Chapter 22

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| Time-Lapse | Friday night

POV | Yeji

I walked into the bakery, looking at my fiancée making Halloween-styled pastries. I chuckled, putting my around her, "I want that one." The alpha jumped, "Damn you scared me." I laughed, hugging her. Ryujin says, "How was your visit with your grandparents?" I nuzzled my head in her neck, "Good, but something was wrong." Ryujin pulled away, "What?" She had frosting on her face. It was kinda cute.

I licked the frosting off her nose and cheeks, "Sorry that bothered me." Ryujin laughed, "It's okay, now what went wrong? Did they yell at you or something?" I hugged her waist, "You weren't there." The alpha laid her head on mine, "I missed you too.." Her father walked in, "Oh Yeji! Did you just get back?"

I nodded, pulling away from her. After that night I hurt my back, the next morning I got a call saying my grandparents wanted to see me so I had been gone for another 4 days. I'm sorta tired of vacations honestly. I just wanna lay in bed with Ryujin and watch K-dramas together but she's busy.

Monday is Halloween and she has a big rush on Halloween treats. She was gonna try to teach me to bake to help her this week but I had another trip. I sorta felt bad for leaving again. She was alone all week. I really didn't know where we stood at that point. Were we okay? Were we in love? I didn't know.

"Yeah, my flight just landed, and the first thing I did was to check on this one." I pinched her whisker dimples and kissed her cheek. Her dad has been beginning to accept us out of all our parents which is exciting. "Aww, very loyal," Ryujin's father looked at Ryujin, "You guys can head home, I've got the rest from here." Ryujin nodded, taking her apron off.

"How's Hongsam?" I asked about my dog, hoping she didn't kill him while I was gone. Ryujin smirked, "Well.." I widened my eyes, "Ryujin!! What the fuck did you do to my dog?!" Her father quickly budged in, "Are you okay?" I covered my mouth, "Oh I didn't mean to curse." Ryujin laughed, putting her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about it dad," She took my hand and went out the back door. 

I was kinda nervous now. "Are you gonna answer me or not?" I asked when I got in her truck. "Depends. I think you'll like it though."

My eyes went around, "W-what.."

She kissed my cheek, changing the subject, "Have you eaten?"

I crossed my legs, "Yes." Ryujin nodded, not saying anything.

"Did you eat?" I finally asked the question. I was concerned about her, especially after not seeing, speaking, or texting her for 4 days. Yeah, she didn't even text me which led me to believe she was busy for the holiday.

"Y-yeah.." She hesitated to say, making me feel uneasy. Ryujin was lying to me. Why would she lie about eating? Or was she just overworking herself which led to not having enough time to eat? Aww.. my poor alpha. I reached over, whispering in her ear, "I'm still hungry though, could you stop at McDonald's and get me something?"

I was craving for a fry and a milkshake but I was gonna order a lot because I know she would refuse to order anything so I would just give her my food. I got to know my fiancée over this past month and knew her likes, dislikes, hates, loves, body language to certain situations, what certain faces meant, her speech pattern, and more. Those are things I pick up about a person, quite quickly.

"Sure," She responded. And then there was a silence between us but the radio had soft music on. I glanced over at her and couldn't help but notice she looked pale. What if she wasn't eating? "How have you been holding up?" I asked, caring about her.

There was another silence. "Ryu?" I put my hand on hers. "Hm?" She hummed, looking at me. Her eyes looked oozy and there were bags under her eyelids. "Honey, are you okay?" I used the pet name, wanting to make sure she was okay, one, I cared about her, two, she was driving me and I wanted to know if she was okay to do so.

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