Chapter 11

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POV | Yeji

I was having a whole party at the house expect it was only me. I was the one drinking now. Drinking the hundred dollar champagne I had bought with Ryujin's money. I was tired of being treated like shit.

"HWANG YEJI!" Ryujin screamed as she got in the door with her arms crossed, and her whole body soaked from the rain. I put both my middle fingers up and poured more champagne while the blasting music went off. She was pissed, and I loved every second of it.

Ryujin turned off the music, "Do you know how much I do for you?! I mean I barely even know you but I've cared for you, made you feel the best pleasure, made you cinnamon rolls after I was exhausted, and this is how I get treated?!" I threw the bottle, "Oh shut up! You treat me like shit!"

"You're becoming me! Stop it! Clean this whole mess up!" I stuck my tongue out, "No! You do it!" Oh.. shit. Police sirens were right outside our house and the lights flashed in the windows, almost blinding me. "Yeji.. what the fuck.." Ryujin hit her forehead, "Wait till my dad finds about this, you'll be dead." I gulped, hearing the knock on the door, "Police!"

Ryujin shut her eyes, "Fuck you Yeji." The alpha went up to the door, "Hello.." The police officers said, "Please let us come in." Ryujin sighed again, looking back at me, and mouthed it again, "Fuck you." I bit my lip as she opened the door fully. "We got an alert from a neighbor, saying that it was too noisy, and heard glass breaking, for the past two nights, care to explain?"

Ryujin responded, "I'm sorry about that officer, my fiancée decided that it would be okay to do that when I wasn't home." Oh don't act like you didn't do it last night. "Fiancée?" The officer questioned. I slowly raised my hand. Ryujin grabbed my arm, pulling me up from the couch, making me feel dizzy. "Yes, my sweet sweet sweet sweet fiancée." She gave a crooked smile.

"Ma'am, how old are you and what's your name?" I licked my lips, "26 and.. Hwang Yeji.." Ryujin dug her nails into my shoulders, being pissed. "P-please don't announce it to the public.." The officer wrote stuff down on his notepad, "And why is that?" Ryujin answered, "We want a private life, that's all." The officer nodded and pointed with his pen, "So this is your significant other?"

"Y-Yeah.." The officer handed Ryujin a pad and pen, "I need you to sign this and pay a fine." Ryujin glared at me, "You're lucky you have me to pay this." I felt bad. I felt bad for doing this all. "I-I know.. thank you.." Ryujin let out another sigh and signed it, "There." She handed it to him. "Now if we have to come back, we're taking you to the station." I nodded, waving, "Thank you officers.."

They nodded and walked out. Ryujin shook her head, "Don't say anything to me. Sleep on the couch, I'm done with it." She went upstairs. "W-wait.. Ryujin.." Ryujin yelled, "No! Don't speak to me!" She slammed the door hard. 

"Why was the police here, Ssang?" Hyunjin walked in with my dog. "Oh my god, why is this place so messy?" He looked around. I closed my eyes, "Don't say anything to mom or dad. I really don't wanna talk right now." Hyunjin chuckled, "What, did you kill your fiancée already?" I shook my head, "Just leave.."

Hyunjin nodded, saying, "Goodbye Hongsam.." My dog barked. Then he left. I sloppily laid on the couch, and looked up at the ceiling, "It's been almost 4 days and this is already fucked up. Ugh, I hate marriage or whatever this is." I pulled my dog on me and cried myself to sleep.

| Time-Lapse | The next morning

POV | Ryujin

I woke up to barking? What the fuck? Then I opened my eyes, seeing Hwang Yeji be pulled by her hair by a dog. Yeji was whining and still had her eyes closed. The dog ruffed and dropped her right by the side of my bed. I laughed, looking at the dog. Yeji pushed the dog, "Stop stupid dog.."

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