Chapter 20

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POV | Yeji

I was just trying to get out of there before I spill about falling in love with her, which I still hate myself for.

But anyway, it took me FOREVER to find non-alcohol and when I did, I heard the door slam. "Ssang?" I looked at him.

"Fuck her. I'm calling it off."

I blinked, "What?"

Hyunjin said, "I'm calling the engagement off."

I shook my head, "Oh no you're not! Mom and dad need this money!"

Hyunjin says, "Well I don't like her!"

I bit my lip, "But I do.."

"And that's the problem! She's manipulated you, and played these games with you!"

Okay, I just need a fucking break. I need a break from this whole thing, I feel like it's all pounding on me like everyone wants an answer from me. They want to know if I'm in love with Ryujin and I think I am. I love the way she takes care of me but then again this whole thing could be a stupid game like Hyunjin is saying.

"Just leave.." I said while closing my eyes.

"I'm not having her hurt you, you're coming with me." He always has to be so overprotective.

"Hyunjin, leave. This is my house and I don't want you here."

Hyunjin said, "Fine, have fun getting screwed."

I opened the door, "Out."

He obeyed and left. I sighed, sitting down on the couch, and held my head, "I'm this close to exploding.."

I then felt a familiar caring feeling, Ryujin was next to me. Great. She's gonna mess with my feelings again. The alpha hugged me, resting her chin on my shoulder, "I'm here for you.." I laid my head in her lap, feeling her fingers run through my hair, getting me tired.

Ryujin picked me up bridal style and grabbed the drinks, looking into my eyes sweetly. I love her but I shouldn't. She laid me down on our bed and fed me with a fork. "I-I can do it.." I said, taking the fork. "You look tired.. I just wanna help.." I sighed, "I'm not hungry.." Ryujin says, "Then we'll save it, you can bring it for lunch tomorrow." I groaned, "Damnit I have work tomorrow."

Ryujin frowned, "You can take a day off." I shook my head, "No, I'll just go. Take this.." I handed her the box of food. She kissed my cheek and went downstairs. "I don't know what I feel.." I said as I looked up at the ceiling.

That night we turned the lights off and cuddled with each other under the blanket all night. Maybe it wouldn't be horrible to have Ryujin as a girlfriend or.. I guess real fiancée. We'll just have to see.

| Time-Lapse | The next day at 6 pm

"Smokin' cigarettes on the roof
You look so pretty and I love this view
We fell in love in October
That's why I love Fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from afar
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my girl
My girl, my girl, my girl
You will be my world
My world, my world, my world
You will be my girl.. sweet omega" She let out a chuckle.

I blinked, watching and listening to  Ryujin sing and stroke her guitar from the door crack. "Ah, the first verse is perfect! Woohoo! Finally, I nailed it!" She jumped up and down, setting her guitar down gently.

Sweet Omega | RyejiWhere stories live. Discover now