Chapter 8

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POV | Ryujin

"Ryeongchae! Geez! You scared me. What didn't you say you were coming?" Chaeryeong laughed, and pulled me into a hug, "You don't want to see me?" I nuzzled my head in her neck, "I always want to see you."

"Oh, I forgot my.. phone.." Yeji came back in and.. Hwang Yeji was jealous?!! Well, Chaeryeong and I got the chance to catch up and she told me she and Yeji were best friends. Chaeryeong and I used to be best friends. What a small world.

But.. I couldn't tell if Yeji was jealous of Chaeryeong or me. Damnit! That cinnamon roll sweetened up Yeji and now that she saw us hugging.. I'm pretty sure she's cold again. I pulled away from the hug and looked back at the omega. She looked pissed while looking for her phone. I could tell by her heels tapping the floor hard. Damn, she's hot in heels though.

"Chaery, are we still on for tomorrow?" She asked Chaeryeong in this voice that you could tell she was upset. What a clever nickname too. "S-sure.. enough with that nickname unnie! Why don't you have a nickname for your soon-to-be wife?" I stood there, cracking my knuckles, and looking at them. Yeji says, "I don't need a nickname if she's just gonna leave me."

I widened my eyes. She hadn't forgotten about that divorce threaten. Chaeryeong looked at me, "What is she talking about?" I scratched my head, "Well.. I want a divorce once this whole thing ends." Yeji looked down when I said that. "But we if you fall in love with each other?" Yeji says, "There's no way that will happen."

My chest ached when she said that. Yeji blurted out, "You know what are you two doing here, hugging, and all that shit? Are you just planning this without me? Do you not want me to attend your little dates?" Ouch. "I thought you didn't care about what I do in my life." I shot back, defeating the omega once again.

Yeji finally found her phone and kissed my cheek, "GOODBYE FIANCÉE! SEE YOU TONIGHT AT OUR DATE!" She shouted, and slammed the back door. "Woah, Woah.. what's going on back here?!" My dad rushed back in here. I was still shocked. The omega has so many sides to her and they're now coming out.

"Uh... Yeji.. got a little upset.." Chaeryeong scoffed, "A little?" My dad's eyes lit up, "Ryeongchae?!" They both hugged. "Oh, it's been so long since I've seen you, Mr. Shin!" Chaeryeong was excited. I mean Chaeryeong was like family to us. "Yeah, it's been years! Anyways, I've gotta get back to work, I just heard yelling, so I wanted to make sure things were okay."

Chaeryeong responded, "Fiancée fights." I bit my lip. My dad patted my shoulder, "They're brutal. Just keep moving." He then walked out. Well, my dad is in a good mood from that cinnamon roll too. I need to find that recipe because first thing tomorrow, I'm making cinnamon rolls at home for Yeji when she wakes up.

"Why don't we go sit out there?" I asked the beta. "Sure," Chaeryeong responds and walks with me. We sat at a table and got coffees which led to a conversation. "So you're wanting to divorce Yeji?" She looked at me. "Don't tell her, but I'm just joking with her. I want her to fall in love with me and then she's gonna be the one asking me to fall in love with her but this whole time I have." I whispered, making sure no one would hear but Chaeryeong.

"Ah, good plan. But I'd be careful Ryu. Yeji is a very delicate person. She seems really cold and angry when you first meet her, but she'll soften up." I said, "That cinnamon softened her up. She hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder. I don't know I just saw a different Yeji today.. and that was after I threatened her with the divorce this morning. But when she saw us together, she brought it back up to hurt me, but then I hurt her."

"See? This is why you have to be careful." I sighed, "I know Ryeongchae, I know." Chaeryeong put her hand on my shoulder, "It'll be okay. What's one thing Yeji hates that you do?" I chuckled, "Drink." Chaeryeong says, "Then let's start with that, be sober today, and see how she reacts. Or no, do it tomorrow, because then she'll see that you drink every day. So just pound yourself with alcohol and then be super nice tomorrow."

"I was planning on making her those cinnamon rolls tomorrow so that could work." Chaeryeong nodded, "Yeah, show her a different side." I winked, and hugged the other, "Thank you for coming." Chaeryeong said, "Anytime. Embarrass the hell out of her on that date." I smiled, "You know me, I will." She got up, and opened the door, "Bye Ryu!" I licked my lips, "Bye Ryeongchae!" I sighed, "Well this is gonna be a long day."

| Time-Lapse | 8 hours later

I pounded myself with alcohol as Chaeryeong said. I was naked, yes naked, on the couch, and drowning myself with it. I actually loved the feeling of drinking though so I didn't mind.

"Ryujin! Why aren't you answering your phone... holy shit." She covered her eyes and turned around. "W-what.." I rolled my eyes and popped another bottle cap off. "Get some damn clothes on!" Yeji still was covering her eyes. "Oh shush up! You've seen me naked!" I threw the bottle at her. "Ow!! What is wrong with you?!" Yeji turned around, seeing all the drinks.

I smirked, "Want to join?" Yeji yelled, "Hell no! Ryujin!!! You need to stop drinking!" She started picking up the bottles. I drank a bottle while she was cleaning it up but she grabbed it, making it fall to my boobs. Ha. "Don't touch me there.." I hissed, watching her struggle to grab the bottle. "Oh my god! You're holding it there dumbass!" I let it go and yelled, "Don't call me a dumbass! I'm the fucking alpha!"

Yeji threw all the bottles away and yanked on my arm, making me stand up. I fell back on the taller omega and starting sliding down. "Why the fuck do I have to deal with this.." She murmured and grabbed under my armpits, pulling my shoulders up. I was pretty drunk so I could barely tell what was going on.

POV | Yeji

"Ryujin!" She hit the ground, making her ass hit on my fucking feet which made me feel her wetness! What the actual fuck?! There was no way I could carry her that way. She was too heavy for me. I picked the alpha up from the front, trying to keep my eyes up, but those damn abs... I wanted to see them again.

Her boobs kept flashing my face which I hated since.. I liked them. Ryujin smirked and started kissing my neck. She was so drunk. "Stop it!" I tilted my head which only gave her more access. I smelled the alcohol on her breath and saw her tired eyes. I thought we had a date tonight. I put her down on the bed and rushed to the closet to get clothes for her.

"Ryeongchae that's a good plan.." The alpha mumbled. "Good plan?" I raised my eyebrow and started putting clothes on her like she was a baby. Where did I even sign up for this? Ryujin whined, flipping her head from side to side. I just saw a 5-year-old in my arms. I was now buttoning her pants which she kicked my you know what. "Fuck!" Oh no. Oh no. Oh no!!!

The heat started to build up. Ryujin immediately sat up, sniffing, and crawling onto me. "N-no..." I whimpered, leaning back, trying to get away from the alpha. She bit my neck, making me wail. "S-stop.. h-help.." My little omega voice cried. I tried pushing her off but she was too heavy. "Mine.. mine.. mine.." The alpha growled, marking my neck all over. My body continued to heat up.

Author's note :

What do you guys think will happen 👀?

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