Chapter 5

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POV | Yeji

As soon as we were done packing, we used Ryujin's truck to load all our stuff. "How many fucking things do you have?!" Ryujin groaned as she was on the back, trying to pack everything in.

I handed her another bag, "That is no way to treat your fiancée!" Ryujin looked at me, "I thought we weren't really going with this thing. Remember you hate me?" I chuckled, "Yeah, that's the whole point." Ryujin huffed, stuffing everything as I handed bags and boxes. "Aye! Be careful with that!" Ryujin set the bag down harshly, "What? It's just a whole bunch of junk. Do you even need this stuff?"

"I don't know, are you Yeji?" I said. "Stop being a smart ass and tell me what's in here." I bit my lip, "It's my stuff, why do you care?" Ryujin says, "Because now that we're getting married, I need to know stuff about you, and you can start off by giving me your number."

"Oh.. are you flirting with me?" I touched my chest, tilting my head. Ryujin got down since that was the last bag, and pulled up the tailgate. "No, I need your number.. so.. I can contact you." I pulled out of my phone, "Don't put something stupid as your name." I clicked my tongue, watching her type her number in and pull out her phone.

The alpha handed me my phone back and I saw the name. "Fiancée" Not too bad I guess. "Come on, we gotta make it before my dad makes a fuss." I nodded, getting in the passenger seat. Ryujin started driving to the house.

"So.. my father suggested we.. go on a date tomorrow," The alpha's deep voice made me snap out of my thoughts. I looked over, "Date?" Ryujin gripped the steering wheel which I just figured gripping things was a habit of hers, especially after that night. "We have to pretend we're getting closer, you know."

"That doesn't mean we are," I respond, looking out the window. "Stop being difficult." I put my feet up on the dashboard, "Stop being a demanding alpha." Ryujin grabbed my neck, "Shut up." I put her hand down, "What did I say about your nasty hands?" Ryujin grumbled, "The nasty hands that fucked your pussy hard and made you scream in pleasure?"

When I didn't respond, she hissed, "Get your feet down." I only crossed my arms. Ryujin growled vigorously, "UGH! You're fucking killing me!" I chuckled, loving to mess with the alpha. I finally put my feet down and sat up. Ryujin shook her head at it, and mumbled, "Dumb omega." I smiled.

| Time-Lapse | 1 hour later

We had just got done with all the rules our family set on our relationship. We had to stay in a room together too. I mean are you fucking kidding me?

So here we were, silent while unpacking our things in the master bedroom. The house was fucking huge. I don't even know how they were able to pay for it, honestly. Not that I was complaining though.

I laid down on our bed, looking up at the ceiling

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I laid down on our bed, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm gonna head over to the bakery babe." Babe?! Ryujin leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Ew! Don't touch me!" I moved away. Ryujin took her jacket off me, and put it on, "I had to distract you so I could get my jacket back. Goodbye fiancée." She laughed and walked out.

I immediately called Chaeryeong. "Hey Chaery, just so you know, I'm now getting engaged to Ryujin, and I don't have the time to explain, I'm sure she will, but don't mention the thing that happened that night, okay?" Chaeryeong said, "Oh.. okay.. wow.. we'll talk tomorrow, bye." She hung up.

So now I was alone. It's been a while since I've been alone in a house. So I took this time to go through Ryujin's things, trying to learn more about her. She liked rainbow a lot that's for sure. "Another homosexual in the house.." I chuckled, looking through more stuff.

I never knew the alpha could look so.. cute as a child. I wonder what it would've been like to meet 5-year-old Ryujin. I caressed the edge of the picture, flinching when I felt a hand on my waist. "Hey.. I just thought I'd check on you." It was my twin brother.

"Fuck you scared me Ssang!" I punched his shoulder. Hyunjin laughed, "That was what I was going for. Where's the fiancée?" I rolled my eyes, plopping down on the bed, "Enough about her, I'm sick of thinking and talking about it." He nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Okay.. I'm gonna bring Hongsam tomorrow if that's okay with you."

"Sure," I responded, and stretched a bit. "So how have you been?" My twin asked, leaning back on the bed. "Could be better." Hyunjin gave a sad smile, "I'm sorry you have to go through this. I should've been the one in your spot."

"But you have a boyfriend, and you're an alpha. Hyunjin, I'm fine. It's not the best thing that could happen but I have to live with it." I petted his head and laid next to him. He hugged me, saying, "I wish things were easier, Ssang." I played with his fluffy blonde hair, nuzzling my head against his, "Yeah me too.."

"I'm" Ryujin's voice changed quickly when she saw me hugging him. I opened my eyes, gulping hard. "I'm gonna go.." Hyunjin kissed my cheek, standing up, and flinching when he saw Ryujin.

POV | Ryujin

My blood was boiling. Seeing my girl with another man? Wait.. she's not even my girl. And that's her brother. I still got jealous though. She was mine. "Hi, Ryujin." He bowed.

I went over to the omega, and kissed her lips, "Hello Hyunjin.." I gritted my teeth while saying his name. Yeji widened her eyes at me. "And hello fiancée," I kissed her again, sniffing Hyunjin's scent. It made my nose and eye twitch.

"Uhhh.. I'll leave!" Hyunjin walked out. "W-what the fuck?!!!" Yeji yelled, scooting back away from me. I was furious. I climbed on top of the omega, biting her neck hard, and made marks, "Mine! Mine! Mine!!" Yeji's heart started to pound again and tilted her head up to give me access.

"Ahhh~!" She moaned, scratching my back with her nails. No one gets near my sweet omega. My anger stopped after a few minutes so I pulled my teeth out of her neck and realized what I did. She pushed me, "Get off of me!" I gulped, going to my side. I felt guilt.

"Why did I say about touching me?! You can't handle your fucking hormones! This is why I wanted to sleep in the other room but you insisted we sleep together because you didn't want to disobey your parents! I don't want fucking touched! Is that too much to ask for?! And are you fucking jealous of my fucking brother?! Are you fucking insane?! Dumb alpha!" The omega screamed her lungs out at me and went into our bathroom, slamming the door.

Author's note:

I think Yeji liked it 😏


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