Chapter 29

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POV | Ryujin

"HEL?! SHE MEANS HELP! LIA COME ON!" Lia quickly grabbed my hand, starting to run with me. Damn, I was in better shape, maybe it was good I lost all that weight. I have to stay strong for my omega. I can't break down now.

I ran and ran, not even knowing where I was going. I just needed to get to my baby. That's when my phone started ringing. I stopped, picking up, my mouth gasping when I saw her contact name, "Baby!! Are you okay? Where are you? I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." I managed to get out without passing out.

Yeji sniffled, "I-I love you.." I heard a man's voice, "Hurry up," I widened my eyes, then listening to her speak, "I love you Ryujin," She hiccuped. I whispered, "I love you too.." Yeji started crying, "Move on, have a good life." My heart stopped. "YEJI?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I cried aloud. "Don't tell her.." The man growled. She whimpered, "L-listen to me, just move on, find someone else, be happy okay?"

I balled my eyes out, "Y-Yeji!!" She started crying harshly, "I love you.." I swallowed hard, "Baby.. baby please my sweet omega.." The man said, "Sucks you didn't get to marry her before she died." He hung up. I fell to my knees, my whole body aching. "YEJIIIII!" I screamed, leaning back on my legs.

POV | Yeji

"RYUJINNNN!" I cried hard, hating to have to say goodbye that way. I wasn't gonna give up though. I still had a chance but I needed to do that in case.. I do end up dead before she marries me. I really don't give a fuck about what she did right now because this is life or death. I needed to play my cards right and forget about her so that way I could actually see her again well if I want to.

Fuck I hate my brother. He chuckled, "That was fun." I decided not to say anything but clench my jaw, again he had that knife. "I don't want to die on an empty stomach, can I at least have something to eat?" Hyunjin growled, "Fine." I bit my lip, "Lots of hot sauce. I heard it's good for a person to die." He looked at me strangely, "Ugh fine, this is the last thing I'll do for you, ha."

Here's my plan. I was gonna convince him to let me use my hands, get the hot sauce on my hands and then try to get him out of the room to get me a drink, while he's getting my drink, I would slide the hot sauce on the rope, making it slippery, enough for it come off. Then, I would tackle him with the hot sauce on my hands, shoving it in his eyes, if I have to, use the knife, and reach over for my phone right next to us.

Hyunjin came back in the room with some food. "How am I supposed to eat it?" Hyunjin blinked, "I'm not feeding you." I said, "Just take the cuffs off, I won't do anything." I had the best poker face not as good as Ryujin's though. "Fine.." He sighed, taking them off, and handed me my food. I pretended to choke and cough, "G-get me water.." Hyunjin growled, going into the kitchen. I quickly squirted the hot sauce on the rope, pulling on it, and fell to my knees.

Yes Yeji! I grabbed the knife, pointing it at his stomach when he came back. Hyunjin put his hands up, dropping the water, and widened his eyes. "Looks like poor Hyunjin lost another game.." I made a teasing face. "Y-Yeji! Let me go!" I pushed him to the wall, tracing it around his stomach, "You're my fucking brother and tried to kill me! Are you kidding?! You think you can just separate me from my wife?!" Hyunjin said, "I thought you hated her!"

I stayed quiet, no I hadn't forgotten about what she did but this wasn't the time for that. "Shut up! Here's how this is gonna work, you are gonna turn yourself in, or you die." I wasn't gonna actually kill him. I had a life. "B-but Felix.." I sighed, "Stay the fuck away from me and my family or you die." Hyunjin gulped, "O-okay.. I'm sorry.." He started crying. I took the knife away and hugged him. "Hah! Gotcha!" He put the knife to my stomach. I cried, "No! Don't do it! P-please! Someone help! Help meeee!"

To be continued...

Author's note:

What should happen? Curious to hear your thoughts!!

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