Chapter 19

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POV | Yeji

No.. I don't blame her. But I should. I walked out of the bathroom with fresh clothes on and sat on the bed next to Ryujin. She looked down, "I-I'm sorry.." I sighed, "Please stop apologizing, it just makes me feel worse."

"How does it make you feel worse if I did the worse thing?" Ryujin asked. "I-I don't know.. let's just move on.." She slowly nodded and turned on the TV. We watched a marathon of a show all day, laughing at the jokes together, and talking about the characters. "I got my brother to bring us some food if that's okay." Ryujin put her arm around my shoulder, "Of course."

I blushed, and laid my head on her, "I love this show.. I never thought anyone would want to watch it with me.." Ryujin chuckled, "K-dramas? Hell yes! K-dramas are the best!" I smiled, cuddling.. my fiancée. She moved the stray hairs out of the way.

POV | Ryujin

What am I doing? I have to stick to this plan. I can't be cuddling with her.. but she looked happy. Maybe I do need to show her my kind heart. Kill her with kindness. I sniffed her hair. "What.." She always gets concerned when I sniff because she thinks I'll mark her. "You smell good.."

Yeji nodded, sitting up. Damnit. I laid my head on her shoulder, "She should definitely leave that guy for that girl." Yeji blinked, "Who?" I said, "Heeyoung, the main character." Yeji pursed her lips, "Oh, sorry.. I wasn't paying attention." I raised my eyebrows and held her tighter to me. "Are you okay?" Yeji closed her eyes, "No."

I put my hand on her thigh, "Tell me what's going on.." Yeji opened her eyes and looked into my soft eyes. "I-I.. don't know.." I respond, "This is about me isn't it?" She slowly nodded. "Look I'm sorry if I-" Yeji interrupted, "No, this is all my fault." I blinked, "What are you talking about?"

Yeji was hiding something and that's when I knew.. she had already fallen for me. So what do I do now? Now that I said all that stuff about divorcing her and everything, she's probably afraid of going for me. Damnit! You are a dumb alpha! I lifted her chin, "I-" Her brother opened the door. Yeji quickly got up, "Ssang! Thank you for bringing us food!"

"Why are you talking like that.." Her brother questioned and looked at me. "I'm just really thankful for you that's all! I'm gonna get us drinks fiancée, I'll be right back!" Yeji got past Hyunjin. "What the fuck did you do to my sister?" He locked the door, coming over to me. "You won't tell her this, will ya?" Hyunjin says, "I just want to keep my sister safe and free from heartbreak. I don't like you. I don't like what I've seen from you at least."

I glared, "Your sister fell in love with me."

Hyunjin gasped, "Are you kidding me?! That fucking-"

I interrupted, "Don't call my fiancée names.. she's mine, you know."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Like you actually care about my sister."

I gasped, touching my chest, "Of course I care about her. We're about to get married."

"You just wanna use her, don't you? Use her for the money, sex, everything, and then divorce her."

I growled, "I would never use her or never divorce her."

Hyunjin said, "You've turned my sister into something I don't like at all. She was drinking and had a mess downstairs last week, she mouthed off to our parents, and her attitude and behavior were off. You ruined my sister."

I hissed, "I did not! You should've seen last night when she asked me to love with her which we did, all night."

"You did what?!!"

I yelled, "She did it! She wanted it!"

Hyunjin said, "You're a monster, first taming my sister, then turning her into this, I mean I barely see my sister anymore."

I said, "She loves me and I love her. She's just confused and doesn't see that we belong together."

"That's bullshit. Stay the fuck away from my sister or I call this arrangement off." Hyunjin got all defensive.

"She's my omega, my love, my fiancée, and everything to me, we're getting married, and I am gonna make her fall in love with me!"

"Good luck trying that." Hyunjin opened the door and then slammed it.

Author's note:

Ryujin is so trying so hard 👀


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