Chapter 18

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POV | Yeji

I gulped as my heat took over my body. Why did I have to get in heat when she's gone? And shouldn't that be a good thing?  I squeezed my thighs together, "H-help.." My little voice cried out. I needed an alpha.

I cried from the pain, my panties feeling soaked, and my body so hot that my thighs and legs were twitching. I bit my lip, looking over at my phone, "Don't do it Yeji.. don't do it.." I tilted my head back, "Deal with it.. how did you do it before?" I slid my hand in my panties, starting to make a circle motion with my hand, "I-I need Ryujin.." I cried, pushing harder. I couldn't hit it as hard. It didn't satisfy me enough.

Once Ryujin mated with me, nothing felt her like touch. I started thinking about last night and how she gave me those sweet kisses all over my body. Oh to only have her doing that to me right now. "R-Ryujin.." I moaned her name but there was no Ryujin. She wasn't here. She left her bags here but she just left.

I pressed harder, "D-deal with it.. you can do it.. don't ask her for her help.." I screamed in pleasure when I hit the right spot, "Ah yeah.. fuck that felt good.." I slowly closed my eyes, feeling my orgasm ripple through my body. It still didn't feel as good as when Ryujin would do it... I wasn't completely satisfied.

POV | Ryujin

"Another one," I said as Heejin came over. "Ryu, that's a bit much. Are you sure you're okay? Nothing happened with your fiancée?" I hissed, "Forget about her, I just need a drink." Heejin says, "Well aren't you changing for her? Stopping your drinking and flirtatious ways?" I slammed my hand on the counter, "Just get me a fucking drink!"

"Ryujin.." Heejin's girlfriend, Hyunjin said. "What are you doing here?" Heejin asked her. "I was planning to visit you but it seems like Ryujin and I need to catch up." I sighed, putting my head on the counter. "She's hurting," Heejin said. "I'm not hurting, I'm okay!" I tilted my head up to say. "Okay, okay, come on, stop harassing my girlfriend." Hyunjin pulled me over to the booth.

Hyunjin holds my hands, "Heejin told me you got engaged."

I nodded, "Yes."



"So do you like her?"

"Yes, but she doesn't like me"

"Knowing you, you've come up with a plan to make her fall in love with you, haven't you?"

"Correct," I chuckled.

"Has it worked?"

"She's confused and anytime something happens in the bed, she'll start yelling at me. Honestly, I think she's just having second thoughts and that's what makes her lash out like that but I'm not.. her."

"Ah, I see. I had a friend like that back in the day, that's what led us to.. splitting up."


"Yeah. Well, I've gotta busy day in front of me.. don't push things with her, give her space, maybe ignore or avoid if you have to, and I hope I'll get to meet you two at the party next week."

Knowing Hyunjin was Heejin's girlfriend, Heejin probably got invited, and decided to take her girlfriend. But for some reason there are gonna people that Yeji doesn't like so we have to be sneaky to get her there. That's gonna be interesting, especially with the fight we're in right now.

"Okay, bye Hyunjin." She smiled, "Bye Ryujin." Hyunjin got up and left after a word with Heejin. I sighed, trying to sober up with water before going home. I wonder what she could be doing. Maybe she's crying over me, I did leave pretty harshly.

| Time-Lapse | 30 minutes later

I opened the front door but I didn't see her anywhere. I went up to our bedroom but she wasn't there either. "Yeji.." I looked around more. She was in our closet, hiding in my clothes. "Ahh! Fuck! Don't scare me like that, bitch!" Yeji huffed, "Don't call me a bitch."

I took a deep breath, "Why are you in my clothes?" Yeji stayed quiet. "Yeji? What? Do you need clothes or something?" She looked down, "I-I.. had... an...... accident." I blinked, trying to see what she meant. She pointed down, "You know?" I sniffed, smelling the afterward of a heat-oh my god. She was in heat while I was gone. Damnit!

The smell was driving me crazy. I landed my head in the clothes, sniffing her neck. "S-stop.." She whacked my head with a hanger. I groaned, grabbing my head, "Come out omega.." Yeji kicked me, "Stay away from me, this is exactly why I'm in here." I was going insane. "I'll make you feel good.."

"N-no.. please.. I just need underwear." The smell got stronger. My eyes started to burn, "Omega.. I need you.." She hugged her knees, holding my flannels to cover herself. "Come on.. let me smell your scent.." I growled, getting angry. My inner alpha took over my body. "P-please.. you've gone crazy.." I grabbed her ankle, "Because you make me crazy. I can't control it."

"I-I'll take a shower, just let me go.." I pulled her by her neck out, and took her out of the shelf, starting to sniff her neck. "N-no!!" The omega squirmed. "Calm down.." I smacked her waist, and then sucked her sweet spot, tasting the flavor that calmed down my hormones. I took a slow breath and held the omega in my arms, marking her neck to show she was mine. I kissed her ear, "There, that's all I needed."

Yeji pulled away, "C-can you give me underwear now?" She squeezed her thighs together not wanting me to see. I gave her a pair of mine, "There. I'm sorry, I just can't handle your scent.." She nodded, and stayed a good distance from me, sliding the underwear on. "Fuck my eyes.." The aftermath of it is that my eyes get itchy. I rubbed my eyes, "Ah!! It hurts!"

The omega grabbed my arm, taking me somewhere which led to water being poured on my face. I opened my eyes, them still burning and hurting, "T-take a shower and get that scent off you before I scratch my eyeballs out.." She nodded, pushing me out of the bathroom. "Damnit what is wrong with me.. that fucking scent.. ugh."

Author's note:


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