Chapter 13

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| Time-Lapse | Two days later

POV | Ryujin

Today, we got a break, and a mission.

Yeji yawned, "Why did you wake me up?" I held our hands together, "We get to do something today." Yeji looked at me with sleepy eyes. "Did you carry me to the car?" I nodded, "Yes and you were heavy." Yeji moved her pillow to my arm rest and laid there. I played with her hair with one hand while the other was on the steering wheel. I stopped playing with her hair for a second so I could turn in the loop.

"Mmh.. play with my hair.." Yeji whined. I chuckled, starting to play with it again. She smiled, and tried extending her feet out but she hit the door. I moved up the armrest and put her pillow on my lap. The omega laid there preciously. This was gonna be a good day. I could just tell. After an hour of driving, we finally arrived.

I took a moment to just look at the girl sleeping. How could someone be that perfect? "Wake up, sleepy head.." The omega opened her eyes, "Where are we?" I opened my door, picking her up, and having her stand up. She just hugged me really tightly though. "Come on, we have something to do." Yeji jumped on my waist, laying her head over my shoulder while I got all the stuff out.

I kissed her cheek, "Get up." Yeji whined, "I wanna sleep!!" I kissed her all over, "Then I'll just keep kissing you." She huffed, jumping down, "You're so mean, alpha." She's said that to me a lot now. "My dad says that we need to do something special for the engagement party so I thought we could do a dance."

POV | Yeji

"A dance?! What kind of dance?!" Ryujin took my hands and stepped on the concrete plaque thing. "Follow my steps," The alpha said, starting to do all that romantic dance stuff. I gulped, trying to follow. She took my arm, "Twirl," I twirled and slipped. Ryujin caught me, "Okay, we just gotta keep trying. Let me get the music." She turned on the music and we kept failing at it.

| Time-Lapse | Two hours later

"I'm tired.." I leaned on Ryujin. She put her arm around my waist, "I know, we have to nail this though. We actually need to make it seem we're a couple." I sighed and nodded, "Are you sure we can't do anything else?" Ryujin said, "We can't give up now." I yawned, "Fine."

Ryujin and I started dancing again and surprisingly we both got the steps right and when it came to the end, she caught me in her arms, "And that's where we'd kiss. Yes!! We did it!" Ryujin jumped up and down. I was excited too. "Woohoo!!" Ryujin smiled, "Let's go again but this time we'll act like we're doing it for real." I nodded, waiting for the music to start over.

We danced, twirled, stepped, everything. And went it got to the end Ryujin kissed me. I blinked, standing up, and she started bowing, facing the field. I chuckled, doing it with her. We held hands while bowing too. We both laughed and then hugged. "That was the longest two hours of my life," I said. Ryujin laughs, "Yeah me too." I pulled away, gathering some stuff up, and walked back to the truck.

Ryujin grabbed my hand which startled me. "S-sorry.. I.. I was just.. thinking that we could.. go on a date tonight.."

I blinked again, "Really? You're dad isn't making us?"

She scratched her head, "No.. I just thought since we haven't been eating together. I don't know.. you.. you don't have to."

I softened my eyes, "No, I will."

Her face lit up, "Really?"

I nodded.

"O-okay.. I kinda booked us a hotel room and I have a nice place we could go to.."

I opened my mouth, "W-wow.."

"D-don't worry.. I brought you some clothes and stuff. We're about two hours from home."

I bit my lip, "You really didn't have to do that.."

Ryujin bowed, "It's my pleasure."

I never knew the alpha was so.. romantic. She opened the door for me, "Here, let me get that." Did I just met a whole new person? "O-okay.." I got in the car, letting her close the door. "What the fuck.." I mumbled, waiting for her to get in the driver's.

"What's this surprise trip for?" I asked, currently thinking there had to be a reason behind it.

"Well.. we've had a long week and this is just a nice vacation.. also we haven't talked to each other in a while.."

I gulped, "You miss.. talking to me?"

Ryujin started driving, "Well we see each other everyday and I haven't seen you so.. I miss it."

I looked at her, "You saw me after work."

Ryujin said, "Well we went to bed then.."

"I find it hard to believe that you miss me.."

Ryujin bit her lip, "Believe it."

I perked my eyebrows, "I thought you didn't like me.."

The alpha stayed silent.

"I'll take that as a yes then.."

She looked over, "I-I just.. miss.. having someone to talk to.."

I crossed my legs, "You have Chaeryeong, Lia-"

"I have you."

"You have me?" I asked in confusion.

"That's what I said."

"Okay..." I looked out the window.

Then she pulled into a parking lot, opening the door for me, and got a picnic blanket along with a picnic basket. I was kinda shocked if I do say so myself. The alpha took my hand, "Follow me."

Author's note:

A little date hehe

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