Chapter 2

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| Time-Lapse | The next morning (really 2 pm)

POV | Yeji

I woke up in a bed that was unfamiliar. I felt like I could barely move from what happened last night. Although, I did look over to see the alpha that tamed me last night. I'm no longer a virgin. Wow. Hard to process that.

I had always been careful about being in heat when in public. I never went out when I was in heat to be exact. I just really needed a drink so I walked over to my neighborhood bar, not expecting to be approached by alphas, including one who took me outside before I could get my drink.

And now I'm naked in bed with that alpha. Fuck, what is wrong with me? Why couldn't I have been strong enough to fight the alpha? Why couldn't I have been strong enough to fight the feeling of heat and my hormones wanting to explode?

I needed to get out of here before anything else happened. I slowly and quietly got out of her bed. My body hurting and feeling this new feeling I had never felt before. Was this the feeling of being tamed? I quickly grabbed my stuff, taking some of the alpha's clothes to put on, and opened the door.

I pulled out my phone, calling my bestfriend Chaeryeong. "Hey I ran into a problem last night and I need to get a ride, quick," I said as I opened the front door. It was pretty bright outside to be morning. "Uhm.. at.. 2 pm?" I blinked, "It's the afternoon?" Chaeryeong said, "Yeah.. oh Yeji.. what happened.." I licked my lips, "Just make it here fast, I'll text you the address." I hung up, quickly looking at the mailbox, and typed it in.

Soon, she showed up and let me get in her car. "Why are you walking like that? And-oh my god.." Chaeryeong froze and sniffed. "YOU GOT TAMED?!" I gulped, sniffing the alpha's scent, not only on her clothes but all over me. I was tamed. I bit my lip, "I-I.. it was not expectant.." The beta started to drive, "So who's the guy who did it?" I fiddled with my fingers, "It's a girl actually."

"A girl that has guy parts?" I shook my head, "Full female alpha." Chaeryeong gasped, "Wow.. who is it then?" I blushed, "She went by the name Shin Ryujin." How could I forget her name? I mean I definitely smelt the alcohol on her breath and not gonna lie, there was alcohol in my system too, but I sure remembered a lot from last night.

"Ryujin..." My bestfriend repeated and looked like she had seen a ghost. "What?" I looked at her. "Ryujin and I were best friends before I met you.." I gasped, "And how come you never told me about her?!" Chaeryeong says, "Well because it's awkward talking about ex-friends with your friends!" I face planted, "How come you didn't recognize her scent?!"

She looked ahead, "Well I forgot.. seriously it's been that long since I've come across her. We went to separate colleges and that's where I met you." I suddenly missed the alpha's touch and lips pressed against mine. "Yeah, yeah.." I mumbled, dozing off while thinking about last night.

"Yeji?" Chaeryeong raised her voice and grabbed my hand, making me snap out of my thoughts and hum, "Hm?" She let it go, and said, "Are you okay? You're not responding to what I've been asking.." I scratched my head, "Ah, sorry. What were you asking?" Chaeryeong asked, "Do you like Ryujin?"

I had never been in love. This was the first romantic encounter I had with someone. I mean I knew I was into girls, I just never knew there could be a female alpha till I met the girl last night. Ryujin. Who was also my best friend's ex-bestfriend? What a small world we live in. "So what's Ryujin like.." I found myself asking that question while fiddling with my fingers because I was nervous.

"Are you just gonna ignore my question then?" Chaeryeong asked. I sighed, "Fine.. I don't know if I like her. I'm pretty sure it was just a one-night stand. Just please tell me what she's like." Chaeryeong laughed, "You were the one mating with her and you don't know what she's like?" I bit my lip, "Well.. she was starving.. so.."

Chaeryeong gagged, "Gross. Anyways she was the closeted gay and always could get me to laugh. She likes to tease. All the girls at school would drool over her visuals and abs. Because you know.. she was a female alpha. You're lucky you were tamed by her Yeji." I listened carefully, so she was.. popular.

"How did this whole thing start?" The beta asked. "Well.. I was in heat.." Chaeryeong slammed on the brakes, "You were in heat?! Unnie that is dangerous! Do you know how many scary alphas are out there?!" I took the yelling. "I-I know.. I just needed a drink and then this man starting sniffing me and that's when Ryujin grabbed my wrist, taking me out of the bar. Out there, she bit my neck, and marked me," I showed the marks on my neck. "A-and then we went in her car which is where we mated and then we went to her house and mated again."

"Wow.. Ryujin was in a bar?" I nodded, "She was drinking too.." Chaeryeong said, "You know.. I still have her number.." I almost jumped out of my seat, "No way in hell! I don't like her! She mated with me!" She said, "That's the whole point Unnie. You should find a lover and I think Ryujin is the perfect option." I grumbled, "No."

| Time-Lapse | 5 hours later

POV | Ryujin

So the girl I mated with last night was gone. Not a single trace. Wow. Isn't it an omega's dream to be mated and tamed by an alpha? It's in my dreams. To tame and mate with an omega, that is.

I sighed, continuing to go on my walk. My parents were giving me a countdown to find a girl to add to the family and help run our business. Everything's always about the business. The bakery if you ask. My parents are getting older and I work there part-time because one, I didn't want to see my parents, and two, I spent the rest of the time drowning myself in alcohol.

Anyways, they had to accept I was gay but they needed me to tame an omega and bring her to the family. Look at it now. She's gone. What's so big about this bakery anyway? I mean why can't my brother and his wife take it over? Well, that's because my dad said I'm younger.

My dad wants us to merge with the flower shop next to us too, and he said if I don't find an omega to tame or at least have her stick with me then I'll have to marry their daughter. No way that could happen. But I couldn't get ahold of the girl I met last night. So what was I supposed to do?

"Good evening Shin daughter." My mother greeted me at the door. "You called me?" I asked, walking in. They both sniffed, "Omega... did you tame one?" My father asked. "I did in fact, but only to her to leave." My father growled, "Ryujin.. we need more help around here. If you don't find a girl then you will have to either marry a man or marry the Hwang's daughter or son. But if you're.. an alpha.. and I'm pretty sure their son's an alpha then you will have to marry the daughter."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I then thought about something.

"Hwang Yeji," The omega said.

Hwang. This is Korea. Names repeat all the time. There are so many Hwangs here. There's no way it could be her. "So you said tamed an omega last night huh?" My father asked. "I did," I respond, sitting down in a chair.

"Hm.. well we need to get a few batches done and then you can head off." I nodded, getting up to help my parents. I thought about this whole thing. Why was I in this situation? Couldn't I have just been like my brother? Or was this their punishment of me being gay? Ugh, homophobes.

Soon, we finished the batch, and as my parents promised, I was able to go home. I opened the door, "Bye mom and dad." They waved. "Bitches.." I mumbled and started walking. I sniffed, smelling an omega's heat, however, I wasn't attracted to it. Is this what it's like to have tamed an omega?

Author's note:


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