Chapter 28

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POV | Ryujin

"WE HAVE TO FIND HER!" I yelled, throwing stuff around at the police station. "We can't put police out if she hasn't been missing for 24 hours, ma'am. She'll show up." I stomped, "No she won't! She's gone! Someone has her! I know it! Why would she be gone for 7 hours?!" I was worried sick.

"Ma'am calm down, didn't you say you got in a fight?" I cried, "I don't care about a fight! She's gone! I know something is wrong! She hasn't even been to the house! I know her scent anywhere!" He shut his computer, "Ma'am, I suggest you get some sleep. You look tired." I rubbed my eyes, "I need to find my fiancée!" He escorted me out of the building.

"What happened?" Lia asked. "He can't put police out because she hasn't been missing for 24 hours. Lia, she's gone, something is wrong.." Lia hugged me, "Hey, hey.. calm down.. I'm sure she just.. what if she went back to Jeonju?" I said, "I already checked. There were no trains out last night.." Lia bit her lip, "What about her phone? What was its last location?" I pulled out my phone, looking to see. "The middle of nowhere.. it's probably not even accurate.."

"She could be there idiot! Let's go!"

It took us 30 minutes to get there and once we did, I started yelling, "Yeji! Yeji! Come out!" I gasped, stepping on something. Gowon's grave?! "LIA!" I yelled. She quickly ran to me. She gasped too. "I-I thought they never found the body!" I quickly pulled out my phone again, calling Tzuyu. "Tzuyu, where was the place, Gowon.. you know."

"Uh.. some house near a field. Why?" My heart started racing. I sniffed, and sniffed, "Y-Yeji.. she was here." Lia yelled, "What?! Ryujin you've gone insane!" I kneeled. "Ryujin? What's going on?!" Tzuyu yelled. Lia grabbed the phone, "Yeji is missing." I sniffed more, finding a lock of Yeji's hair. I cried, "YEJI!" Lia dropped the phone. "W-what.." I screamed louder, "YEJIIIIII!" My voice echoed.

⚠️¡TW! ⚠️

POV | Yeji

I grumbled, trying to get out of cuffs. "You're gonna kill your own sister?!" Hyunjin put the knife to my neck, "Shut up, I did it once." I winced, looking up at him, "W-what.." Hyunjin put the knife down, "You know who I'm talking about."

"I-I didn't even know you killed people! You're a sicko! What did I ever do to you?!"

Hyunjin hissed, "You. You ruined everything for me."

I yelled, "I didn't do anything! I just got my heartbroken and now you're gonna kidnap me and kill me?! What the fuck did I miss?!"

"Stop yelling!" Hyunjin yells.

I bit my lip, knowing he had a knife so I stopped.

"You always get everything Yeji. You got all the attention for mom and dad, you got all the good grades. You always got accepted. Everyone loves you and left me all alone! Remember when we used to play all the time?! Then we were gonna live our lives together when we went to college?!"


"Then she came in the picture! She even has my own name! She replaced me and you left me! You left me all alone! I tried SOO hard to fit in with all your friends but it had to be a girl thing. This is what you deserve. You deserve a broken heart and you deserve to die!!"

I screamed, "Please!! Don't hurt me!!" I scooted back.

"You know I'm glad Ryujin fucked you up." Hyunjin got closer to me, the knife shining.

I cried, "Don't bring her into this, she loves me!" What am I saying?

Hyunjin was about to say something when his phone rang. "Bubba! Why are you calling?" He answered in his nice voice. Was he just playing this all pretend? He was a cold-blooded killer. My brother. Ugh.

I whimpered, looking over at my phone notifications blowing up. Hyunjin went out of the room, leaving me in the living room. I quickly found something to cut the ropes on my hands. Once it cut, I immediately picked up my phone, the first person I answered was "Fiancée"

Sweet omega 😘: HEL

Hyunjin threw my phone across the room, making me scream in fear. He grabbed my hands, cuffing them again. "I leave you for one fucking minute and you got out-" I interrupted, "I'm sorry!" He growled, putting me up in a chair.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried, thinking about my lover. She was probably worried sick. Even though I hate her right now, doesn't mean she has to go through this or me to go through this either.

"You're getting what you deserve! That's all I'm gonna say!" The raise of his voice made me flinch.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, "Ssang, I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me please. I'll do anything."

"Why should you get a chance at life if you've ruined mine!" Hyunjin threw something.

My lip trembled, my mind trying to figure out a plan. Food. That's why I needed to do but I needed to do this first. "F-fine.. if you're gonna kill me, can I at least do a few things first?"

Hyunjin squinted his eyes, "Do what?"

"Ask you this. Did you kill Gowon?"

He smirked, "Ah, you've figured it out huh. She was our step-sister, the one that dad made another woman pregnant. I killed her. I wanted to be the only sibling and finally, I get this chance.."

I gulped, fiddling with my fingers behind the chair. "Let me call my wife.." Hyunjin hissed, "She's not your wife. She's gonna suffer without you because that's what she deserves.."

"Hyunjin, let me call her!"

He spat, "How dare you talk to me that way."

I cried, "Please.. you would want to call Felix.."

"Leave Felix out of this.. also how can I trust you that you won't tell her where we are.."

I widened my eyes, "I-I won't, I promise! I just want to say goodbye.."

Author's note:

Didn't expect that huh?

Looks like Ryujin won't be forgiving Hyunjin

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