Chapter 12

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POV | Ryujin

"Yah!" She got on my back again when we got out of my truck. I carried her inside and then dumped her on the couch, starting to tickle her. She squealed and squirmed, laughing as I tickled her sensitive spots. I couldn't forget the one on her neck. "Ah!!" The omega screamed and tried pushing me.

I smiled and kissed her cheek, "That's what you get for hurting my back." I got off her, and listened to her say, "Fine." I chuckled, going upstairs. I laid down on the bed because I was just extremely tired. Yeji stood in the doorway, "A-am I aloud.. to sleep.. here?" I say, "It's our bedroom." Yeji nodded and gets on the bed.

"D-do you want me to massage your back?" I said, "You can do what you want." I flipped over and took off my shirt along with my bra. Yeji climbed onto me and put her hands on my shoulders, massaging them softly and hard at the same time. I tilted my head and moaned, "That feels good.." The omega was proving that she was sweet and I was here for it.

"I noticed there haven't been any bottles opened.. are you trying to stay sober?" Yeji asked while hitting a spot on my back. "Yeah.." She then laid on my back and started working my waist which meant her head was beside me. I tilted my head to face her so our faces were inches away. "How come?" I could feel her hot breath hit my face. I focused on those lips,  "I just wanted to.. be better.."

"For me?" Yeji asks, leaning in. "Yeah.." I closed my eyes, ready to kiss her when the door fucking opened. Why did that have to happen?! "H-hey.." Chaeryeong was there. Yeji looked pissed. She whispered in my ear, "Don't sit up." I nodded, listening to the omega. She got up and sat on my ass while putting my bra on along with my shirt. "For me or her?" I asked and pulled down my shirt. "Well, I kinda have to speak to you.." Chaeryeong says to me.

I kissed her cheek, and stroked her hair, "Thank you for.. that." Yeji nodded, looking disappointed. I was too. I was about to get to kiss her. "What's up?" I said as I closed the door and pulled down my shirt more. "First of all, what the hell were you doing in there?" I answer, "She gave me a massage." Chaeryeong said, "Because?" I huffed, "Just cut to the chase."

"Fine. I just wanted to let you know that we're having a Halloween party and you two are invited." I blinked, "Why couldn't you tell the both of us?" Chaeryeong sighed, "Well there's gonna be some people there that Yeji hasn't seen in years and she won't want to go if she knows that, so keep it hidden for a while, and then take her there without saying what it is. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure." I stroked my hair back. "How's it going?" Chaeryeong gave a side tilt to the bedroom. "She almost kissed me. There's a lot of stuff I could tell you but I don't wanna make her mad if we're keeping secrets from her.. which we are.." Chaeryeong kissed my cheek, "Take care." I kissed her cheek back, "You too!" I had heard something right as Chaeryeong kissed my cheek and I looked back to see Yeji standing there. "Really? Kissing each other's cheeks?"

I opened my mouth but she closed the door. I then opened it, watching her punch the bed. "Calm down, jealous." Yeji glared, "I'm not jealous!" I turned on the TV, and chuckled, "Try that again." Yeji angrily took the remote, "We're watching what I wanna watch." I sighed, "Fine." Yeji put it on a Disney movie and got close to me, putting her arm around my waist. I couldn't help but blush. I put the blanket over us, and moved her hand, placing my hand on her waist because I knew that's what she wanted.

| Time-Lapse | 6 days later

Things had gone.. smoothly I guess. I spent 4 days at my parent's house along with Yeji and we had gotten back 2 days ago which were full with long shifts at work.

I had gotten home from work before Yeji and started brainstorming ideas on my laptop about things to do for the engagement party. Like what could I do to make people seem we were in love. So I thought about singing a song and taking videos and pictures of her.

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