this human?" She asked

Well she is obviously being nosy.

"He is my mate" I honestly replied.

I mean why would I lie right? I never planned to hide my mate. And beside I know that they will be happy with the news.

"Mate?! You found your mate?! Woah that's amazing! He's beautiful but short but he's still  look cute. When did you find him" she blabbered

See? I know they will be happy about it .In us , finding a mate is one of the best celebration we have. We see mates as a precious thing.

"Yeah you are right. It's been a week actually since I found him. I am actually helping the ally pack to find their Alpha's mate but instead I found mine. What a twisted fate right?" I laughed lightly with the memory.

I have not thought that I will find my mate specially when I am searching for somebody else's mate. But still that moment is so precious to me. That was one of the days that I will never forget.

"I am happy for you my sire, I hope you will be blessed by goddess" She said

"Yeah , may goddess really bless me so my mate will accept who I am and agree to be with me forever." I said

I will doing anything I can so I will win his heart. And to make him mine.

"Oh he still doesn't know? Well I am sure you would win his heart. You are the greatest sire after all" She said before she bid her goodbye and left. Of course not until I told her to keep this news until I announce it myself.

I wipe his sweat in head in his forehead. I also stole a kiss in his forehead. I mean he will not know as long as no one will tell him right? and it was just in the forehead , as much as
I want to kiss his tempting lips I wouldn't do that to him while he was sick and sleeping After I make sure that he is fine and comfortable , I did my paperwork in a table near my bed.

"Where I am?"

I turn my head . I heard a  beautiful voice. It looks like he is awake.

"Good that you are now awake , you have fatigue. You are currently in my apartment for the reason that  you fainted earlier and I brought you here in my place. You were already checked by a doctor so do not worry about it. You just need to eat a lot of nutrients and rest a lot." I explained.

He looks at me with doubt then sighed.

"Thank you for everything, I should go now" He was about to stand up but I did not let him.

I won't let him leave just like that.

"No stay here and rest. You are already given a week of rest in your work." I said

"No, I'm already fine, and besides I still have school and I need to feed my puppy" he reasoned.

Did he think I will let him win? Oh no no no. I swore that I will be spoiling him a lot.

"Leave the school to me, I will ask them to excuse you for the meantime. And about your dog, I can get him and bring him here. So just rest and do not worry. Ok?" I replied


"No buts , just rest ok? You will be fine here and I would not do anything harm to you." I give him a small smile

"Fine, but I don't think my pup will come with you, so I will fetch him myself." This stubborn little guy.

Well what can I do aside from letting him to what he wants.


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