Chapter 16

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POV | Ryujin

"Beautiful," was the first thing that came out of my mouth

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"Beautiful," was the first thing that came out of my mouth. Yeji immediately went to the bed, "Help me get this dress off." I nodded, sliding the cart in the entryway. I sat on the bed and unbuttoned the back of her dress. "Thank you.." She yawned and went over to her bag, grabbing pajamas. "No problem.." I return a smile and take my bag over to my bed. Yeji changed in front of me because we were comfortable with it now.

Yeji struggled to get her heels off, "R-Ryu.." I nodded and helped her get them off like the dress. Yeji sat in my lap, "Are you going to bed yet?" Why the fuck is she in my lap? "Uh.. no.." The omega laid back in my arms, "Good." I raised my eyebrow, "Aren't you.. tired?" She says, "Depends." I nod, putting my arm on her waist, "What are you wanting?"

"How do you know I want something?" Yeji looked back at me. "I know my fiancée." I licked my lips, waiting to hear what she wanted. "Could we.. love?" I blinked, "You wanna love with me?" Yeji faced me in my lap, "Y-yeah.." I wasn't expecting that honestly. I laid back, slipping my pants off. Yeji nuzzled her head in my neck, not saying a word.

I moved back to the center of the bed and flipped us over. I didn't know if she meant mating honestly but I noticed she meant loving when I couldn't feel her heat or the sexual tension. I took her shirt off, leaving her boobs in my custody. I placed strawberry kisses all over her body, loving the omega as she wanted. Yeji closed her eyes, tilting her head back.

I moved to her neck, replacing my marks with kisses on her. Yeji let out a soft moan and held my arm. I gave two kisses on her lips before twirling my tongue around her nipple then softly biting it. "Is this what you want?" I asked while squeezing her boobs. Yeji nodded, "I-it's all I've wanted.."

| Time-Lapse | The next morning

I woke up with Yeji spooning me. That's right, we had the best day yesterday. You know despite when she sorta ruined it but when we came back to the hotel, we loved. Not mating. Just love.

I laid my head on her shoulder, waiting for her to get up which she did like a minute later. "Mmh.. morning.." Yeji was still half asleep and then she jumped. "What?" I asked in a soft tone. "Where the fuck are we and what did we do last night?" And she's back. Fuck me.

"Uh.." Yeji got up, "Answer me!" I bit my lip, "We went to a hotel and you asked me to love with you, I even asked if that's what you wanted." She closed her eyes, clenching her fists about to go off when I quickly got up and ran my fingers through her hair, "Hey.. calm down.. please.. I don't know why you get like this after something beautiful happens.." Yeji glared, "Beautiful?"

"You didn't think it was beautiful when I kissed your body?" Yeji huffed, not saying anything. I put her back on the bed and put the covers over her. "Let's have a nice morning together.." I made sure my tone was soft and back-hugged the omega, stroking her hair while doing so. "Ryujin, let me go.." I massaged her head, leaning her back in my arms to see her eyes closed.

"I think you need a day to relax.." I took her shirt off again and kissed her shoulder, "Doesn't this feel nice? The two of us together in this nice hotel suite?" Yeji didn't say anything but showed that she was pleasured through her eyes. I smiled, pecking her cheek, "I have to take care of my soon-to-be wife." Yeji leaned forward, "R-Ryujin.." I pushed her down and got on top, starting to massage her back.

POV | Yeji

It felt so good to be loved on by Ryujin. Oh god, what is happening to me? I have to deny her loving requests but I can't. It's because I'm falling in love with Ryujin and I don't want to, and I regret falling into her trap.

I lost this game. And now she's probably gonna break my heart and divorce me. I need to get out of this before I get hurt. "S-stop.. let me go.." I hit her thigh, trying to back free from her grip. Ryujin bit my neck, "Stop it," She growled. My inner omega came out. "Y-yes alpha.." My tiny voice said. Her teeth sunk in, making me bleed. "A-alpha.. take an easy.."

The alpha took her teeth out, "Now I don't wanna have to do that, but you won't listen." I curled up, "I-I'm sorry alpha.." Ryujin grabbed my chin, making me look into her eyes with innocence. "I've tried my best to win you but you won't let me in, why is this so hard? I want you to be my girl Yeji. And you accepted that last night when we kissed and loved. I don't understand why you always back out. I'm committed to our relationship and I've tried to show you that."

It's because of you Ryujin. You're a bad person that will always be a fuckgirl. And you'll go back to your drinking habit. You'll use me like a dumb alpha and then divorce me if we fight. But I do believe she's trying. Trying to change her true self for me. It's just not possible. "Let me go," I say again. Ryujin took her hands off. I put my shirt back on and gathered up my stuff. "Yeji.." She put her hands on the covers, looking at me from the bed.

"What did I do wrong?" The alpha asked. She really doesn't understand, does she? I bit my lip, not responding. "Y-Yeji.. give me a chance. I'll show you my love and care." My heart hurt because.. it's what it wanted but she was just a dumb ol' alpha. "I'm not looking for a relationship.." I denied. "It's because you have one. With me." I shook my head, "Just take me home.."

Ryujin got out of the bed, gathering her stuff up as well, "I don't get you Yeji.." I ask, "Then why are you trying to get with me?" She says, "Because I love you and I thought you loved me too." And I do. I do love her but I hate her. I hate her and love her at the same time. I felt like crying. I feel disappointed in myself for rejecting her.

Author's note:

Why do you think Yeji is so subtle to Ryujin's offers?

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