Chapter 3

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| Time-Lapse | The next day

I woke up on my couch, wasted. I drank at home this time. Well, that's a shock. I looked at all the bottles, flinching when the door opened. "Ugh, Ryujin.. you really need to stop drinking." My ex-girlfriend/bestfriend came in. We had never mated before, she was just playing a joke on me. And she was also an alpha so it wouldn't work out. It broke my heart though. But she's my bestfriend now.

Lia sniffed, "Ryujin.. what's that smell?" I stretched out, "Alcohol?" She came over to me and sniffed my jacket. The clothes I had been wearing for the past two days. "Someone's been here.." Lia says, looking around. "Did you.. mate?" I nodded, and said, "She left. It's been two days."

"You actually found an omega?" Lia looked at me in shock. I yawned, tumbling when I got up because of my drinking, "Yeah, what are you doing here?" She held my arm, "I wanted to know how things were going with your parents." I went over to the kitchen, "Shitty as expected. They told me I need to find a girl to take over the business or I have to marry the daughter next door. He gave me 24 hours and I'm on 14th."

"10 more hours, huh?" Lia says. "Correct," I respond to the other alpha and took a drink of water. "Have you ever met the girl next door?" She asked. "No, but I've seen her. That ass is something but no way in the hell. She looks like a snob by the way she dresses. Probably straight too."

"Ah, but you haven't even talked to her or been close to her?" Lia looked at me with this face. "Who cares? I can tell that she is a bitch." Lia shook her head, "Ryujin, you haven't even met her. You always judge people by their looks. It's not right." I scoffed, chugging the bottle, "I do not. I just know that it is not gonna happen."

"Then why don't you contact that omega you tamed?" I crushed the empty bottle, and threw it in the trash, "Don't have her number." Lia sighed, about to say something when my phone dinged. Ryeongchae. I haven't texted her in years. "What are you so shocked about?" Lia looked over at me. I realized my eyes were wide along with my mouth. "Uh.. n-nothing.."

Ryeongchae 🧡: Hey, I know it's been a while, but I recently came across your name. Would you like to meet tomorrow?

Ryujin: Sure, I didn't know you still lived in the area. Tomorrow at my bakery?

Ryeongchae 🧡: Sure, I'll see you soon.

Ryujin: You too!

"What the fuck.." I mumbled, never thinking I'd heard a word from her again. "Who's that?" Lia asked. "My ex-bestfriend.." She looked at me with wide eyes, "Wow, but Ryujin you can't get distracted. This is gonna ruin your life if you don't play your cards right."

"Ugh, I need a drink." I grabbed my purse. "A drink?! Seriously Ryujin?" I slammed the door behind me and rushed to the bar. Heejin was cleaning the bar counters, and jumped when she saw me, "Ryujin! Geez, you scared me!" I sat down at the stool, "Sorry, I really need a drink." Heejin looked at me, "At 1 pm?" I looked around to see maybe 5 people.

"Yeah.." I nodded and waited. Heejin sighed, "How come you didn't make it last night? I mean not that I'm complaining that you're staying away from drinking." I chuckled, "No, I just stayed home.. and got drunk." Heejin rolled her eyes, "Why am I not surprised? How'd it go with that omega?" I ran my tongue across my top teeth, "I tamed her and took her back to my place but she was gone when I woke up. So I blew it.."

Heejin was making my usual drink, "Aw that's unfortunate. What about your family?" I sighed, "Well my dad is putting a countdown on me to find an omega to tame and have her stay with me to help with the business and if not, I marry the daughter of the flower owners next door."
Heejin gave a sad smile, "That sucks. Well, do you like the girl next door?"

"Lia says I shouldn't judge her but she looks snobby and probably is straight." Heejin set the drink in front of me, "Ever talked to her?" I mumbled, "That's what Lia said too.." Heejin gave another sad smile, "Honestly, I don't think you'll find that omega. Just try to go with that girl okay? I'll always be here for you if you need to express your anger, you know. I'm sorry they're doing this to you."

I gave a slow nod and thought about the girl next door. I guess I'm just gonna have to go with it.

| Time-Lapse | The next day

POV | Yeji

Could this day get any worse? One, Chaeryeong is meeting up with that alpha to talk about me, and two, my parents are wanting me to marry the girl next door?!! Like what the fuck did I miss?

But anyway, I was walking with my family into the bakery. "Oh hi!" A bubbly woman turned around with dimples that looked so familiar to me. Hyunjin, my brother smiled, and bowed, along with me. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Hwang." My mother held out her hand, my father then introducing, "I'm Mr. Hwang."

"I'm Hyunjin.." and then it was my turn. "I'm Yeji.." Where was the girl? I suddenly picked up a familiar scent but I couldn't put my tongue on it. "I'm Mrs. Shin. And I'm sorry, let me call my daughter and get her over here." My mother says, "Oh no, you're fine." Mrs. Shin smiled, calling her daughter.

Then a man, assuming it was her husband, came out. "Oh, it's good to meet you guys! I'm Mr. Shin." He shakes their hands but when it got to me, he froze. I blinked, looking at the man. "W-where.. did you get that jacket?" The jacket I stole from Ryujin? I looked down at it, "Uh.. burrowed from a friend."

Mr. Shin sniffed and looked at me with full confusion. "Is there a problem?" My brother asked. "It's just.. you smell like-" The door opened. "MOM! I'm fucking busy! I don't....." She stopped, looking directly at me. Oh no. "YOU?!!!" I shouted, then covered my mouth. It was the alpha I had mated with. Her face turned into a smirk, "Well hello.."

Author's note:

Did you see it coming?

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